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Ebrahim Shafiee, Fazlollah Mousavi, Mahdi Gharasi Manshadi , Nayeb Fadaei Dehcheshmeh , Alireza Bibak, Mohammad Azmal,
Volume 8, Issue 6 (3-2015)

Background and Aim : Nurses' perception of spirituality can affect the way they behave and communicate with patients in line with spiritual care provision. The present study aims to investigate nurses' perception , capability, and adequacy of training about spirituality and spiritual care in Genaveh hospitals affiliated to Bushehr University of Medical Sciences (BUMS) .

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed among 111 nurses working in BUMS hospitals in 2013. The spirituality and spiritual care scale (SSCRS) was used for data collection, which explores nine aspects of spirituality and spiritual care. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. 

Results: The overall spirituality and spiritual care was 3.86 (out of 5). Among the nine aspects of need for spirituality, belief in God had the highest mean score, and beliefs and values had the least mean values. About 78.7 % of the participants were confronted with the patients' spiritual needs. Meanwhile, 74.6 % of them noted that the current training about spiritual care was not sufficient .

Conclusion: Although most participants were able to meet the patients' spiritual needs, most of the nurses did not know enough about the issues related to spiritual care. Therefore, inclusion of spiritual care in nursing curriculum and holding workshops and training courses in this area can be useful.

Fatemeh Motamedi , Parvin Bagheri , Ebrahim Emami,
Volume 8, Issue 6 (3-2015)

 Background and Aim: Critical thinking helps to raise awareness and knowledg e growth by applying the mental processes such as analysis , inference and reasoning. So, it provides an appropriate context for problem solving as well as clear and accurate information-based decision making in different managerial and political areas. The aim of this study was to assess and compare academic librarians in terms of having critical thinking skills.

Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive- analytical survey that was conducted cross- sectionally on 95 librarians working in Shiraz University and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences by Census method. Data collect ion was conducted through the translated version of t he standard questionnaire of California critical thinking skills test: form B., that its validity and reliability have also been proved (validity according to subject specialists: 80-84% and Cronbach's reliability test : 74%). For descriptive analysis of data obtained from 68 completed questionnaires, the descriptive statistics using frequency distribution tables , mean and standard deviation and for inferential analysis SPSS software , t- test , ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and spearman were used .

Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups of librarians , in terms of different sections of critical thinking . There was no relationship between age and job tenure and critical thinking, While there was a significant difference between sex and degree with critical thinking.

Conclusion: The results of this study and other similar studies can provide useful information to develop the critical thinking skills in academic librarians and help the academic excellence in our country .

Javad Ahmadi, Jamshid Bahmei, Mohamad Ranjbar, Hamed Rahimi , Hamze Shahbazi ,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Background and Aim: To perform plans and achieve their goals, organizations are in need of different factors. One of the most important of which is the existence of an ideal organizational climate and participation. The main goal of this study is to determine the relationship between organizational climate and faculty members' participation in decision makings at Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences (SSUMS) in Yazd. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study induced in 2011-2012. The research population comprised all 292 SSUMS faculty members. 72 members were selected through random-category sampling method. For data collection, two questionnaires included organizational climate and participation were used. The reliability of two questionnaires were 0.86 and 0.85, respectively, using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The validity of both questionnaires were confirmed by expert panel. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 18. For descriptive results, and used Pearson test for Analytical results. Results: The average of total participation rate for faculty members was computed to be 3.43. The total figure for organizational climate with a mean of 82.6 was obtained from the total average of micro-scale scores. A Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.418 showed that there was a direct relationship between organizational climate and faculty members' participation. Conclusion: In spite of weakness of counselling system and team work system, and approach diversity between the faculty members, they are enthusiastic to cooperate to solve the university problems. Therefore we suggest more financial and spiritual mechanisms for autonomy of the faculty members.
Reza Safdari, Leila Shahmoradi, Maryam Ebrahimi ,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: Pathology Information Systems provide opportunities for pathologists and clinical laboratory professionals to influence clinical care and modern research programs. The objective of this study was to determine the minimum data set of Anatomical Pathology Information System from the experts’ point of view.

