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Alireza Hajizadeh, Reza Hafezi, Mrs Maryam Tajvar,
Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Futures studies are constantly evolving and help organizations and individuals for better identification of future events, opportunities, and threats. In the field of health, futures studies are also applied for better prediction of health issues in future, control of unpleasant condition and preparing for pleasant future in health system. The purpose of this study is to conduct a scoping review of the futures studies accomplished in the field of health in Iran, 
Materials and Methods: This study is a scoping review, conducted based on the Arksey and O’Malley framework with 6 steps including research question identification, related study identification, study selection / screening, data segmentation, summarizing and reporting results and providing guidance and recommendations n. National and international databases and search engines including PubMed, Web Of Science (WOS), Scopus, ProQuest, SID, Magiran, IranDoc and Google Scholar were searched using related keywords. After removing duplicate articles, the remaining articles were screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the selected articles were finally categorized, summarized and reported based on the mentioned steps.
Results: Among of 6691 articles identified, 30 articles reached the final synthesis stage. The articles were classified into forecasting, foresighting, and mixed categories, with the scenario writing method being the most widely used and applied in 20 studies. Also, studies were classified in scope of nature based on quantitative or qualitative and time horizon. Types of futures studies methods in Iran, in the fields of public health, medicine, science and technology, financing, prescription, health tourism, diet, human resources, aging, Covid-19 epidemic, health policy, hospital and macro level of health system were used.
Conclusion: The use of futures studies methods in a targeted manner and on the issues of Iran’s health system can play an effective role in knowing the future for more informed decision-making and planning in order to build a desirable future. The results of this review showed that scattered studies have been conducted with futures studies methods in the field of health, among which the scenario writing method has received more attention.

Zahra Khaje, Kamran Yazdani, Ibrahim Abdollahpour, Mohsen Mohammadi, Saharnaz Nedjat,
Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Alzheimer’s is a chronic disease that causes cognitive disabilities, thinking, personality changes and disruptions in daily activities. Due to these disorders, patients need long-term care. Most care for Alzheimer’s patients is done at home by family members, which makes home caregivers mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and financially vulnerable. Health personnel have a key role to play in providing information and guidance and helping the family control these conditions. The purpose of this study was to examines the level of knowledge and attitude of health workers and determines the related factors. 
Materials and Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study to evaluate the level of knowledge and attitude of health workers about Alzheimer’s disease and its related factors. All 260 health workers of Gorgan and Kordkuy districts were studied by census method to assess their knowledge and attitude about Alzheimer’s disease and its related factors. ANOVA and T-tests were used to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Variables whose significant level of correlation with response variable was less than 0.2 in bivariate analysis were entered into the regression model and finally multiple linear regression was used to determine the factors related to level of knowledge and attitude.
Results: The mean level of knowledge was 46.73% (95% CI, 45.46 to 48.16) and the mean level of attitude was 55.61% (95% CI, 54.63 to 56.74). The results show that those with a history of previous education, a history of caring for Alzheimer’s patients, a higher level of work experience in the health care system, and having a female gender and be married have higher levels of knowledge and those with a history of previous education and Sistani descent had a higher attitude.
Conclusion: In general, the mean level of knowledge was 46.73(0-100) and the mean level of attitude was 55.61(0-100). Factors such as: gender, work history in the health system, history of participating in educational workshops, history of caring for sick patients, and marital status were related to the level of knowledge and factors such as ethnicity and history of participating in the training workshop were related to the level of attitude of the health care providers.
Reza Safdari, Sharare Rostam Niakan Kalhori, Afzal Shamsi, Homa Hajizadegan,
Volume 17, Issue 5 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Atherosclerosis of coronary arteries is the most common heart disease and indication of coronary artery bypass graft(CABG). After CABG, patients need proper self-care and lifestyle changes to increase their quality of life. The present research aimed to the conceptual design of self-care Android software, focusing on the third phase of cardiac rehabilitation.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive research has been carried out in two main phases and a total of six steps in order to assess the informational and functional needs of self-care software and design its conceptual model. After searching in reliable scientific sources and guidelines and checking the available Persian software, through the content validity index questionnaire of Lavshe, Welts and Bassel, 23 people from the medical staff with a history of caring for heart patients participated in the step of determining the requirements and the results were analyzed using SPSS Software. Descriptive analysis was done. Finally, the software model was prepared using integrated modeling language and th mind map was drawn.
Results: Sixty two items were identified in 6 general categories (personal information, medical records, interventions, personal health record, essential information, emergency communication). In the phase of determining the requirements by the experts, 52 items were accepted and 10 items were included in the conceptual model of the application program with minor changes and revisions.
Conclusion: Using mobile health in self-care and cardiac rehabilitation will be a suitable solution in order to increase treatment, follow-up and optimal continuation of self-care in patients. By having different functions, this tool can facilitate lifestyle change and help patients in secondary prevention of cardiovascular events and improve their health.

