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Showing 14 results for Kazemi

R Gholamnejad, Mr Khoramizadeh, A Razavi, A Salehinodeh, Mm Amiri, V Molakazemiha, Sa Mirshafyei,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (29 2009)

Background And Aim : Nowadays, many inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Multiple sclerosis (MS) and many other autoimmune inflammatory diseases has involved the people of different communities and cure for them so far has not been provided. Many waste irreparable these diseases caused by overexertion and chronic inflammatory cells and effects of destructive enzymes. Proteolysis like matrix Mtaloproteinazes (MMPs). Hence in this study was discussed effect of drug 4 - amino pyridine (4-AP) to Progress of inflammation in a experimental model of inflammatory response.

Materials and Methods: In this study were used, 48 Out bred rat race, all female Sprague Dawely about 200-150 gr Weight and ages 6 to 8 weeks to induce inflammatory response experiment By bovine Serum albumin (BSA) + adjuvant complete Freund (CFA). Rats were in six groups of 8 each, including: Normal group, patient group, groups of Treatment-1,Treatment-2 , Prevention-1 and Prevention-2. drug 4-AP at different concentrations (400 and 800 micrograms) to groups of Treatment-1, 2 and Prevention-1, 2 rate (0 / 1 microliter) were injected and 48 to 72 hours after injection dosage reminder (only BSA) studied and were compared severity of inflammation.

Results: 48 Rats that were studied, eight rats (66/16%), no inflammatory signs, histopathology and production of antibody anti-BSA did not show and this same group were normal. 8 rats (66/16%) clear signs of severe inflammation showed that were our patient group.32 rats (66/66%), showed less severe signs of inflammation than patients that were the same groups of Treatment-1, 2 and Prevention-1, 2 that they had been received different concentrations of 4-AP.

Discussion and Conclusion: The difference in the severity of inflammation and diffuse infiltration of inflammatory cells in Evaluation clinical, radiology, histopathology and rate of antibody anti- BSA shows that the drug 4-AP reduces the severity of inflammation in the Groups receiving medication than normal and the patient group (p <0.05). Although statistical analysis showed 4-AP Has no effect on production rate of MMPs. The groups of rats had received high concentration the drug (Prevention2 and Treatment2) than groups that low concentration of the drug (Prevention-1 and Treatment-1) showed lower signs of inflammatory.

H Nowrozi, A Kazemi, M Tavakoli, Sh Alavi, Z Bangalah,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (26 2011)

Background and Aim: Malnutrition is one of the causative agents of death in children. So, this study was done for assessment of anthropometric indices of students and malnutrition status in Golpayegan, Iran.

Materials and Methods: This research was done as a descriptive - analytical (inferential) study. Sampling was done as clusters and multistage. In order to collect data, the standard questionnaire of anthropometric indicators standards (ANIS) pattern was used. Low and low height was used based on Z score. Collected data was analyzed by Epi-info and SPSS software.

Results: Of 1062 schoolboys, 550 were male and 512 were female. Anthropometric indicators including age (month), weight (kg) and height (Cm) showed significant differences (P < 0.05). The mean of malnutrition index was 5.4 % (WAZ<-2) and 3% (WAZ<-2) in our study.

Conclusion: The significant difference between prevalence of slimness, low weighting and low growth in rural and urban Schoolboys is an indicator of the undesirable situation in rural areas. Therefore, nutritional planning should be considered in rural children.

A Fatemi, A Kazemi, Mm Peighambari, N Givtaj, H Bakhshandeh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (20 2011)

Background and Aim: Myocardial infarction (MI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Epidemiological studies indicate that MI results from complex interactions between long-term environmental influences, concomitant disorders, and genetic susceptibility factors. Identification of genetic risk factors, particularly in premature MI, is very important. Since thrombosis plays a critical role in the pathophysiology of MI, recent studies focus on coagulation genetic polymorphisms. The critical role of platelets and their surface glycoproteins in the formation of occlusive thrombus leading to acute myocardial infarction is now well accepted. Platelets have two major receptors for collagen, glycoprotein I/IIa (integrin α2β1) and glycoprotein VI. In the present study, platelet GP VI T13254C polymorphism was chosen due to its potential association with altered platelet reactivity. The aim of the present study was to determine whether or not GP VI T13254C polymorphism was associated with premature acute myocardial infarction.

Materials and Methods: One hundred patients with premature acute myocardial infarction and 100 age-matched controls with normal coronary angiograms were studied. Genotyping was done using PCR followed by RFLP. Statistical analyses included chi-square, t-test and logistic regression model.

