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Showing 64 results for Rahi

Negin Saldar, Rahim Shahbazi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (5-2023)

Background and Aim: Health literacy plays a role in “reducing human casualties and financial costs” in a society. Emotional intelligence and media literacy also contribute to people’s success in life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of media literacy in the relationship between emotional intelligence and health literacy among graduate students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. 
Materials and Methods: This research is based on the nature and general characteristics, quantitative; Based on the purpose, it is applied and based on the research method and data collection method, is a descriptive correlation based on structural equation model. The statistical population was graduate students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in 2020 (2218 students). The statistical sample of the research is 327 people who were selected by stratified random sampling method. To collect data, Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (1998), Montazeri et al. Health Literacy Questionnaire (2014) and media literacy questionnaire were used. The reliability of the questionnaires was obtained using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.91, 0.84 and 0.79, respectively. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (structural equation model) using SPSS and LISREL software. 
Results: The findings showed the mean of emotional intelligence, health literacy and media literacy of graduate students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University is 3.10, 3.47 and 3.58, respectively. Also, the results showed a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and students’ health literacy. According to the findings, there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence with media literacy, and media literacy with health literacy. Also, the media literacy variable plays a mediating role in the relationship between emotional intelligence and health literacy (coefficient) of 0.58 units. The results of the structural equation model test also showed that the proposed conceptual model fits the relationship between emotional intelligence, health literacy and students’ media literacy. 
Conclusion: Media literacy can not only directly affect students’ health literacy, but also has a mediating role between emotional intelligence and health literacy. Due to the effect of emotional intelligence on students’ health and media literacy, it is recommended that the necessary planning to be done in graduate education and to strengthen emotional intelligence.  

Shima Moradi, Fatemeh Rezaei Zadeh, Monireh Rahimkhani,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Background and aim: This study aimed to determine the position of Iran in terms of scientific publications in Immunology and Microbiology, and also to identify the general status of science production and the patterns of publishing in the world, the Middle East, and Iran, analyze Iran scientific collaboration with the Middle East and the world, and explore the relationship between these indicators.
Materials and Methods: The study population contained 30622 Middle Eastern publications in Immunology and Microbiology from 2009 to 2018. Positioning the countries and exploring the relations of indicators, the exploratory factor analysis, and the correlation matrix were conducted using Scival.
Results: According to the findings Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia were among the most powerful countries in the region in terms of publication, citation, regional, international, and overall scientific collaboration. As for regional positioning, the citations had the highest weight comparing to other indicators. Iran have the first rank in the indices of scientific production and citations with 43.63% and 33.76% respectively, third rank in the regional cooperation index with 43.63%, second rank in the extra-regional cooperation index with 23.56%, and also second rank in the total cooperation index with 22.12%.
Conclusion: The indicators were strongly connected togather; however, the citations and international scientific collaborations displayed the strongest amongst others. Despite Iran’s prominent position in both fields, the quality of the publication was lower than the regional and global average. This identified the most powerful and weak countries in the region in regards to scientific capacities in Immunology and Microbiology. Moreover, it reckoned that there was a strong relation between citations and scientific production in contrast with others.

Zahra Khaje, Kamran Yazdani, Ibrahim Abdollahpour, Mohsen Mohammadi, Saharnaz Nedjat,
Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Alzheimer’s is a chronic disease that causes cognitive disabilities, thinking, personality changes and disruptions in daily activities. Due to these disorders, patients need long-term care. Most care for Alzheimer’s patients is done at home by family members, which makes home caregivers mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and financially vulnerable. Health personnel have a key role to play in providing information and guidance and helping the family control these conditions. The purpose of this study was to examines the level of knowledge and attitude of health workers and determines the related factors. 
Materials and Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study to evaluate the level of knowledge and attitude of health workers about Alzheimer’s disease and its related factors. All 260 health workers of Gorgan and Kordkuy districts were studied by census method to assess their knowledge and attitude about Alzheimer’s disease and its related factors. ANOVA and T-tests were used to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Variables whose significant level of correlation with response variable was less than 0.2 in bivariate analysis were entered into the regression model and finally multiple linear regression was used to determine the factors related to level of knowledge and attitude.
Results: The mean level of knowledge was 46.73% (95% CI, 45.46 to 48.16) and the mean level of attitude was 55.61% (95% CI, 54.63 to 56.74). The results show that those with a history of previous education, a history of caring for Alzheimer’s patients, a higher level of work experience in the health care system, and having a female gender and be married have higher levels of knowledge and those with a history of previous education and Sistani descent had a higher attitude.
Conclusion: In general, the mean level of knowledge was 46.73(0-100) and the mean level of attitude was 55.61(0-100). Factors such as: gender, work history in the health system, history of participating in educational workshops, history of caring for sick patients, and marital status were related to the level of knowledge and factors such as ethnicity and history of participating in the training workshop were related to the level of attitude of the health care providers.
Rasul Bidel Nikoo, Shila Hasanzadeh, Mohamad Jebraeily, Naser Masoudi, Bahlol Rahimi, Farshad Faghisolouk,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: Traffic accidents in Iran are one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity, identifying the factors related to these accidents can be useful in the prevention and proper management of traffic accidents. The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiology of trauma caused by traffic accidents in Imam Khomeini hospital in Urmia during 2017-2022.
Materials and Methods: The current research is a cross-sectional descriptive study that was conducted on patients hospitalized due to traffic accidents in Imam Khomeini hospital in Urmia for five years. The required data included demographic characteristics and information of the injured (role of the injured, time of the accident, location of the accident, type of vehicle, damaged area, and condition of the injured during discharge), which was extracted from the trauma registration system of Urmia University of Medical Sciences. ​ After collecting the data, it was entered into SPSS 16 software and described through frequency distribution table and central and dispersion indices
Results: In this study, out of 2086 injured cases, 74.40% (1552 people) were male. The average age of the injured was 34.49 ± 18.47 years. The type of accidental vehicle of most of the injured was motorcycle with 56.70% (998 cases). The most injured were drivers with 52.73% (1100 cases) and among them 57.45% (632 people) were motorcycle riders. 34.08% (711 cases) of injuries to body parts were in the head, neck and face.
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that most of the injured in traffic accidents are young motorcycle drivers and the most injuries were related to the head and neck area. Therefore, by knowing the risk factors and the impact of each of them on the outcome of traffic accidents, it is necessary to carry out appropriate interventions to prevent the risky behaviors of young drivers and create a culture of observing safety tips. Also, in the health system, the necessary preparations in terms of manpower and medical equipment should be made to manage the treatment of injuries caused by traffic accidents.


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