Azam Shahbodaghi, Maryam Shekofteh, ,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are the most reliable sources of evidence in evidence-based practice. Analyzing the scientometric and authorship features of these articles at the national level can provide useful information for various decision-makers. This study aimed to investigate the scientometric and authorship characteristics of Iran’s systematic review and meta-analysis articles indexed in Scopus.
Materials and Methods: The current research was conducted using a scientometric approach. The research population includes 9579 systematic review and meta-analysis articles published between 2011 and 2021, and Iran is the affiliated country of at least one of the authors. The quantitative and qualitative growth process of articles as well as the authorship characteristics are examined in this research, among other things.
Results: Review of 9579 articles indicate an increasing trend in the publication, with the highest number of articles (2565) being published in 2021. The thematic analysis shows that the majority of articles are related to the field of Medicine, with 7112 articles, followed by Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology with 1433 articles. The highest H-index, 68, refers to the year 2018 and the highest percentage of articles included in the Hirsch Index horizon refers to the year 2011. The highest average number of citations per article is 146.44, observed in 2012, while the lowest is 4.62, reported in 2021. The highest average number of citations in relation to the age of the articles was 9735/34 in 2020, whereas the minimum was 279 in 2011.Calculating the percentage of articles above the H-index horizontal line based on total articles of each year, along with the average citation per article, shows a decreasing trend with slight fluctuations. On the other hand, there is a growing trend when considering the number of citations in relation to the age of the articles. The lowest average author count (5.48) is linked to 2011, whereas the highest count (12) is related to 2012. The first and the corresponding author of more than 91% of the articles was from Iran. In conducting the examined articles, researchers from the United States collaborated the most (12.05%) with researchers from Iran. University of Tehran, as the authors' affiliated organization, has contributed the most to the examined articles (27.81%). The Iranian Journal of Public Health has published the most of the examined articles (36/1%).
Conclusion: The articles under investigation show an increasing trend of growth, yet further research is needed to assess their qualitative trend. Given the rising significance of evidence-based practice, the stakeholders need to ensure the maintenance of the quantitative growth trend and the enhancement of the qualitative growth of these articles.

Azra Daei, Mohammad Reza Soleymani, Hasan Ashrafi-Rizi,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: The role of information in improving the health of society and reducing healthcare costs is undeniable. However, in practice, there exists insufficient and incomplete information among healthcare providers. This lack of comprehensive information among market players leads to inefficiencies and failure in market performance. The main goal of the current research was to investigate health information asymmetry and inadequacy within the health information market.
Materials and Methods: This article is a narrative and unsystematic review. Studies were retrieved from the Scopus, PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Magiran, Sid and Google Scholar databases by using the keywords of information inadequacy, Asymmetry of health information done in the fields of article title, abstract and keywords. Subsequently, according to the purpose of the study, the researchers selected relevant resources and summarized their findings.
Results: 18 paper were selected for this research. In this research, we specifically address health information inadequacies across three key sections: patients, doctors, and insurance. At the end of each section, ways to solve these deficiencies were mentioned. Results Showed patients faced with the phenomenon of injustice in accessing health information, and the continuation of this injustice leads to the poverty of health information, and due to the lack of proper access to health information, the asymmetry of information between the doctor and the patient was created. Doctors, on the other hand, faced challenges in accessing up-to-date and evidence-based information for patient care. Asymmetric information could be exploited, resulting in induced demand. Insurances face the problems of inappropriate selection, moral hazard and demand induction by the supplier or consumer.
Conclusion: Information asymmetry has seriously penetrated the health field and there is a high level of unconfident and uncertainty in it. One of the ways to overcome the health information asymmetry and insufficiency of the health information market is the access of all stakeholders to the information.

