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Showing 2 results for Mirzaeian

Saeid Mirzaeian, Khalil Khashei Varnamkhasti,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (Jun & Jul 2021)

Background and Aim: Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in women. The effect of ligustilide - isolated from the Kelussia on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line compared with human fibroblast cell line (HDF1BOM) was evaluated in the present study.
Materials and Methods: MCF-7 and HDF1BOM cell lines were treated for 48 and 72 hours with different concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg/ml) of Z-ligustilide ((ligustilide (Z)-3-butylidene-4,5-dihydrophthalide)). Then, bioavailability was analyzed by ELISA reader using MTT kit and Apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry using an Annexin V-FITC/PI kit in two times. Statistical analysis was accomplished by ANOVA and Huynh-Feldt tests using SPSS and FlowJo software. 
Results: The results of MTT test showed reduce bioavailability of MCF-7 cell line in all concentrations (from 70.60% in 50 mg/ml to 6.80% in 200 mg/ml  (for 48 h of treatment), from 61.95% in 50 mg/ml  to 5.84% in 200 mg/ml  (for 72 h of treatment)). Also, the results of the Annexin test showed that the induction of apoptosis is not time and concentration dependent manner, and it had increased in most groups. highest percentage of apoptosis were; 98.3% in 50 mg/ml (for 48 h of treatment), and 97.4 % in 100 mg/ml  (for 72 h of treatment). The results of MTT test showed reduce bioavailability of HDF1BOM cell line in both times compared to the control group (from 97.24% in 50 mg/ml  to 5.97% in 200 mg/ml  (for 48 h of treatment), from 90.93% in 50 mg/ml  to 5.26% in 200 mg/ml (for 72 h of treatment)). Also, according to the results of Annexin, early apoptotic cells show a higher percentage (4.21% in 150 mg/ml (for 48 h of treatment), 1.67% in 200 mg/ml  (for 72 h of treatment)). Ligustilide did not show considerable cytotoxicity in HDF1BOM cells.
Conclusion: Due to the fact that ligustilide has an inhibitory effect on the growth, proliferation and invasion of cancer cells by inducting apoptosis, it seems that ligustilide can be used to reduce cell proliferation of breast cancer.

Mina Shirvani, Mostafa Roshanzadeh, Maryam Rabiey Faradonbeh, Razieh Mirzaeian,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (12-2024)

Background and Aim: Nursing students are exposed to various educational, family, and social stresses and various factors can affect their mental health. Therefore, in order to pay attention to different dimensions of health and investigate the effects of spirituality on health, the present study was conducted to determine the effect of fasting on the mental health of nursing students of Borujen Faculty of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: The present semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design was conducted in 2022 at Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. Ninety nursing students of Borujen Faculty of Medical Sciences were selected by available methods and assigned to two intervention and control groups by a simple random method. The intervention in this study included at least 23 days of fasting during Ramadan. The data before and after the intervention were collected by the demographic information questionnaire and the 21-question depression, anxiety, and stress standard tool (DASS). The validity and reliability of this questionnaire were conducted for the first time in Iran by Sahebi et al. in 2005. SPSS  was used for analysis. Descriptive statistical tests including frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistical tests including t-test, paired t-test, analysis of variance, and chi-square were used.
Results: There was no significant difference in the total mental health score between intervention (32.32±11.62) and control (29.87±14.09) groups before the intervention (P=0.08). There was a significant difference in this score between intervention (20.6±5.71) and control (29.49±8.9) groups after the intervention (P=0.04). The total mental health score in the control group before (29.87±14.09) and after (29.49±8.9) the intervention had no significant difference (P=0.15); while in the intervention group before (32.32±11.62) and after (20.6±5.71) the intervention had a significant difference (P=0.001). Mental health dimensions before and after intervention, indicated that anxiety (P=0.04) and stress (P=0.003) decreased significantly after the intervention in the intervention group. However, there was no significant difference in the depression dimension (P=0.06).
Conclusion: According to the results, it should be said that regular and periodic examination of the health level, and the promotion of educational and training programs on the subject of fasting to improve mental health, should be considered.

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