Results: The findings of the present study showed that the prevalence of T13254C polymorphism did not differ much between patient (38%) and control (33%) groups and that polymorphism was not associated with premature acute MI (P=0.46). Logistic regression analysis also indicated no association between this polymorphism and premature acute MI (P=0.20).

Conclusion: This study showed that there was no significant association between GP VI T13254C polymorphism and premature acute MI.

Mehrdad Asadi, Hossein Nowrozi, Abdulhasan Kazemi, Mehraban Flahati, Ali Kazemi, Mohammad Adibpour, Khosro Sedigh Bayan, Seyed Amir Yazdanparast,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12 2012)

Background and Aim: Candida spp can colonize in oral cavity in immunocompromised patients and can lead to candidiasis. Because of immunocompromised condition in patients with Down syndrome, this study aimed at the colonization rate of candida spp in the mouths of such patients.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 53 patients with Down syndrome (29 males and 24 females) within the age range of 4-31 years (mean age: 11.1 years) and supported by the welfare organization, Tabriz branch.
The samples were taken from the dorsal and buccal parts of tongues using sterile swabs, and were cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA+ Chloramphenicol) and corm candida agar.
Determination of candida species was based on phenotype characteristics and chlamydoconidia production in Corn Meal Agar containing Tween 80.

Results: Altogether 60 isolates of candida spp were isolated from 46 positive patients [26 males (56.52%) and 20 females (43.48%)]. C.albicans with 35 cases (66.03%) were the most frequent isolate and C.dubliniensis with 9 cases (16.98%), C.krusei with 7 cases (13.20%), C.globrata with 5 cases (9.43%) and C.tropicalis with 4 cases (7.54%) were the following ranks. In 12 patients (22.4%), there were more than one species of candida in their oral cavity.

Conclusion: Due to the immunocompromised condition in patients with Down syndrome caused by a decrease in IgA and the activity of H2O2 (main destructive agent of C.albicans), the necessity of colonization rate of Candida in such patients is recommended.

Hossein Nowrozi, Ali Kazemi, Zakiye Azadi, Fatemeh Farhid, Parvin Moazemi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (14 2012)

Background and Aim: Pityriasis versicolor is a fungal disease with causative agent Malassezia species which is an opportunistic and lipophilic yeast .With regard to liphophilic nature of the yeast, this study was carried out for evaluation of relationship between pityriasis versicolor and triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

Materials and Methods: This cross - sectional study was performed on 1500 subjects ranging from 10 to 50 years old in Isfahan province. Of total subjects, 105 had pityriasis versicolor. Disease confirmation was based on direct examination, inoculation and culture on Dixon media. Measurement of total cholesterol and triglyceride of patients and control groups in fasting manner was done by Auto analyzer RA 1000. Data of patients including age, education level and job was gathered by questionnaire and analysis of results was done by t student, chi square and Pearson correlation tests.

Results: Prevalence of infection was 7% in the test group. Maximum frequent rates of infection was %3.13 in age group 20- 30 years and minimum in age group 30-40 years(% 0.87). The highest rate of total cholesterol levels was seen in age group 40-50 years (mean 215 mg/dL) and the lowest was in age group 10-20 years(mean 205 mg/dL).

Conclusion: Total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in patients were higher than the control group but the difference was not significant(P<0.05). No correlation was seen between pityriasis versicolor and increase in the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in patients and control groups.

Soodeh Namjoo, Fatemeh Nadali, Ahmad Kazemi, Hossein Dargahi, Hossein Rezaiezadeh, Shahrbanoo Rostami, Seyed Nasser Ostad,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (7 2012)

Background and Aim: Acute leukemia is one of the main causes of cancer in the world. Now a days using natural materials as source of anticancer drugs is more recommended. HESA-A is a drug of herbal-marine origin (patented by Iranian researcher). HESA-A is composed of 50% inorganic substance، 45% organic substance (aminoenthraquinone) and 5% water. In this study effects of HESA-A، on NB4 cell line (Acute promyelocytic leukemia cells) was evaluated.

Materials and Methods: HESA-A was prepared in normal saline as a stock solution (80 mg/ml, PH=7.4), and then was sterilized. After culturing and proliferation of NB4 cell line, the cells were treated by doses of 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/ml of HESA-A. Respectively after 72h, the percentage of viable and dead cells were counted by using Trypan blue staining in Neubanr hemocytometer. Then by MTTassay, the percentage of cell survival were determined by ELISA reader in 570nm. Finally the effects of HESA-A on apoptosis were evaluated by flocytometery.