Soraya Sayar, Sara Noruzi, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Javadi, Mohammad Sabzi Khoshnami, Sanaz Dehghani, Maryam Pour Hosein, Mahnaz Zamyadi,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: Considering the role of social workers in the health system, the success and stability of organ transplantation, prevention of re-hospitalization of patients and reduction of imposed costs, this study aims to design a protocol for the specialized interventions of social workers in Iran’s medical centers in the transplant process and to create uniformity in practice. Comprehensive services have been provided to patients and their caregivers.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in two phases of resource review and qualitative. In the resource review phase, reliable databases were examined, and in the qualitative phase, in order to collect information from Delphi techniques and focused group discussion with the presence of fifteen officials and social workers working in the country’s hospitals and experts and experts. The areas of health and treatment assistants of the Ministry of Health, university professors, medical staff and experts in the field of transplantation and organ donation were carried out. The protocol was sent to eight experienced experts for final review and evaluation, and they were asked to review the protocol in terms of the goal and scope of interventions, stakeholders, development steps, clarity of presentation, accessibility and non-dependence in writing according to the checklist to evaluate.
Results: In this study, the work process of social workers was drawn in three stages before, during and after transplantation. Also, various roles were considered for social workers in three stages of work, including the role of defender, supporter, case manager, resource mobilizer, trainer, consultant, evaluator and guidance. Interventions such as finding informational support, facilitating the patient hospitalization process, providing psychosocial support to the family with the aim of empowering them for post-transplant care, providing counseling to family members to deal with stress and improving mental health of the patient, providing economic support, Accomodation conditions are provided through hospital companions and communication and interaction with the treatment team, including the doctor, in order to respond to the needs of the family, facilitate treatment and on time discharging.
Conclusion: the protocol of specialized interventions of social workers in the transplantation process created a new step and a different look at psychosocial support in transplantation and coordination teams, so that social workers in the field of organ donation and transplantation and working with caregivers, families and the survivors of the patients arrived.

Reza Dehkhodaei, Mazyar Karamali, Mohammad Mohammadian, Mohammadkarim Bahadori, Mohsen Abbasifarajzadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: Considering the importance of knowledge management in the current era and the emphasis on the implementation of knowledge management in the health system in the knowledge management system of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, and since it is one of the first steps in the implementation of knowledge management, Drawing the knowledge tree of the organization, the purpose of the current research is to review the process of publishing the knowledge tree and examine it in the field of health.
Materials and Methods: The current research is a type of applied and descriptive review study that was carried out with the method of scientometrics and co-occurrence analysis of keywords. For this purpose, the term “Knowledge tree” OR “knowledge trees” was searched in Scopus reference database. For data analysis, the analyzes provided by the database itself were used, and VOSviewer software was used to visualize the data.
Results: The growth of scientific productions related to the field of the tree of knowledge in general in the mentioned base has started since 1979 and has had a growing trend until 2023. In the field of knowledge tree, among the authors Yang, Y, among the organizations, machine intelligence institute, iona college, and among the countries, China, America, and England have been at the top of the most productive in this field. Among the subjects, the most related articles are primarily related to the field of computer science (32.2 percent) and then to the field of engineering (22.1 percent) and mathematics (10.1 percent), which is significant. that medicine is in the sixth place and this is a sign of the weakness of producing resources in this field and the clustering resulting from the co-occurrence of keywords led to the identification of five clusters respectively with the titles of data mining and information processing, artificial intelligence and expert systems. , knowledge structure and decision support systems, semantics and knowledge representation, and finally learning and teaching systems.
Conclusion: The study of the thematic structure of scientific productions in the field of Knowledge Tree showed that the field of health has a weakness in the production of resources in this field. Therefore, it is necessary for future researches to pay special attention to the development and explanation of this concept and modeling its drawing, especially in the health system, in order to identify and prevent diseases.

Maryam Andalib Kondori, Ahmadreza Varnaseri, Maryam Ghanbari Khoshnood, Seyed Abedin Hoseini Ahangari, Mohammad Karim Saberi, Hamid Bourghi,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background and Aim: This research aimed to study the status of providing health information services in public libraries in Tehran, which was conducted based on the views of librarians working in these libraries.
Materials and Methods: The research method was applied in terms of its purpose and descriptive in terms of data collection, which was conducted as a survey. The statistical population was 150 librarians of public libraries in Tehran. The tool for collecting information was a researcher-made questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS statistical software..
Results: The status of health information resources available in public libraries of Tehran is low and very low in most sources. The level of familiarity of librarians with health and public health issues is %20. The level of familiarity of librarians with selective dissemination of health information services is low and very low with %77.4. The participation rate of librarians in medical information workshops is faced with the non-participation of %70 of librarians. The familiarity of librarians with the services of selective distribution of health information is low and very low. %60 of librarians are not familiar with medical information systems. The percentage of familiarity of librarians with internal medical websites is %60-78 weak. The percentage of familiarity of librarians with foreign international websites in the field of health is average. Librarians consider the main reason for providing selective health information services to improve the level of health literacy in the society. Also, the main obstacle to providing health information dissemination services is the librarian not having enough time to provide services.
Conclusion: The country’s public libraries should consider measures to familiarize librarians with the field of health information and implement policies in this field. Considering the appropriate technical facilities of public libraries in Tehran, it is possible to create and access internal and external health systems and websites. and expanded the sources and documents of librarians’ health information.

Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Dashti, Amid Khatibi Bardsiri, Mehdi Jafari Shahbazzadeh,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Medical reports and electronic health records are critically important for diagnosis, treatment, patient protection, and medical research. Correcting spelling errors in medical texts is essential to ensure accurate interpretation of information. This research was conducted to automatically correct spelling mistakes in Persian medical texts using neural networks.
Material and Methods: In this study, which was conducted in 2023, a computational model based on artificial intelligence neural networks and dual embedding techniques was developed using Python in a Windows environment. The dual embedding model was fine-tuned for correcting spelling errors in Persian sonography texts. The proposed model employs various techniques for automatic error detection, including dictionary lookup approach and contextual similarity coefficients. Furthermore, features specific to text processing, such as Edit-Distance, along with similarity coefficients, were utilized to automatically select the most appropriate substitute for a misspelled word. The training and testing data for the current model were sourced from a collection of sonography texts from the Imam Khomeini Hospital’s sonography clinic in Tehran.
Results: The proposed model which is based on artificial neural networks, leverages a novel dualembedding architecture to select the best candidate words for correcting both non-word and real-word errors. According to the evaluation results on Persian sonography text, the proposed model achieved an F-Measure accuracy of 90.5% in detecting real-word errors. Furthermore, it demonstrated an impressive 90% accuracy in automatically correcting these real-word errors. Additionally, the model exhibited a strong performance, achieving 90.8% accuracy in correcting non-word errors.
Conclusion: Based on the evaluation results, the proposed method is robust against various changes in word forms and can effectively manage a wide range of morphological and semantic errors, including replacements, transpositions, insertions, and deletions in medical texts. The integration of EditDistance with textual similarity coefficients extracted from the dual embedding model significantly enhanced the accuracy of spelling corrections in Persian sonography texts, ensuring greater validity of such documents. The authors believe that the proposed model represents a significant advancement in the detection and correction of spelling errors in Persian sonography texts.

Shahnaz Khademizadeh, Bahram Peymannia, Fatemeh Rafieinasab,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: The term “information behavior,” with an emphasis on health and hygiene, refers to purposeful actions taken to satisfy informational needs related to health. The objective of the current research is to develop and validate a questionnaire on information behavior, with a focus on health and hygiene information.
Materials and Methods: This study was a quantitative research conducted with a tool design approach. Initially, a questionnaire for measuring this behavior was prepared using instrument design methods. The basis for extracting the factors of the present questionnaire has been argumentation and logical repetition. In other words, the researcher, in line with the background of these factors and their repetition in the sources, used them as influential factors in the questionnaire construction. After confirming the content and structural validity, the modified questionnaire was distributed among 238 patients with multiple sclerosis. The sample selection.
was done using the available sampling method. Then, the data were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency of the data was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods with the help of SPSS and AMOS software.
Results: The content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated with the opinion of 20 experts in information behavior. The reliability of the health information behavior questionnaire was adequate and satisfactory with the overall Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.78 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the components between 0.71 and 0.94. In order to factor analysis, the sampling adequacy index and the value of Bartlett’s Crowley test were calculated, and all 29 items were statistically significant; which confirms the factorization of the correlation matrix. In the exploratory factor analysis, five factors (avoidance of information), the second factor (need for information), the third factor (exposure to information), the fourth factor (seeking information), and the fifth factor (use of information) were obtained. The indicators of confirmatory factor analysis showed the validity of the proposed structure. The results of the structural equation model test showed that the fit indices were favorable and also indicated the fit of the presented model in the MS patient population.
Conclusion: The obtained results demonstrated that health information behavior in this questionnaire encompasses five factors: information needs, information-seeking behavior, information avoidance, information use, and information confrontation, which were confirmed. The designed scale for assessing health information behavior in the Iranian community has been evaluated and is recommended for use in measuring health information behavior effectively.

