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Showing 2 results for Seif

Ahmad Rastegar, Mohammad Hasan Seif, Zahra Firoozi Ardekani, Marzieh Tajvaran,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (Oct & Nov 2019)

Background and Aim: Workplace bullying around the world is a work-injury factor, a mental health alarm and a global disaster. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and workplace bullying among employees at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences taking into account the mediating role of organizational health.
Materials and Methods: The research method was descriptive - survey. Research instruments chosen for the purpose of this study included The multifactor leadership questionnaire as the standard instrument for measuring transformational leadership behavior Bass & Avolio with(0.79) reliability, Graham Lowe’s standard questionnaire of organizational health questionnaire with(0.79) reliability and for organizational bullying a researcher-made questionnaire with(0/83) reliability was used. The statistical population of the study consisted of 265 university staff who were selected by simple sampling method. The research hypotheses were analyzed using SPSS and Lisrel 8.8 softwares and descriptive statistics and path analysis.
Results: The results showed that the components of transformational leadership affected workplace bullying indirectly and negatively through the mediation of organizational health. In addition, among the components of transformational leadership, idealized influence had the highest indirect effect(-0/19) on workplace bullying.  Among the components of organizational health, vibrant workplace had the highest level of direct effect(-0/27) on workplace bullying.
Conclusion: A good leadership style creates a healthy organization and reduces workplace bullying. Therefore, organizations need to develop organizational health and provide training, especially to managers of organizations.

Saeed Barzegari, Marjan Ghazi Saeedi, Roghieh Nazari, Seif Ali Mahdavi, Seyed Alireza Hasani,
Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: The use of Mobile-Health is helpful in facilitating therapeutic communication between students and healthcare providers. Considering the benefits of the Mobile-Health, it is very important to have a tool that can check the motivation to use Mobile-Health. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of Psychometric properties of mHealth Technology Engagement Index.
Materials and Methods: The present study is psychometric research that was conducted in Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1401. The participants of this study were 450 students of medical sciences in Tehran in undergraduate, master’s and doctorate levels who were included in the study through convenience sampling. The psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire were examined through face, content and construct validity respectively. Principal component analysis was performed using varimax rotation in order to check the factorial structure of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was checked with the help of Cronbach’s alpha and intra- class correlation (ICC).
Results: The questionnaire’s content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were 0.91 and 0.86, respectively. In the formal validity check, minor changes were made in the words of most of the items. Based on the results of face validity, some minor changes were made to the vocabulary of most items. The ICC coefficient was more than 0.80 in all dimensions. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis extracted five factors, autonomy, competence, relatedness, goal setting and goal attainment, and their cumulative variance was %71.48.  The fit of the five-factor model was optimal based on standard goodness of fit indices such as CFI=0.978, GFI=0.930, RMSEA=0.040, CMIN/DF=1.307. Convergent and divergent validity was accepted for all factors. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach’s alpha test of 0.71.
Conclusion: The five factor structure of the questionnaire of interaction with mobile health technology has good validity and reliability. Therefore, this questionnaire can be used to check the level of interaction of users of medical science students with mobile health technology.

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