Materials and Methods: This study is considered an applied research conducted through a descriptive cross-sectional research method. The research instrument was a questionnaire containing data elements related to sample and those related to the patient. This questionnaire was completed by three groups of participants including 22 experts in the field of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 23 experts in Health Informatics and Health Information Management, and 6 Insurance experts. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and SPSS software.

Results: The results indicated that all information elements contained in the questionnaire except the address of the pathologist, resident or the person who performs the act of gross examination were considered as informational elements essential to the system and the high average of five was allocated to them.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the Minimum Data Set of Anatomical Pathology Information System can be presented in two main categories: Clinical and non-clinical information, which include identity information, management information, insurance information, clinical information and the data related to the study of  anatomiaca pathology samples.

Tahereh Shafaghat , Mohammad Kazem Rahimi Zarchi , Zahra Kavosi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2015)

Background and Aim: The main purpose of all organizations is improving efficiency and effectiveness. One of the barriers of reaching effectiveness is burnout which can be seen as the final outcome of job stress in many professions including nursing. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between effectiveness of nurses and burnout in Shiraz Nemazee hospital.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytic and cross-sectional study was done among all of the nurses in the Shiraz Nemazee hospital. Two hundred and forty five nurses were selected using random classified sampling method. The data gathering form was standardized questionnaire. Data were entered into SPSS 15 software and the Pearson correlation test was used for data analysis.

Results: The study nurses were at moderate level according to burnout and effectiveness variables. There were positive correlation between “effectiveness” and “target acquisition” and “preservation of the cultural model” dimensions with “lack of individual success” dimension (P<0/05). Also, there was a negative correlation (P<0/05) between burnout in nurses and their effectiveness.

Conclusion: It seems that nurses’ burnout can affect their effective performance so managers can enhance effectiveness of staff performance by providing programs to reduce burnout and its dimensions.

Morteza Arab Zozani, Saeid Bagheri Faradonbeh , Ebrahim Jaafari Pooyan,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2015)

Background and Aim: Given the increasing growth of new technologies in health care and their rising cost, the necessity of concentration on assessing new technologies and their potential role in quality of health care is more crucial. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of health technology assessment (HTA) in improving healthcare quality and offer the best evidence for decision makers.

Materials and Methods: The study was based on systematic review of papers in health technology assessment via searching in databases such as Pubmed, Cochrane and other HTA related databases. The search has covered the period between years 2000 to 2013. Studies analyzed by narrative synthesis method.

Results: Related studies show that assessing new technologies has potential role in quality improvement of healthcare. HTA can boost the competition among companies which this in turn increases the quality of technologies and ultimately enhances the quality of health services and stakeholders satisfaction.

Conclusion: HTA may increase quality of healthcare services through facilitating a move towards evidence-based decision-making, providing safe health care and increasing patients’ trust and satisfaction to clinical procedures and team members.

Sogand Tourani, Rahim Khodayari Zarnaq , Jalal Arabloo, Anvar Esmaili, Sanaz Taghizadeh , Omid Khosravizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Background and Aim: Patient safety is a critical element of health care quality, and is a priority of health system that pursue to improve the quality of health services. This study aims to determine the attitude the nurses about patient safety in hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: Nurses employed in 7 emergency and intensive care ward specialty and subspecialty hospital affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences was invited to anonymously complete safety attitudes survey. Reliability of the questionnaires was evaluated by calculating Chronbach’s alpha. ANOVA were used to compare the score means between the wards. Spearman correlation test was used to analyze the correlation between the safety dimensions and the outcome variables.

Results: The results showed that the highest score was dedicated to stress recognition, and the lowest score was related to management perception and working conditions. No significant difference was between the perceptions of emergency department nurses and intensive care nurses with various aspects of safety culture in hospitals.

Conclusion: Patient safety status described as acceptable in emergency and intensive care wards. There is a need to understanding of the atmosphere and the culture of safety by hospital executives deeply.