Marziyeh Najafi, Roya Rajaee, Hojjat Rahmani, Behrooz Pouragha, Nazanin Sheikh Mohammadi, Ghasem Rajabi Vasokolaei,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Patient falls are common in hospitals, leading to financial loss and potential harm to patients, staff, and the organization. They can often be prevented with proper planning. This study aims to identify strategies to prevent patient falls and provide evidence to develop safety initiatives.
Materials and Methods: Our review used the Arksey and O’Malley scoping review model to identify strategies for preventing patient falls. We conducted searches with relevant keywords in the PubMed and Web of Science databases until May 25, 2024. In the final stage, we consulted with 18 experts using the Delphi method to gather their opinions. The data were analyzed using the thematic analysis method.
Results: Out of the 4202 studies initially found, 19 articles were chosen. The solutions to prevent patient falls can be grouped into six general categories: planning (which includes quality improvement programs, establishment of patient safety culture, patient fall prevention guidelines and programs), physical space (involving patient room design and the location of treatment staff), equipment (such as monitoring and alarms, pressure sensors, and standard beds), human resources (including communication networks between nurses and other treatment staff, as well as factors like self-efficacy and responsiveness of nurses, and their motivation and job satisfaction), training (covering education and patient participation, training of nurses and treatment staff, and electronic training), and control of executive processes (involving evaluation of risk factors and process control). The highest level of agreement among the members was on the equipment dimension (9.76), and the lowest was on the human resources dimension (8.65).
Conclusion: Patient falls are a common safety concern in hospitals and can be prevented with proper planning. Each hospital should use a combination of prevention methods tailored to its specific conditions.

Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Mahdiyeh Heydari, Mahya Abbasi, Mahdi Abbasi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (12-2024)

Background and Aim: Health insurance organizations play an important role in increasing people’s access to health services and protecting them financially against catastrophic health costs. Iran Health Insurance Organization (IHIO) is one of the largest public health insurance organizations in Iran, which faces many challenges. The purpose of this research is the strategic analysis of health financing performance of IHIO.
Materials and Methods: This qualitative research was conducted using interpretive phenomenology method through using semi-structured interviews with 25 managers and employees of IHIO. In addition, relevant documents and archival data of IHIO were collected and analyzed. Thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data. 
Results: Overall, 19 strengths, 24 weaknesses, 14 opportunities, 37 threats and 43 solutions were identified for the health financing system of IHIO. Increasing the coverage of health services, correcting the information databases of the insured and electronic prescribing were the most important strengths, and inappropriate pooling of financial resources, incomplete risk pooling, high administrative costs, and inefficient control were the most important weaknesses of IHIO. The most important opportunities for IHIO include the government’s support for universal health coverage and emphasis on primary health care, legal support for consolidating health insurance funds and improving the health technology assessment system in the country. The main threats to IHIO include political and economic unstability, low health insurance premiums, decisions without scientific support and insufficient enforcement of laws. Finally, solutions such as modernizing the tax system, increasing the health literacy of the community, reducing bureaucracy, increasing transparency and accountability, and reforming the monitoring and evaluation system were identified to strengthen the performance of the financing system of IHIO.
Conclusion: Iran’s health insurance organization is facing numerous structural, contexual and process challenges that have reduced its productivity. Decrease in revenues, increase in costs and decrease in efficiency have caused problems in the financing performance of this organization. Recognizing the weaknesses and challenges of financing performance and applying corrective interventions is the first step in strengthening the sustainability of health financing of IHIO.

Sedigheh Mohammadesmaeili, Nahid Ramzanghorbani, Shiba Kianmehr,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (12-2024)

Background and Aim: Passive smoking is known to have an impact on the respiratory system of infants and children. The aim of this study is to examine the positive effects of parental smoking cessation programs using nicotine replacement on quality of life in children with asthma at the Children's Medical Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This case-control study included 100 children aged 6-10 years with asthma who had their parents smoking in the Allergy Department of the Children's Medical Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. During the 2019-2021 period, this study was conducted using a census as the sampling method. Data were collected using standard questionnaires of the Child Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), standard versions of the Short Form (SF-12) and the St George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). The two groups were compared using independent t-tests and paired t-tests, and Pearson's correlation coefficient was utilized to examine the correlation between the two questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software.
Results: Children with asthma who had their parents quit smoking had a mean score lower than those who did not intervene. This indicates that the quality of life in children with asthma whose parents underwent nicotine replacement program improved significantly (P=0.03). Nicotine gum consumption can enhance certain aspects of health-related quality of life for both parents and children, as assessed by SF-12 and SGRQ, according to the results. Physical functioning (P=0.007) and school performance (P=0.002) were the two components most significantly affected.
Conclusion: The physical health and quality of life of parents are can affecte children with asthma, who face many challenges in meeting their daily needs. Smoking cessation using nicotine gum can improve the quality of life of parents and children. To maximize the effectiveness of parental smoking cessation information therapy programs for children with asthma, providing personalized support and advice to parents or caregivers, evidence-based treatments, and educating families on how to manage this disease in children seems essential.

