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Showing 9 results for Kian

Mehdi Khakian, Javad Neshani Sadabad, Mohammad Hadian, Hosein Ghaderi, Malihe Ram, Yaser Jouyani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2015)

Background and Aim: In a severely inflationary environment with unemployment, social problems increase and, therefore, high health care expenses are imposed on the society.

Materials and Methods: This was a correlational study. Panel data model and EVeiws 6 software were used in this study. The data were collected from the World Bank website. The required pre-tests, including F-Limer and Hauseman tests, were given to check the appropriateness of data and to determine a appropriate model. Following the pre-tests, the results were estimated in the form of a regression model.

Results: The results indicated that F-test and t-statistic were significant, and that R2 statistic was high. In the three models, R2 was 99%, 99% and 98%, respectively. Moreover, it can be said that employment is positively related with life expectancy, but negatively related with infant mortality and total fertility rate. Also, inflation is negatively related with life expectancy, but positively related with infant mortality, and total fertility rate. Finally, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is negatively related with total fertility rate and life expectancy, but has no meaningful relationship with infant mortality (p = 0.31).

Conclusion: Employment, inflation and GDP are the variables that have the greatest impact on health indicators. however, life expectancy is more sensitive to explanatory variables.

Maryam Kheirandish, Fariborz Mehrani, Kosar Kian, Saeed Vahedi,
Volume 9, Issue 5 (2-2016)

Background and Aim: The postoperative shivering is one of the common complications of anesthesia, which can cause increased systemic blood pressure, oxygen consumption, intra optical pressure and heart rate in patients. It is necessary to   choose an effective intravenous and the inhaled drugs to reduce postoperative shivering, therefore the aim of this study was to compare Isoflurane and Propofol on shivering among patients undergoing Vitrectomy Surgery.

Materials and Methods: In a double-blind clinical trial, 112 patients aged 16 to 75 (ASA class I-III) who underwent the Vitrectomy surgery were randomly classified into two groups of 56 cases. The occurrence of postoperative shivering in recovery were registered in both groups. Findings were analyzed employing the t-test and Chi-square. Statistical significance was accepted for P values of <0.05.

Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of age, sex, Weigh، duration of  surgery and duration of anesthesia. The incidence of shivering in recipients of Isoflurane and in recipients of propofol was 12.5% and 32.1% respectively.

Conclusion: Using Isoflurane is better than Propofol to reduce the postoperative shivering in patients undergoing the vitrectomy surgery.

Saied Ghaffari , Sholeh Zakiani , Zohreh Rezaie ,
Volume 11, Issue 6 (3-2018)

Background and Aim: In each organization, there is a debate about the use of IT. Human development is one of the factors influencing the efficiency and success of any organization. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of information technology on empowerment of staff working in Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This study was descriptive-survey research and applied in terms of purpose. A total of 274 staff members from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences were surveyed by sampling according to the Krejcie-Morgan table from among 950 employees. The tools used in the Ardalan questionnaire were divided into two parts of IT, including 10 questions and a staff empowerment questionnaire containing 23 questions. Data were analyzed by SPSS 13 software, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and one-sample T-test.
Results: The research findings showed that the use of information technology on five dimensions of job empowerment including competency, improvement of quality of work, increased decision-making power, increasing self-control, and reducing job stress have a significant effect.
Conclusion: The most important task of managers of universities is to improve the ability and job satisfaction of employees, holding in-service training courses in the field of computers and the Internet and encouraging employees to use more computers in their related activities.