Saman Ghasempour, Ramin Rahimniya, Zeynab Rajabnezhad, Hossein Dargahi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Background and Aim: Today, regarding the role of accurate final information, and decision-making, designing and implementation of a sound costing system that can detect, identify and calculate the exact cost of the delivered services is of great importance. The aim of this study is to estimate the final cost of student education in the School of Allied Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, through Activity-Based Costing method in 2013.

Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive and applied study. The study population included School of Allied Medicine. The consumed costs in financial year 2012-2013 was investigated with costs classification, and finalized costs by activity based costing method. After identification of calculated costs and changed to allocation costs, The accumulated costs according to shared basic principle was given to all of delivered services. Finally, the finalized costs for student education based on the number and kind of courses collected and calculated by Excel software 2010.

Results: The results indicated that the final cost for student education in PhD-level was 118,312,679 Rials, which was the highest amount, and was 76,714,824 Rials in MSc. level, and the lowest amount was related to BSc. student as 42,312,537 Rials.

Conclusion: Paying attention to activity-based costing system with complete flexibility reveals the drawbacks of the traditional programs used by universities. The reason for higher costs in higher levels is due to the fewer number of students, particular facilities in these level and their own special expenses

Fereshteh Farzianpour, Saeadeh Ansari Nosrati, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani ,
Volume 10, Issue 5 (1-2017)

Background and Aim: Due to social development, population growth, industrialization of countries and require some work, most of the employees are working with program shift. The purpose of this study was determination of relationship between nurses shift rotation and personality characteristics and coping strategies in selected private hospitals in Tehran, Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive and cross-sectional study standard shift work questionnaire and Eysenck personality questionnaire was used. After confirming the validity and reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.73), the questionnaire was distributed among 305 nurses and 6 non-governmental hospitals in Tehran on the cluster random sampling method. Descriptive and analytical methods were used for data analysis using SPSSv.22 software.
Results: 43.6 percent of nurses participating in the study were introverted and 56.4 percent were extroverted. The results showed that there was a meaningful statistical relationship between age and health (p=0.008), gender and physical health (p=0.015), education level and physical health (p=0.014), gender and physical-cognitive anxiety (p=0.006), age and family- socioeconomic status (p=0.001), marital status and family-socioeconomic status (p=0.001), second occupation and family-socioeconomic status (p=0.001). 
Conclusion: Planning according to nurses working hours standard and to avoid overtime, especially nurses who have more experience can prevent severe complications of shift work and improve health and the quality of care. 

Nastaran Mirfarhadi , Atefeh Ghanbari, Abbas Rahimi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Background and Aim: Early diagnosis is a tenet in oncology and enables early treatment with the expectation of improved outcome. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with personal characteristics and clinical signs in patients with breast cancer.
Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive analytic that 
cross-sectionally assessed 232 patients with definite breast cancer diagnosis that referred to Razi hospital located in Rasht using a researcher designed questionnaire including demographic and clinical signs. Collected data (mammography, tumor size, pathological stage of tumor) were obtained from medical records of patients. Gathered data analysis was accomplished with SPSS V.19 and for description of data from average and standard deviation for inference statics fisher test with a 
P value of 0.05 were used.
Results: Mean age of subject was (49.80+10.27). 44 individuals (14%) had a precedent regular mammography before disease. Hundred and four (44.8%) in first appointment were referred to a general surgeon. Hundred and thirty six (58%) women were in stage III of the disease. Hundred and twenty nine (60%) patients had a tumor size more than 5 cm and 106 (46%) had a lymph node metastasis at the time of diagnosis. Patients referring with advanced stage of breast cancer had a low education (P=0.04) and income level (P=0.01).
Conclusions: Recognizing associated personal and clinical factors with early diagnosis can provide essential information for planning health education, screening and presenting appropriate solutions to overcome barriers to treatment and care in health system planning in this provinc