Malihe Ghanaatjoo, Nader Jahanmehr, Dr. Hamed Dehnavi, Aida Samadi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (12-2024)

Background and Aim: The increase in the amount of information and the need for their daily monitoring have led to the development of tools called management dashboards that have the ability to analyze graphical data. In addition to preparing quick reports in different time frames and user-specific format, the dashboard can be useful for providing dynamic updated information for accurate decision-making and quick response to changes.
Materials and Methods: The current research was carried out in the form of qualitative studies and participatory action research method in 9 steps. In this applied and developmental research that was conducted cross-sectionally using the data of the first half of 2022, 11 members of the leadership team of a super-specialized children’s hospital were selected as research participants. The data collection tool was an interview using a questionnaire to determine the importance of indicators and a usability questionnaire (usability) of the dashboard based on three independent variables (usefulness, ease of use and satisfaction). The Excel file of data needed for the dashboard was collected from the HIS system of the hospital, and the dashboard was designed with Power BI software, and the capabilities and access levels of users were determined based on their duties. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and Excel software version 2016.
Results: In the stage of determining key performance indicators, out of 39 indicators selected by the research team, 22 indicators scored an average score of 4 or higher (from 5 points) and 21 indicators were able to be implemented. The data repository in Excel format was used as an intermediate environment. The dashboard was displayed on six pages (indicators related to the performance of inpatient beds, mortality, emergency and other indicators) and the capabilities of each page were determined. After implementing the dashboard and determining the access levels of users, obtaining a high score from the questions of the usability questionnaire (5 out of 7 points) and obtaining an average score of 71.8 out of 5 questions related to usefulness variables, 70.5 out of 8 questions related to ease of use. And 71 out of 3 questions related to the satisfaction variable showed that the dashboard designed for the hospital had high usability.
Conclusion: Hospital management dashboard information can be a basis for informed decision-making to achieve benefits such as identifying the best performance, improving performance quality, making faster decisions, reducing errors, improving capacity management and work flow, allocating resources and planning for growth and development. 

Maliheh Javadi-Arjmand, Elia Damavandi, Hamid Choobineh, Majid Kabuli, Mohsen Ghadami,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2024)

Background and Aim: Follicle stimulating glycoprotein hormone (FSH) exerts its functions through its receptor (FSHR). In women of reproductive age, this hormone causes the growth and development of follicles in the ovary during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. This hormone is widely used in the treatment of infertility. Several polymorphisms have been reported so far in the FSHR gene, which are effective in the ovarian response, but the FSHR gene has two very common single nucleotide polymorphisms at positions 680 and 307 in exon 10. One of them at position 307 changes the amino acid threonine to alanine and the other at position 680 changes asparagine to serine. The polymorphism at position 307 of exon 10 is in the extracellular region of the receptor and the binding site of the hormone, which can be affected in response to internal and external FSH stimulation. These two SNPs have been reported to be associated with various ovarian responses and IVF outcomes in different populations. Different studies have particularly focused on rs6166 (p. Asn680Ser), but this study was conducted to investigate the possible association between rs6166 and rs6165 (p. Thr307Ala) and the IVF outcome.
Materials and Methods: After blood sampling and DNA extraction, the two polymorphisms in exon 10 of FSHR gene were analyzed using PCR-RFLP method in 120 women randomly assigned to two equal groups including IVF successful and IVF unsuccessful infertile women. The selection of patients to enter the study as well as the criteria for successful IVF are described in the text. In order to confirm the results, DNA sequencing was done for some selected samples. Finally, the results were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: No significant differences were found in either SNPs between successful IVF and unsuccessful IVF patients in allelic frequencies (P-value>0.05).
Conclusion: Despite the different results of the studies conducted regarding the effect of FSHR gene polymorphisms (rs6165 and rs6166) in different populations, considering the lack of significant difference in the frequency of the above polymorphisms in the studied population, it is concluded that these two polymorphisms cannot be used to predict the outcome of IVF in Iranian infertile women.