Kiana Farhadyar , Reza Safdari ,
Volume 11, Issue 6 (3-2018)

Background and Aim: Medication errors are preventable event, which may result inappropriate medication intake or damage to patients and, Medication management is a complicated process including multiple activities in order to improve patient safety. There are many documentations that indicate the considerable potential of information technology, especially mhealth in this area. The aim of this study was to review the mobile based medication management systems in order to extract the requirements for these systems development.
Materials and Methods: Four electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and Science Direct) were searched for papers regarding mhealth based medication management systems. After screening the abstracts and publications information a descriptive study was performed on 15 papers.
Results: In this study, 13 functional requirements were extracted and the user requirements was divided into six main groups. Also the technologies which was used in order to implement the functional requirements were extracted.
Conclusion: According to the current study, medication management systems using mhealth technologies are feasible for people with chronic diseases, elderly people and etc. but there is not any medication management system for visually impaired people. Although due to their disabilities they are at higher risk of medication errors and it is a research gap that should be considered in future works.

Ali Akbar Khasseh, Sholeh Zakiani, Faramarz Soheili,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (Aug & Sep 2018)

Background and Aim: Scientometric studies are one of the most effective methods of scientific evaluation in databases. The aim of this study was to investigate Breast cancer in Iran from 2000-2016.
Materials and Methods: This study has an applied approach and was conducted using scientometric indices. The st tistical population was the indexed articles related to Breast cancer between the years 2000 and 2016 by Iranian researchers at the Science Web site.
Results: During the period 2000-2016, researchers have published 2198 articles on Breast cancer that indicate a steady and steady increase in the number of studies conducted in this area. The results of the study showed that Qaderi is the most prolific researcher in the field of Breast cancer in terms of the number of articles in Iran, Ebrahimi and Montazeri are in the second and third positions respectively. The highest H-index belongs to Montazeri, Qaderi and Abraham, respectively. Researchers in the field of Breast cancer have collaborated with researchers from 65 countries and more with the United States and Canada. The most co-operation has been between researchers in Tehran and Tabriz. The analysis of the keywords used in Breast cancer research in the form of supragloss showed that Iran, Apoptosis and Polymorphism were the most frequent keywords in the studied works.
Conclusion: The upward trend in Breast cancer research indicates the growing importance of this area in Iran. Given the global growth of Breast cancer research and the importance of international research participation, Iranianresearchers should more and more engage in scientific collaboration with their counterparts abroad.

Saied Ghaffari , Sholeh Zakiani ,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (Apr & May 2019)

Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between meta-cognitive beliefs with individual-social adaptability among Iran University of Medical Sciences librarians.
Materials and Methods: The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this study was 51 librarians of Iran University of Medical Sciences. The research tool was the California Individual and Social Adjustment Questionnaire and meta-cognitive beliefs of Wells and Cartwheel-Hatton. Data were analyzed by inferential and descriptive statistics(Pearson correlation coefficient).Data were analyzed by SPSS.
Results: The results showed that there was a negative correlation between individual adaptability with positive beliefs about worries, uncontrollability and risk, cognitive self-awareness.But with the variable of thought control, the relationship was positive and there was no relation to the cognitive reliability variable.The relationship between social adjustment with irregularity and risk variables, cognitive reliability, positive thoughts control.There was no relationship between social adaptability and positive beliefs about worries. Social adaptability was negatively related to cognitive self-awareness.
Conclusion: Increasing the variable of positive beliefs about worries reduces individual adaptability and undermines social adaptability. Increasing the uncontrollability and risk variable leads to a reduction in individual adaptability and increased social adaptability. Cognitive enhancement of librarians is ineffective in individual adaptation but has a positive impact on social adaptability. Increasing control of thoughts among librarians will increase their individual and social adaptability. Increasing cognitive self-awareness leads to a reduction in the individual and social adaptation of librarians.