Tahereh Shafaghat, Mohammad Kazem Rahimi Zarchi, Zahra Kavosi, Ali Ayoubian,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Background and Aim: The number of patients who leave hospital against medical advice could reflect patient dissatisfaction and it is a notable important problem. The present study aimed to identify the causes of discharge against medical advice at a hospital of Shiraz University of medical sciences.
Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study using grounded theory. Data were collected through telephone interviews with patients or their concomitants. All interviews were recorded by researcher and thematic method used to analyze the data. Based on it, causes of discharge against medical advice were determined and solutions were provided.
Results: Causes of discharge against medical advice were categorized into 3 general themes: "causes related to the status of the hospital", "causes related to hospital staff", and "causes related to patients" that each of them include some sub-themes. Between the sub-themes, the issues relating to the hospital staff and economic status of patient had the most and the least frequency respectively.
Conclusion: The research findings make it possible for the hospital managers to find solutions to prevent creation of DAMAs and side effects for early discharged patients, patients' readmission and imposing additional costs on them. These solutions can be mentioned as attention and understanding of authorities, preparing some amenities for patients, holding justification meetings for medical personnel and students and reengineering some hospital processes.

Ali Naghi Kebriaee , Rahim Rozbahany, Mojtaba Ahmadi, Parisa Farnia , Donya Malekshahian, Ali Akbar Velayati,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Background and Aim: To improve the quality of laboratory services, World Health Organization (WHO) introduced ISO15189 standard. So, this study aimed to investigate implementation of the standard at Mycobacteriology Research Center (MRC) and determination of its adaptation.
Materials and Methods: At the first step, 12 organizational blocks of the laboratory was assessed by completion of the standard questionnaire. By implementation of the software and audit surveillance the second step was completed. Consequently, the given results were analyzed using SPSS Version 16. 
Results: By implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) at the three known focal points (pre analytical¸ analytical and post analytical), MRC was scored 80–100% points during 2013-2014; whereas previous QMS of the national reference TB laboratory (NRL) ranged from 48% to 79%
Conclusion: This study was the first of our knowledge in stepwise implementation of ISO15189 standard in Iran. Internal evaluation of the standard, our NRL ranked as a 5 star laboratory. We seeked international evaluation to accreditation of the national reference TB laboratory.

Mahan Mohammadi, Fatemeh Rahi, Marzieh Javadi, Golrokh Atighechian, Alireza Jabbari ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Background and Aim: Almost one out of 10 patients who are admitted in hospitals experience “never events” while researches show that about half of these harms are preventable through the utilization of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). This study aims to identify and evaluate the risks of care processes in three wards of Alzahra University Hospital of Isfahan and suggest some interventions for reducing these risks.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, which identified high-risk processes using FMEA in respiratory, gastroenterology and rheumatologic wards of Alzahra Hospital during the years 2014-2015. The study population comprised clinical staff members who worked in these three wards and were familiar with clinical care processes. The focus group team was selected through purposive sampling method. Finally, the information was gathered in standard FMEA work sheets and analyzed with SPSS software.
Results: A total of 72 clinical care processes were identified, and the 73.5%  of the focus group members rated "blood and its products transfusion process" as the most risky care process. The step "checking the incompatible of patient's information and blood lable and its products" was the most dangerous step (with PRN = 300). The findings showed that human and equipment failures were the main reasons of facing the “never events” in these wards. 
Conclusion: Risk management tells us that the efficiency and quality of care can be promoted by preventing errors through human resource training and proper maintenance of medical equipment.

Abbasali Ebrahimian , Nader Khalesi , Maedeh Tourdeh , Hossein Dargahi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (Supplement 1 2017)

Background and Aim: Emergency medical services (EMS) staff’s attention level may be affected by various work conditions. This study aims to compare the beginning- and end-of-shift attention levels of Tehran’s pre-hospital emergency staff with those of Semnan Province.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive and cross-sectional research study conducted in 2013. In this study, 192 emergency medical technicians (EMT) of Tehran and Semnan Province participated. The research instrument was Bonnardel Attention Level Test. The participants’ attention level was assessed at 10 am and 5 am. The data were analyzed by chi-square test and independent samples t-test. 
Results: At 10 am (arrival attention), the average rate of attention level of Tehran’s pre-hospital emergency staff was 0.49±0.25 and that of Semnan Province staff was 0.51±0.23. There was not a significant difference (p=0.58) at that time between the average rate of attention in these two groups. At 5 am (exit attention), however, the average attention level of Tehran’s pre-hospital emergency staff was 0.45±0.25, and of Semnan Province staff was 0.55±0.20. At this time, there was a statistically significant difference (P= 0.044) between the average rate of attention in these two groups. 
Conclusion: The means of arrival and exit attention levels in pre-hospital emergency staffs were moderate. Besides, there was no significant difference between the arrival attention levels of the two groups. Therefore, in order to increase the attention level in both groups, it is suggested that the workload and the length of shifts should be reduced for pre-hospital emergency staffs, specially in Tehran.