Fahimeh Mohammadi, Maryam Shekofteh, Maryam Kazerani,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2024)

Background and Aim: The growth and development of scientific fields depends on correct and accurate planning and a general and comprehensive understanding of the structure of these fields. Scientific maps are a type of scientometric methods that help to understand the current state of scientific fields and reveal their internal structure. The aim of the present study is to analyze co-authorship and word co-occurrence maps of scientific publications of Iran in the field of endocrinology and metabolism.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional scientometrics study. The research population is all scientific publications of Iran in the field of Endocrinology and Metabolism on the Web of Science. The co-authorship and co-word maps were analyzed using VOSviewer, Gephi, and NodeXL software. Network analysis was done using social network analysis indicators. Thematic clusters and emerging subjects were also identified through the examination of word co-occurrence networks.
Results: The total scientific publications of Iran in the field of endocrinology and metabolism on the Web of Science was 4847 documents. The co-authorship network is a type of sparse network. The value of the cluster coefficient of this network was 0.212 and its diameter was 11. The average degree of the co-authorship network (6.62) shows that each node is connected with about 6 other nodes on average. The diameter of the co-authorship network is 11. The most productive and influential outhors are Azizi F and Larijani B. Six thematic clusters were identified in the word co-occurrence network, the largest one is oxidative stress and gene expression, followed by the obesity and diabetes cluster. The word “autoimmunity” is one of the emerging words in this field.
Conclusion: Iran’s research in the field of Endocrinology and Metabolism shows an increasing trend, but there is little cooperation between the authors of the field. Their co-authorship networks are sparse, and the authors’ tendency to form clusters is low. Therefore, planning is needed to increase scientific cooperation and the density of networks. It is suggested that the researchers of this field pay attention to the thematic clusters of the co-word network and emerging subjects in the design of their future research.

Mohammadreza Asghariyan, Farzad Firouzi Jahantigh,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2024)

Background and Aim: The emergency department of the hospital is considered one of its main entrances; which has provided health care and treatment for critical and non-critical patients and faces various health and treatment restrictions, but the main emphasis is always on resource limitations. Many simulation projects were implemented in hospitals and first in emergency departments with the aim of increasing productivity. The present research is a general description of the patient’s movement flow and length of stay in the emergency department of a selected specialized hospital in Zahedan city. The aim of the current research is to prevent care complications, reduce waiting time and patient stay in the emergency department, present a simulation model and improve it based on discrete-event simulation.
Materials and Methods: Using the data bank of the emergency department system based on the required data and also through the in-person observation of the data related to the duration of the patient’s stay in the emergency department, including the arrival time, waiting time, The type of services provided to the patient, the time of service and the time of departure were collected and checked and confirmed by experts related to this field so that it has the highest level of reliability with the facts. The data were designed in Excel software, and then data analysis and simulation model creation were done using Aren V14 software, and according to the results, the effect of the proposed solutions was evaluated.
Results: The findings of the present research showed that the longest queue created in the emergency department of the selected specialized hospital in Zahedan city is related to medical examination and additional tests. By implementing the simulation model and testing different solutions, solution 3, which means adding one nurse to nursing consultation and one person to radiology, has the most optimizing effect on the performance of the system at different levels of the patient admission process. and the cost of its implementation is more than solutions 1 and 2. This solution created a 14% decrease in the average length of stay and a 28% decrease in the average duration of additional tests.
Conclusion: The use of queuing models and simulation techniques improve the performance of the system and their implementation has significant effects on reducing the waiting time and length of stay of patients in the emergency department, increasing the quality level of the process of monitoring patients. It leads to optimal management of resources and increased productivity.
Zahra Karbasi, Michaeel Motaghi Niko, Maryam Zahmatkeshan,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2024)

Background and Aim: Cataracts are recognized as the cause of 51% of blindness worldwide. Following the promising initial results of artificial intelligence systems in eye diseases, AI algorithms have been applied in the diagnosis of cataracts, grading the severity of cataracts, intraocular lens calculations, and even as an assistive tool in cataract surgery. This study presents a systematic review of AI techniques in the management of cataract disease.
Materials and Methods: This systematic review study was conducted to investigate artificial intelligence techniques to manage cataract disease until November 11, 2023, and based on PRISMA guidelines. We retrieved all relevant articles published in English through a systematic search of PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science online databases.
Results: In our initial search, 192 records were identified in the databases, and eventually, 23 articles were selected for review. The results indicated that convolutional neural network algorithms (6 articles), recurrent neural networks (1 article), deep convolutional networks (1 article), support vector machines (2 articles), transfer learning (1 article), decision trees (4 articles), random forests (4 articles), logistic regression (3 articles), Bayesian algorithms (3 articles), XGBoost (3 articles), and K-nearest neighbors clustering algorithms (2 articles) were the artificial neural network and machine learning techniques and algorithms utilized. These techniques were employed in the studies for the diagnosis (70%), management (17%), and prediction (13%) of cataract disease.
Conclusion: Various artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques and algorithms can be effective and efficient in diagnosing, grading, managing, and predicting cataracts with high accuracy. In this study, deep learning techniques and convolutional neural networks have made the greatest contribution to cataract diagnosis. Deep learning techniques, decision trees, and Bayesian algorithms were involved in cataract management. Machine learning algorithms such as logistic regression, random forest, artificial neural network, decision tree, K1-nearest neighbor, XGBoost, and adaptive boosting also played a role in cataract prediction. Just as early prediction, diagnosis, and timely referral can reduce future complications of the disease, the use of systems based on artificial intelligence models that have acceptable accuracy can be effective in supporting the decision-making process of physicians and managing this disease.