Results: This invitro study shows that HESA-A has a cytotoxcic and antiprolifrative effects against NB4 cell line (Dose dependent).IC50 dose was 5mg/ml .HESA-A can result in apoptosis in 50% of the cells.

Conclusion: Although the mechanism of HESA-A cytotoxicity action is not known, yet this study shows that this drug may cause apoptosis of cells by dose dependent method.

Mohammad Sabbaghi , Ahmad Kazemi , Saeed Hassani, Kamran Alimoghaddam, Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh, Seyed Hamidollah Ghaffari ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (11-2014)

Background and Aim: Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a distinct type of leukemia which is caused due to a blockage in myeloid cells normal maturation. The most important therapeutic strategies include the use of ATRA and Arsenic trioxide. Although ATRA is generally well tolerated, some patients develop Retinoic acid syndrome. Some of the symptoms of this syndrome are directly or indirectly related to elevated WBC counts. This study aims to determine the effect of ATRA and BIBR1532 combination on WBC count as a factor leading to the formation of ATRA syndrome.

Materials and Methods: To investigate the effect of BIBR1532 and ATRA combination, NB4 cells were cultured in the presence of 30μ M and 1 μM densities of the drugs. To study the effect of drugs on living cells count, proliferation activity, and metabolic activity of the cells, Trypan blue, Brdu and MTT tests were used, respectively.

Results: The results of Trypan blue, MTT and Brdu suggest that the combination of ATRA and BIBR1532 is more effective than ATRA alone on the reduction of viable cell count, metabolic activity and proliferation of leukemic cells in the first five days of treatment.

Conclusion: The results suggest that the combination of ATRA and BIBR1532 is probably more effective in the treatment of APL patients. It seems that such improvement in results is more obvious especially among the patients who are at a higher risk of ATRA syndrome. 

Behnaz Tavasoli , Majid Safa , Ahmad Kazemi,
Volume 8, Issue 5 (1-2015)

Background and Aim: Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), found in Brassica species vegetables, exhibits antitumor effects. It has been shown that I3C induces apoptosis in various cell types through inactivation of the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF- k B) pathway. Anthracyclines such as doxorubicin, is widely used in the treatment of hematological malignancies, induce apoptosis in tumor cells via DNA damage and activation of p53. However, NF- k B pathway that activated by anthracyclines as a part of DNA damage response can induce chemo resistance. In this study the apoptotic effect of doxorubicin in combination with NF- k B inhibitor I3C was assessed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells.

Materials and Methods: Human pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line, NALM-6 cells, were preincubated with various concentrations of I3C for1 hour and then treated with 125nM doxorubicin at 37 ° C for 24 hours. Cellular DNA content assay and Annexin V-FITC staining were performed by flowcytometry for evaluation of apoptosis.

Results: DNA histogram analysis of NALM-6 cells indicates that combination of I3C with doxorubicin synergistically escalated the percentages of sub-G1 population cells (apoptotic cells) as compared to doxorubicin-only treated group. Annexin V-FITC staining showed that cotreatment of NALM-6 cells with I3C and doxorubicin increased the proportion of Annexin-V positive cells (early apoptotic cells) in comparison with the doxorubicin treated cells.

Conclusion: The results of cell culture treatments and cell death analysis by flowcytometry suggest that I3C synergistically potentiates doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in human leukemia NALM-6 cells.

Samaneh Heidarpourian, Minoo Shahidi, Ahmad Kazemi, Mohsen Razavi, Ali Basi, Parisa Hayat,
Volume 9, Issue 5 (2-2016)

Background and Aim: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a lymphoprolifrative disorder, which is very heterogeneous in prognosis. Therefore, the analysis of the prognostic factors should be very helpful in diagnosing patients with a poor prognosis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between circulating Endothelial cells number with VWF levels along with the other hematological findings in CLL.

Materials and Methods: Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 30 CLL patients admitted to the hematology department of Firozgar hospital and 30 healthy subjects. The levels of CEC were measured by the presence of CD34 and VWF markers, and absence of CD45 marker, using flow cytometry. VWF levels was evaluated by ELISA.

Results: The CEC levels were significantly higher in blood of the CLL patients (0.64%), when compared to the controls (0.12%, P=0.002). The levels of plasma VWF were higher among high grade patients, when compared to controls and patients in lower grades. There was a negative correlation between CEC levels, and Hb concentration in the patients group (r=-0.47, P=0.01).

