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Showing 3 results for Mostafavi

Hakimeh Mostafavi , Siamak Aghlmand, Hamed Zandiyan, Minoo Alipoori Sakha , Mohsen Bayati , Sahar Mostafavi ,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2015)

Background and Aim: Equitable distribution of resources in health sector is one of the prerequisites of social justice in any society. The aim of this study is to determine inequality in the distribution of specialists and hospital beds in West Azerbaijan Province.

Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study. The population of the study consists of all hospital beds in the public sector and all specialists working in the health sector of West Azerbaijan Province in 2012 . The required data were collected after referring to health and treatment d eputies of Urmia University of Medical Sciences and Statistical Center of Iran . To determine inequity in the distribution of specialists and hospital beds, per capita resource indicators, the Gini coefficient, and Lorenz curve were employed.

Results: Distribution of specialist physicians in the province was not equitable the situation was the same as regards hospital beds, too.

Conclusion: It seems that neither the distribution of specialist physicians nor the number of hospital beds is proportional to the population. Besides, measures such as p roviding special welfare facilities, paying higher wages, and considering the health needs of people in the province can better attract physicians and modify the existing shortcomings.

Somaye Dehghanisanij, Ismaeil Mostafavi, Hamidreza Zarghami, Hojat Soleimani,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (Dec & Jan 2021)

Background and Aim: The field of medical engineering is the flagship interdisciplinary approach in Iran, which, due to its attention to knowledge-based economy, takes a step towards prosperity and smoothing progress and development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the interactions between university, industry and government of Iran in scientific articles in the field of medical engineering using the triple helix model. 
Materials and Methods: This is an applied research with a quantitative approach and uses scientometric techniques. The status of dynamic interactions of the main pillars of Iranian innovation in the field of medical engineering in WoS (Web of Science) database has been calculated using the .exe and the 4.exe softwares in the period of 2010-2019, and the transmission degree of uncertainty index in dual and national dimensions has been determined.
Results: The T-index ranking was assigned to university-government(23.38 mb), university-industry(8.47 mb) and industry-government (1.13 mb), respectively, and finally, national interaction(-12.48 mb) was obtained. The interaction between university and industry had an increasing trend and the strongest dual interaction belonged to the university-government. Over the last ten years, national interaction has always had a negative value, which indicates the existence of dynamics in interactions in the national dimension.
Conclusion: The dual university-industry interaction has been increasing in recent years; however, in the long run, the national interaction of the pillars has been facing a declining trend, according to which some science and technology policies, and research and industrial strategies have been proposed as a necessity to promote the university-industry-government innovation network in the field of medical engineering in Iran.

Soheila Khoeini, Ali Reza Noruzi, Zeinab Jozi, Esmaeil Mostafavi,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2022)

Background and Aim: Bibliotherapy is a useful treatment for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders and has led to the formation of many scientific publications in this field. The purpose of this study was to investigate the publication trends in the field of bibliotherapy and visualize the structure of its scientific collaborations based on the Web of Science database during the period 1975 to 2020.
Materials and Methods: The present scientometric study was conducted by citation analysis and social network analysis. The statistical population includes 1032 documents published. HistCite, VOSveiwer, Pajek and UciNet software were used to analyze the data. The co-authorship networks were analyzed and drawn by the VOSviewer software.
Results: U.S., UK, and Australia were ranked first to third with 369, 148, and 91 documents respectively. The documents published by researchers from these three countries have received 10547, 3459, and 3041 citations, respectively. The Universities of Alabama, Nevada, and the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published the most in this field, with 29, 26, and 21 documents. Scogin F, Cuijpers P, and Rohde P were the most prolific authors with 29, 21, and 17 documents, respectively. Miller WR, Cuijpers P, and Andersson G received the most citations with 2441, 2298, and 1750, citations respectively. UK with 63 degree centrality, U.S. the most influential country with a betweenness centrality of 191.450 and the closeness centrality of the 80 were the most influential countries, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam with a betweenness centrality of 1416.755 and a closeness centrality of 658 and the Karolinska Institute with a degree centrality of 43 was the most influential organizations. Rohde P with 39-degree centrality and Cuijpers P with 314.500 betweenness centrality and 821 closeness centrality were the most active author in the co-authorship networks in bibliotherapy. Journal of Clinical Counseling and Psychology was the most cited and the Journal of Poetry Therapy published the most documents.
Conclusion: Paying more attention than before to the cooperation of countries, universities and active authors in the field of bibliotherapy can lead to more knowledge and experience exchange in developed and developing countries.

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