Fatemeh Soofiabadi, Alireza Shahraki, Mohebali Rahdar,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2024)

Background and Aim: Given the high sensitivity of the medical field, a mistake can cause irreparable damage to human society. For this reason, finding the symptoms of the disease and the relationships between them to facilitate the improvement of diseases is inevitable. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to first identify the symptoms of neurofibromatosis type 1 by specialists, then determine the relationship between the symptoms and the degree of their impact on each other in order to determine the most important criterion in improving the disease.
Materials and Methods: The present study is of a developmental-applied type in terms of its purpose and of a descriptive-survey type in terms of its data collection method. The case study of the present study is spinal disorders, of which neurofibromatosis type 1 has been diagnosed as one of them based on the opinion of experts. Neurofibromatosis type 1 is a genetic disorder that causes tumors in the nervous tissue. Accordingly, in the present study, the criteria, which are the symptoms of the disease, were first determined using the opinion of a group of experts and the implementation of the fuzzy Delphi method. In the next step, a model for the causal relationships between the symptoms of the disease is presented. For this purpose, a fuzzy cognitive map is drawn using MATLAB, FCMapper and Pajek software, then backward and forward scenarios are presented for neurofibromatosis type 1 and the disease improvement scenario is determined.
Results: The results showed that hormonal changes, flat brown spots on the skin, freckles in the armpit and groin area, soft bumps on the face or under the skin, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, bumps on the iris of the eye (Lish nodules), tumor in the optic nerve-ocular glioma, short stature, bone deformity, learning disabilities-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and larger than average head size are ranked first to twelfth, respectively. The causal relationships between the symptoms showed that the criterion of hormonal changes has the greatest impact on the criterion of freckles in the armpit or groin area; Therefore, if the hormonal changes criterion improves, neurofibromatosis type 1 will also improve.
Conclusion: The findings of this study have helped the medical community to have a better understanding of the symptoms of the disease so that doctors can improve their prevention and care recommendations based on the severity of the symptoms of the diseases.

Leila Keikha, Fatemeh Sheikhshoaei, Abdolahad Nabiolahi, Mahnaz Khosravi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2024)

Background and Aim: Health librarians can play an important role in meeting the information needs of the clinical team and improving the quality of medical cares. Increasing clinical health literacy and use of Evidence-based medicine among ophthalmology residents is of great importance due to the importance of patients’ health in this field and appropriate decision-making about the individual’s health status. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention by clinical librarians on the skills of ophthalmology residents in using of evidence-based information at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This was a semi-experimental applied study. The research population was ophthalmology residents of Al-Zahra Eye Hospital, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences during the years 2020-2023, who were selected through a census. During a three-month period, 17 combined training sessions (face-to-face and virtual using the Navid system) were held for 18 ophthalmology residents regarding correct search methods from different databases and appropriate use of evidence-based information. To collect data before and after training, a clinical information literacy questionnaire derived from previous studies was used, and data analysis was performed using SPSS software and ANOVA and ANCOVA statistical tests to compare scores before and after training in the intervention group.
Results: The majority of participating residents (55.6%) were female. Before the intervention, 33.3% of the study population had moderate to high levels of knowledge about evidence-based medicine. There was a statistically significant relationship between the total level of knowledge of residents after training and gender (P-value<0.05). Clinical librarian training was effective on the level of basic knowledge of evidence-based medicine, designing clinical questions, searching for clinical evidence, critical evaluation of clinical evidence, and dissemination of evidence-based medical information of residents (P-value<0.05).
Conclusion: Considering the positive impact of clinical librarians’ intervention in improving the level of clinical decision-making knowledge of ophthalmology residents, it is suggested that evidence-based medicine training workshops or courses be held for residents of different disciplines using a variety of educational methods. In addition, it is suggested that evidence-based units be included in the residents’ curriculum and that training be conducted as a team consisting of medical librarians and specialists and ophthalmologist.

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