Parastoo Zakipour, Davoud Kianifard, Ghasem Akbari, Emad Khalilzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (Apr & May 2019)

Background and Aim: Methylphenidate (MPH) is one of the commonly used drugs in the treatment of hyperactivity disorder in children. The use of MPH has been associated with increased activity of the central nervous system so may lead to the abuse of this compound. Nicotine is one of the compounds available in a wide range of people in various forms. The negative effects of nicotine on pituitary-testicular axis and spermatogenesis have been reported. In this study, the effects of long-term and simultaneous administration of methylphenidate and nicotine before and during pregnancy in mice on the microscopic structure of testicular tissue in newborn babies were evaluated.
Materials and Methods: Adult mice received nicotine and methylphenidate for eight weeks before and during pregnancy. Embryologic indices and microscopic structure of testicular tissue were evaluated in newborn babies.
Results: The results showed that embryologic and histologic indices in newborns from treated mice decreased in comparison to control group. A decrease of cellular population of seminiferous tubules and development of some structural changes in seminiferous tubules has been observed in treated groups.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the simultaneous administration of nicotine and methylphenidate before and during pregnancy could induce some structural alterations in testicular tissue in embryonic development and postnatal period.

Amin Jalili Sarqaleh, Mohammad Azizi, Kianosh Khamoshyan,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Background and Aim: Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease of myelin sheath degradation that reduces the quality of life in patients. Recent studies emphasize on the effect of exercise and natural supplements on the improvement of disease symptoms and quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of eight weeks combined training at home with red grape juice supplementation on quality of life in women with Multiple Sclerosis.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 48 women with MS in the age range of 20-40 years were voluntarily selected and divided into 4 groups: training (n=12), supplement (n=12), training+supplement (n=12) and control (n=12). Combined training included 8 weeks and 3 sessions per week for 60 minutes of endurance  and resistance training with an intensity of 10-12 rate of perceived exertion. Subjects consumed 250 cc of grape juice supplement with 68% concentration for 8 weeks, 3 times a week. The control group engaged in their daily activities. Quality of life was measured with standard questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) 48 hours before and after the end of the study.
Results: Eight weeks of intervention made a significant change in the quality of life. Based on the correlation t the results were as follows training groups (P=0.001)(7.1%), supplement (P=0.001)(10.5%) and training+supplement (0.000), There was a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test (P≤0.05). But the changes in the training+supplement group were more than the other groups (P=0.000)(13.3%). In addition, based on the results of one-way analysis of variance, the amount of changes between the groups was also significant (P≤0.05). There was a significant difference between the training group and the control group, supplement group and supplement+training group (P≤0.05). Also, the supplement group had a significant difference with the exercise group and the control group, but there was no significant difference with the supplement + training group (P≥0.05). A significant difference was observed in the supplement+training group with all groups except the supplement group (P≤0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, women with Multiple Sclerosis can use combined training at home with red grape juice supplement to improve their quality of life.

Sedigheh Mohammadesmaeili, Nahid Ramzanghorbani, Shiba Kianmehr,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (5-2024)

Background and Aim: Passive smoking is known to have an impact on the respiratory system of infants and children. The aim of this study is to examine the positive effects of parental smoking cessation programs using nicotine replacement on quality of life in children with asthma at the Children's Medical Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This case-control study included 100 children aged 6-10 years with asthma who had their parents smoking in the Allergy Department of the Children's Medical Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. During the 2019-2021 period, this study was conducted using a census as the sampling method. Data were collected using standard questionnaires of the Child Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), standard versions of the Short Form (SF-12) and the St George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). The two groups were compared using independent t-tests and paired t-tests, and Pearson's correlation coefficient was utilized to examine the correlation between the two questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software.
Results: Children with asthma who had their parents quit smoking had a mean score lower than those who did not intervene. This indicates that the quality of life in children with asthma whose parents underwent nicotine replacement program improved significantly (P=0.03). Nicotine gum consumption can enhance certain aspects of health-related quality of life for both parents and children, as assessed by SF-12 and SGRQ, according to the results. Physical functioning (P=0.007) and school performance (P=0.002) were the two components most significantly affected.
Conclusion: The physical health and quality of life of parents are can affecte children with asthma, who face many challenges in meeting their daily needs. Smoking cessation using nicotine gum can improve the quality of life of parents and children. To maximize the effectiveness of parental smoking cessation information therapy programs for children with asthma, providing personalized support and advice to parents or caregivers, evidence-based treatments, and educating families on how to manage this disease in children seems essential.

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