Conclusion: Although the levels of both CEC count and plasma VWF in patient with high grade CLL were increased when compared to patients with low grade, there was no significant correlation between these two parameters.

Ahmad Siar Sadr, Roohollah Tavallaee, Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (Aug & Sep 2020)

Background and Aim: Laboratories are one of the most important scientific and research centers. Laboratory information management systems provide a platform for recording the information and collaborating between researchers. The main purpose of this study was suggesting an organizational architecture model of laboratory information management systems. 
Materials and Methods: This study was a qualitative study. In this study, we extracted available documentation and information on laboratory information management systems from databases. Then, 16 faculties and staffs using the Sharif University of Technology's laboratory services were selected by snowball sampling and interviewed to determine needs.  Based on needs, enterprise architecture models were extracted from databases. 16 experts have evaluated the enterprise architecture model to select the best model suitable for laboratory services. Due to various technical and managerial aspects of laboratory management systems two models of Zachman architecture and service-oriented architecture models were combined. In the next step, experts from laboratory service systems have evaluated the proposed model, using Delphi technique in three rounds.
Results: The findings were analyzed in two parts: Evaluation of the needs of the laboratory information management system and presentation of the proposed model. In the proposed model, the content of each cell of the Zachman framework is approached Service-oriented were selected and integrated according to the specifications of the laboratory management system.The model was evaluated based on five levels of organizational architecture maturity. The improvement in the maturity of organizational architecture was evident at higher levels.
Conclusion: The use of enterprise architecture for laboratory management systems leads to optimal use of resources and ease of collaboration.

Ahmad Siar Sadr, Roohollah Tavallaee, Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Background and Aim: Enterprise Architecture based on laboratory needs, and by using of the commons of valid and existing enterprise architecture frameworks, leads to the aligns of needs with organizational strategies and goals and information technology infrastructure. The aim of this study was the investigation of the effect of enterprise architecture model implementation on laboratory information management systems.
Materials and Methods: In this quantitative study in 2020, proposed enterprise architecture model which was based on the compilation of Zachman and service-oriented architecture models was investigated by the maturity of enterprise architecture at Sharif University. The statistical community of this study was 100 laboratory specialists based on Morgan sample determination table CCM (Capacity Maturity Model), which was designed based on the Likert spectrum, was used as a questionnaire assessment tool. For data analysis, descriptive indicators such as frequency, percentage and one-sample t-test to compare the mean in SPSS software was used.
Results: Assessing the maturity of enterprise architecture including four areas of IT (Information Technology) planning and organization, IT development and implementation, IT service and support, and IT monitoring and evaluation. Among the various dimensions of enterprise architecture maturity, the lowest average was related to the field of monitoring and evaluation and the highest average was related to the field of service and support. Dimensions in terms of status were: service and support dimension, planning and organizing dimension, development and implementation dimension, monitoring and evaluation dimension, respectively. The test results were significantly different in the areas related to the maturity of enterprise architecture, including the planning and organization areas, development and implementation, service and support (P<0.0001).  There was no significant difference in monitoring and evaluation.
Conclusion: The use of enterprise architecture specific to laboratory management systems causes the optimal use of resources and ease of interaction. Evaluation of the implementation of the proposed architectural framework in the laboratory environment showed that the proposed model has matured in the three areas of planning and organization, development and implementation, service and support. In order to improve the maturity of enterprise architecture, more attention should be paid to the field of monitoring and evaluation and the reform program should start from this field.


Mostafa Shanbehzadeh, Hadi Kazemi-Arpanahi, Raoof Nopour,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (Jun 2022)