Amir Shakerian, Ebrahim Rahimi, Jamal Mesbah, Mohammad Mousavi ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: Clostridium perfringens is one of the major agents of food poisoning in humans around the world. This study was accomplished to identify and track the toxins of Clostridium perfringens bacterium in some raw animal food origin products in Shahrekord.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 100 samples of traditional and commercial curd and 43 samples of beef and lamb meats were randomly collected from Shahrekord’s shopping center in 2014. Then to identify the bacteria in samples cultivation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method were used.
Results: In culture method no positive samples were isolated. However, frequency of Clostridium perfringens bacterium in traditional and commercial curd samples and beef and lambs samples have been reported as 6, 10, 25 and 13 percent using PCR method, respectively. Frequency of cpa, cpb, cpe, cpi and etx genes were detected in curd samples were 37.5, 25, 75, 12.5 and 12.5 percent respectively and in meat samples 62, 50, 75.5, 37.5 and 25 percent respectively. Statistically significant differences were observed between the prevalence of the bacterium in various samples and their isolated toxins (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: With attention to infection of above food samples to Clostridium perfringens and also its transfer by foodstuffs to human, it is necessary to reduce food pollution of this organism for of public health.

Vahid Changizi, Fereshteh Mohammadi , Ebrahiminia Ali,
Volume 11, Issue 5 (1-2018)

Background and Aim: CT scan as a medical imaging modality delivers high radiation dose to the patients. Since eye and thyroid are two radiosensitive organs in this study, those effective doses were evaluated in brain CT scan. Using TLD as dosimeter.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in three selective hospitals in Rasht in September and October in year 2016.TLD was used as personal dosimeter. To measure the effective dose, TLDs were put on the patient’s eyes and thyroid and the mean effective dose was evaluated in brain CT scan. Results were analytical using SPSS software and Anova (P<0.05).
Results: The mean effective doses of eyes and thyroid in three hospitals with codes of H1, H2 and H3 were obtained as 2.66±2.04 mSv and 0.03±0.009 mSv, 1.80±1.11 mSv and 0.03±0.02 mSv, 1.94±0.95 mSv, 0.04±0.01 mSv, respectively. We found significant differences between effective doses of the eyes and thyroid in the three hospitals (p<0.05). Despite the difference in effective doses between right and left sides of eyes and thyroid, we didn't find any other significant differences.
Conclusion: The most important factor affecting patient radiation dose is the way CT scan examination is performed.

Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal, Abolfazl Keshavarz, Ebrahim Kord, Nastaran Ansari, Zamaneh Hajikhezri, Katayoun Samimi-Rad,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background and Aim: At the present time one of the strategies in vaccine design is generation of fusion proteins containing (including) immunogen of infectious agents and adjuvants. In this study design and construction of E2-fliC fragment as a vaccine candid was conducted by using fliC gene from Salmonella enterica and E2 gene from hepatitis C virus.
Materials and Methods: To prepare the E2-fliC construct, E2 and fliC fragments were first amplified from pBluscript-E2 and pBluscript-fliC, respectively by PCR method. To generate pcDNA-E2-fliC plasmid, E2 was subcloned into plasmid pcDNA3.1 (+) which was extracted from DH5α cells. The fliC sequence was then cloned into the pcDNA3.1-E2. To evaluate the expression of E2-fliC construct, it was inserted into the pEGFP-N3 expression vector. Then COS-7 cells were transfected with pEGFPN3- E2-fliC to evaluate the expression of the fusion protein by observation of the EGFP signal under the fluorescence microscope.
Results: By development of GFP fluorescent using fluorescence microscopy the most expression of E2-fliC construct was observed at 24h after transfection. The accuracy of the recombinant plasmid pcDNA-E2-fliC was confirmed by PCR, restriction enzymes and DNA sequencing.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that E2-FliC fusion protein has expressed efficiently and most likely similar to HCV E2 protein induces immune system of mice after their immunization with pcDNA-E2-fliC.

