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Showing 4 results for Hayat

M Khayatan, Aa Nasiri Pour, M Amini, Sm Mohamad Nejad,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (20 2011)

Background and Aim: In any country, one of the fundamental goals of health policymakers is to facilitate the people's access to treatment and health care services. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify factors that influence recievers' access to delivered services in urban health care services.

Materials and Methods: We performed this descriptive and cross sectional study in year 2008. We used the multi-stage sampling method for selecting 57 staffs of urban health care centers as statistical samples. The valid and reliable questionnaire for gathering data was designed. Data was analyzed by SPSS 2 version 13 software.

Results: Our findings indicate that mean scores of individual, geographical, financial and structural factor was 2.29 (61.4% with high impact), 2.42 (57.9% with high impact), 2.27 (56.1% with high impact) and 2.58 (86% with high impact), respectively. (Our mean score range was 0 to 3).

Conclusion: According to the assessment of employee's viewpoint of Urban Health Care Centers, all of four individual, geographical, financial and structural factors had high influence on person's access to health care services in Urban Health Care Centers. Consequently this study has presented suggestions (according to the findings) for improving access to delivered services in urban health care centers.

Mahmood Biglar , Yeganeh Hayati , Hojjat Rahmani, Zeynab Rajabnezhad , Hossein Dargahi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2014)

 Background and Aim: One of the most important factors to present successful managers is general health. If managers have not highly general health, then they will encounter many problems. Therefore, this research is aimed to induce the general health among Tehran University of Medical Sciences hospitals’ administrators. 

 Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional, deceptive and analytical study was conducted among 25 Tehran University of Medical Sciences hospitals administrators in Tehran, Iran. The research tool was general health questionnaire developed by Goldberg and Hillier to assess the administrators general health and its demographic details. Data was analyzed by SPSS software and using analytic statistical methods.

 Results: The results of this study showed that the hospitals administrators had normal range of general health. Also, there was significant correlation between anxiety with physical dysfunctions, and depression with physical dysfunctions, and anxiety with social functions.

 Conclusion: The rate of general health among TUMS hospitals administrators is higher than the other mangers compared with similar studies in Iran and out of Iran. Therefore, we suggest periodic medical examination, general health training, and consultant services to develop or maintain the general health among healthcare managers.


Mahdi Khayatan , Mohammad Hasan Mobaraki,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2014)

 Background and Aim: Entrepreneurial roles can be performed by managers at different levels. In fact, entrepreneurship can be interpreted as a tendency adopted by managers towards their environment in which they should have the ability to discover new opportunities for their innovative activities. This study aims to identify factors affecting entrepreneurial behavior of research centers managers at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).

 Materials and Methods: Considering the sample size determined through Cochran’s formula, 90 questionnaires were distributed among TUMS research centers managers. The data were analyzed based on structural equation modeling applying partial least squares approach through Smartpls.2 software.

 Results: Of the 90 questionnaires distributed, 67 were acceptable for study. The model created for effective factors enjoyed an acceptable goodness of fit index (GOF=0.49). Factors loading for the observed variables were above 0.4 and the constructs had an acceptable level of reliability and validity.

 Conclusion : The results show that contextual and behavioral factors have a positive effect on entrepreneurial behavior and that structural factors have a negative effect on it. 

Samaneh Heidarpourian, Minoo Shahidi, Ahmad Kazemi, Mohsen Razavi, Ali Basi, Parisa Hayat,
Volume 9, Issue 5 (2-2016)

Background and Aim: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a lymphoprolifrative disorder, which is very heterogeneous in prognosis. Therefore, the analysis of the prognostic factors should be very helpful in diagnosing patients with a poor prognosis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between circulating Endothelial cells number with VWF levels along with the other hematological findings in CLL.

Materials and Methods: Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 30 CLL patients admitted to the hematology department of Firozgar hospital and 30 healthy subjects. The levels of CEC were measured by the presence of CD34 and VWF markers, and absence of CD45 marker, using flow cytometry. VWF levels was evaluated by ELISA.

Results: The CEC levels were significantly higher in blood of the CLL patients (0.64%), when compared to the controls (0.12%, P=0.002). The levels of plasma VWF were higher among high grade patients, when compared to controls and patients in lower grades. There was a negative correlation between CEC levels, and Hb concentration in the patients group (r=-0.47, P=0.01).

Conclusion: Although the levels of both CEC count and plasma VWF in patient with high grade CLL were increased when compared to patients with low grade, there was no significant correlation between these two parameters.

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