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Hamid Asayesh , Mostafa Qorbani , Afsaneh Borghei , Aziz Rezapour , Younes Mohammadi , Morteza Mansourian , Fereydoon Jahahgir , Mehdi Noroozi ,
Volume 7, Issue 5 (1-2014)

Background and Aim: In several KT plans the researcher self evaluation is basis of researchers KT activities measurement so the aim of this study was the validity of researchers self assessment about their own activities in KT.

Materials and Methods: The valid and reliable questionnaire was filled by 40 Golestan University of Medical Sciences researchers. In this questionnaire researchers were asked to give a score from 0 to 10 for their own activities in KT in a finished special project. Statistical analysis was performed using pair T test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The linear regression was used for assessing the effect of influential factors on KT self evaluation and activity scores.

Results: The mean score of researchers KT activity and self evaluation was 3.52 and 5.47 respectively which this difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). The correlation coefficient between researchers' activity and self evaluation score was 0.73 which is an indicator of good correlation. The influential factors on researchers' KT self evaluation score in regression model was male gender, having administrative responsibility and percent of total time allocated to research and the influential factors on researchers' KT activities score in regression model was male gender, type of research (clinical sciences research compared to basic sciences) and percent of total time allocated to research.

Conclusion : The results of this study shows that researchers overestimate their own activities in KT so adopting strategies like education about KT concepts and activities for increasing researchers knowledge and perception can fill research and action gap.

Aziz Rezapour, Farbod Ebadifard Azar, Negar Yusef Zadeh, Fatemeh Hasanpour, Hossein Bagheri Faradonbeh, Saeideh Ansari Nosrati, Zahra Asemaneh , Mohammad Hossein Ghafoori,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Background and Aim: Receiving and using health care services is called health services uitilization. There are many socio-economic factors including income, culture, age and education affecting the utilization of the services. This survey aimed to study socio-economic determinants of health utilization in Tehran. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, population based health survey done in year 2013. The sample was 792 households living in Tehran. Data was collected by WHO (households) questionnaire, and analyzed using logistic model and stata12. Results: Among the study variables, households' income, presence of a person with chronic disease, education of the head of the household, and presence of person older than 60 and younger than 14 in households, had a significant statistical relationship with utilization. Insurance coverage had a vague and weak effect on the utilization of health services. Moreover about 23 percent of the households were not under insurance coverage. Conclusion: According to the announced policies by the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and by cconsidering the main focus of these policies on the universal insurance coverage, households financial security and reform of the payment system identifying households that utilize more health care services than any others because of any socio-economic reasons is a considerable step for providing financial security for vulnerable households and reforming health care system at the national level.
Aziz Rezapour, Ali Sarabi Asiabar, Amir Ali Ebadi Fardazar, Saeid Bagheri , Negar Yusefzadeh, Alireza Mazdaki, Sadigheh Asadi, Mohammad Hossein Ghafoori ,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Background and Aim: With the assumption that health is as one of the luxury goods, therefore making efforts in reducing health spending and inflation in this section will be ineffective.
But if health is an essential service, then in the national level for better redistribution of the resources and financial protection of the households against the health expenditures will be needed. The main objective of this study was determination of income impact of health care expenditures in Tehran household in years 2011-2012.
Materials and Methods: This study was a population based survey. The instrument of data gathering was a "WHO questionnaire" which was integrated by interview with an acquainted person in each one of the 792 families who live in Tehran. The least ordinary squares, Granger causality test, Breusch-Pagan-Godfery and White heteroskedasticity test were used for data analysis. Eviews 8 software was used for running the tests. 
Results: The results showed that heath is a cause for increasing income but the converse is not true. Otherwise, Health with income elasticity equal to 0.25 is an essential service, and is not perceived as luxury goods. Moreover results represented that income is not a good variable for rationalizing the variation of health expenditures.
Conclusion: Health was an essential good, and although income changes affect the expenditures of health care, but the sensitivity is not high and recommended that health policy-makers should in adoption policies such as tariff increases do a comprehensive survey because prices increase are borne by the consumers.

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