Mahdi Sabokro, Reza Ebrahimzadeh Pezeshki, Negar Barahimi, Alie Haghbin,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Jun & Jul 2018)

Background and Aim: Loafing as one of the negative points of group activity in difficult jobs like medical emergency has two disadvantages. Regarding the importance of organizational injustice in creating frustration and individual procrastination, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of perceived organizational justice on creating or intensifying the phenomenon of social loafing in emergency medical service of Yazd.
Materials and Methods: This is an analytical study and the research community included all nurses working in medical emergency service of Yazd in the second half of the year 2016. Data were collected through a census, and tools used in this study consisted of two questionnaires of perceived organizational justice and social loafing. To measure the reliability of the questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha was used and was at an authentic level with the values of 0.862 and 0.913. Also, the content validity of the questionnaires was evaluated. Finally, the data were analyzed by using Spearman correlation coefficient, student’s t-test and partial least squares method in SmartPLS software.
Results: Based on the results of the study, distributive justice, interactional justice and information justice have a significant inverse correlation with loafing with values of -0.169, -0.241 and -0.490; and overall, the status of loafing was an undesirable inference in this study with a significant amount 0.043 and average of 2.171.
Conclusion: The managers of organizations can play a major role in reducing social loafing by redefining the concept of justice and ways of its realization, especially in the field of interactional justice.
Mohammad Arab, Ebrahim Jaafari Pooyan, Abbas Rahimi Forushani, Azam Sadat Rivandi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Jun & Jul 2018)

Background and Aim: The quality of healthcare services is determinant in patients’ improvement process, upgrading their satisfaction, ranking healthcare centers, and preventing patients’ repeated referrals leading to more costs for healthcare centers and insurance companies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of services -- from the perspective of patients -- given by the laboratories having contract with Iran Health Insurance Organization (IHIO). 
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the opinions of 302 patients having referred to the laboratories in contract with IHIO in Tehran were surveyed with a researcher-developed questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used to analyze and report the results.
Results: The sample included 43.5% males and 56.5% females. Most of the participants were married (71/3%). Based on the results, the patients' perception of the quality of laboratory services was 78%. Their expectation of services was 85%. The gap between perception and expectation of clients in all dimensions was statistically significant (p<0/001).
Conclusion: The gap between clients’ perception and expectation in all dimensions suggests that there is some room for improving the quality of laboratory services. The results of this assessment can surely affect the way IHIO treats with laboratories in terms of extending contracts and strategic purchase of services from these centers. In addition, patients' opinions will be important in improving the quality of services. 

Ebrahim Jaafaripooyan , Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad , Abbas Salarvand ,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (Jun & Jul 2019)

Background and Aim: Hospital accreditation is an external evaluation strategy used to improve the quality and effectiveness of services. Accreditation surveyors are among the important factors affecting the validity of accreditation results. Since the effectiveness of an accreditation system depends on its surveyors, the aim of this study is to identify the evaluation criteria of hospital accreditation surveyors in Iran.
Materials and Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in 2017 based on stakeholders’ views about the hospital accreditation program. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by thematic analysis method. Then the framework was designed and finalized with expert opinion.
Results: Forty-four criteria identified for the evaluation of hospital accreditation surveyors in Iran were classified into six domains: personality, experience, knowledge, attitude, skills, and organizational citizenship behavior. Accreditation surveyors should have an acceptable combination of such criteria.

Conclusion: Evaluation of accreditation surveyors with these criteria will lead to their better performance and ultimately promote the validity of the accreditation results. These criteria also result in a native definition for “accreditation surveyor” that can be used by the directors of accreditation system of hospitals for the management of accreditation surveyors.

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