and Aim:
The quality of health record depends on the quality of its content and proper
documentation. Minimum data set makes a standard method for collecting key data
elements that make them easy to understand and enable comparison. The aim of
this study was to determine the minimum data set for Iranian athletes’ health
and Methods: This study is an applied research of a descriptive - comparative type which was carried out in 2013. By using internal and external forms of documentation, a checklist was
created that included data elements of athletes health record and was subjected
to debate in Delphi method by experts in the field of sports medicine and health information management.
Results: From 97 elements which
were subjected to discussion, 85 elements by more than 75 percent of the
participants (as the main elements) and 12 elements by 50 to 75 percent of the
participants (as the proposed elements) were agreed upon. In about 97
elements of the
case, there was no significant difference between
responses of alumni groups
of sport pathology and sports medicine
specialists with medical record, medical
informatics and information
management professionals.
Conclusion: Minimum
data set of Iranian athletes’ health record with four information categories
including demographic information, health history, assessment and treatment
plan was presented. The proposed model is available for manual and electronic
medical records.