Background and Aim: Breast cancer is one of the most common and aggressive malignancies in women. Timely diagnosis of breast cancer plays an important role in preventing the progression of this disease, timely treatment measures, and aftermath reducing the mortality rate of these patients. Machine learning has the potential ability to diagnose diseases quickly and cost-effectively. This study aims to design a CDSS based on the rules extracted from the decision tree algorithm with the best performance to diagnose breast cancer in a timely and effective manner.
Materials and Methods: The data of 597 suspected people with breast cancer (255 patients and 342 healthy people) were retrospectively extracted from the electronic database of Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital in Abadan city with 24 characteristics, mainly pertained to lifestyle and medical histories. After selecting the most important variables by using the Chi-square Pearson and one-way analysis of variance (P<0.05), the performance of selected data mining algorithms including RF, J-48, DS, RT and XG -Boost was evaluated for breast cancer diagnosis in Weka 3.4 software. Finally, the breast cancer diagnostic system was designed based on the best model and through C# programming language and Dot Net Framework V3.5.4.
Results: Fourteen variables including personal history of breast cancer, breast sampling, and chest X-ray, high blood pressure, increased LDL blood cholesterol, presence of mass in upper inner quadrant of the breast, hormone therapy with estrogen, hormone therapy with Estrogen-progesterone, family history of breast cancer, age, history of other cancers, waist-to-hip ratio and fruit and vegetable consumption showed a significant relationship with the output class at the P<0.05. Based on the results of the performance evaluation of selected algorithms, the RF model with sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and F- measure equal to 0.97, 0.99, 0.98, 0.974, respectively, AUC=0.936 had higher performance than other selected algorithms and was suggested as the best model for breast cancer diagnosis.
Conclusion: It seems that using modifiable variables such as lifestyle and reproductive-hormonal characteristics as input to the RF algorithm to design the CDSS, can detect breast cancer cases with optimal accuracy. In addition, the proposed system can be effectively adapted in real clinical environments for quick and effective disease diagnosis.

Elaha Rasouli Jokar, Saeid Shamlou Kazemi, Homa Naderifar,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (5-2023)

Background and Aim: High blood pressure and increased lipid profile are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. To improve cardiovascular health, lifestyle changes should be considered as a guide to reduce people’s inactivity and modify healthy eating patterns. Spirulina is a green alga and has been considered as a food supplement for the treatment of various diseases. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of spirulina supplement and eight weeks of combined exercises on blood pressure and lipid profile in women with high blood pressure.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a clinical trial in 40 women with high blood pressure (50-60 years old). People were included in the study in 4 intervention and control groups. The data were collected during two stages of pre-test and post-test in terms of changes in blood pressure and lipid profile. The supplement intervention group consumed 4.2 grams of spirulina supplement daily and had an exercise intervention of 8 weeks of combined aerobic and resistance exercises. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS software (version 23), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc test at level 0.05.
Results: The results of ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference between systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and VLDL, after the test, in the study groups (P-value<0.05). The highest mean±standard deviation (SD) of systolic blood pressure (141.90±9.85), and total cholesterol (213.30±28.93), after the test, was observed in combined exercise group and the mean± SD of VLDL after the test (34.60±6.46) was observed in the control group. Also, the results of Tukey’s post hoc test showed that there was a significant difference between the mean blood pressure in the control groups-spirulina supplement, control-combined exercises, spirulina supplement-spirulina supplement and combined exercises, and combined exercises-spirulina supplement and combined exercises. Also, there was a significant difference between the mean of total cholesterol and VLDL in combined exercises-spirulina supplement, combined exercises, and control-spirulina supplement groups, respectively (P<0.05).
Conclusion: It seems that the use of spirulina supplement and eight weeks of combined exercises may have beneficial effects on blood pressure and lipid profile in women with high blood pressure.


Samaneh Dehghan Abnavi, Afshin Karami Varnamkhasti , Mostafa Roshanzadeh, Fatemeh Kazemi Najafabadi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (8-2023)

Background and Aim: Communication skills are considered as the most important feature required for health care workers and provide the basis for the development of professional ethics. Since working in the operating room requires team effort and establishing communication between team members, the importance of communication skills in operating room nurses is more visible. Therefore, in the present study was performed, with the aim of determining the effect of virtual training on the principles of professional ethics on communication skills of operating room staff of Ayatollah Kashani and Hajar hospitals of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental study with a single-group plan before and after in 2020 was performed on 35 operating room staff of Kashani and Hajar teaching hospitals in Shahrekord who were selected by random sampling. Demographic information questionnaire and Queen Dam communication skills questionnaire were used to collect the data. Data analysis was performed by SPSS software using independent t test, Analysis of variance, paired t-test and ANOVA statistics.
Results: Paired t-test showed that the mean of communication skills after the intervention was significantly different from before (P<0.001). The mean of communication skills before the intervention was 65.85±24.52 and after the intervention was 139.77±5.70. No significant relationship was reported between communication skills and age, service history and number of working hours (P>.0.05). Also, there was no significant difference in the average of communication skills according to the variables of gender, marital status, field of study and degree (P>0.05).
Conclusion: The present study showed that professional ethics training was able to improve the communication skills of employees. Therefore, it seems necessary to compile virtual professional ethics training for health care providers and other groups providing health services who do not have enough time to participate in face-to-face classes. According to the results obtained, managers of health systems are recommended to use strategies such as holding workshops on the principles of professional ethics to develop communication skills in their employees.

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