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Showing 6 results for Access

F Sadooqi, M Ahmadi, M.r Gohari, F Rangraz Jeddi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

Background and Aim: Information Technologies (ITs) has become a significant resource for dissemination of information and resulted to an increase of health knowledge in communities. With attention to patient - centered approach this study was done to determine knowledge of inpatients about ITs.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive - cross-sectional study was done on 461 inpatient in Kashan University of Medical Sciences hospital's with a reliable (spearman Brown, r =0.83) and valid (face and content) questionnaire in two section, demographic information and study objects. Data gathering was done with interview then analyzed by SPSS and descriptive analysis.

Results: %42.1 and %26.7 of participants had knowledge about computer and the Internet relatively. %41.9 of them had the Internet access. 86.3% and 88.3% relatively would be interested to access and get medical records and their information. They intended to get test (%85.7), refill her/his prescription (79%), get appointment (%76.4), consult with physicians (%80), and get information about diets (80%) through ITs.

Discussion  and Conclusion: It seems ITs attitude in inpatients is relatively good. Providing their information needs especially about prescription order and diets from CD or the Internet by hospital sites and introducing good medical sites to patient were recommended.

M Khayatan, Aa Nasiri Pour, M Amini, Sm Mohamad Nejad,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (3-2011)

Background and Aim: In any country, one of the fundamental goals of health policymakers is to facilitate the people's access to treatment and health care services. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify factors that influence recievers' access to delivered services in urban health care services.

Materials and Methods: We performed this descriptive and cross sectional study in year 2008. We used the multi-stage sampling method for selecting 57 staffs of urban health care centers as statistical samples. The valid and reliable questionnaire for gathering data was designed. Data was analyzed by SPSS 2 version 13 software.

Results: Our findings indicate that mean scores of individual, geographical, financial and structural factor was 2.29 (61.4% with high impact), 2.42 (57.9% with high impact), 2.27 (56.1% with high impact) and 2.58 (86% with high impact), respectively. (Our mean score range was 0 to 3).

Conclusion: According to the assessment of employee's viewpoint of Urban Health Care Centers, all of four individual, geographical, financial and structural factors had high influence on person's access to health care services in Urban Health Care Centers. Consequently this study has presented suggestions (according to the findings) for improving access to delivered services in urban health care centers.

Mohammadhiwa Abdekhoda , Moahmmadreza Alibeyk , Agha Fateme Hossini , Saman Ravand , Masoud Mohammadi , Javad Zarie ,
Volume 7, Issue 5 (1-2014)

Background and Aim: Open access to scientific information is a new paradigm in scientific communication that facilitates access to research. This study was carried out to identify Tehran University of medical science faculties members’ familiarities with Open access and to survey their attitude about it.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive survey method was applied. The study population consisted of 163 members of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Data gathering tool was questionnaires that its validity and reliability was confirmed. Data was collected and analyzed by SPSS software and descriptive statistic methods.

Results: Results show that more than 50 percent of population have modest familiarites with Open acces. Furthermore, the faculties’s members familiarites with Open access technique was moderate. More than 70 percent (114 person) of them have positive attitude toward Open access and it’s techniques.

Conclusion : Faculties members’ familiarity with Open access relatively is low but when they received information about the concept, rules and aim of this paradigm, their attitudes positively changed. Therefore, open access should be considered as a perfect method in scientific communication.

Pardis Rahmatpour, Sara Emamgholipour, Mohammad Taghi Moghadamnia , Maryam Tavakkoli ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background and Aim: Health and equal access to quality care regardless of age, gender, race and location is health systems' goal in all countries. This study aimed to determine inequality in healthcare services distribution and development level of cities in Guilan province.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study assessed the distribution state of 13 healthcare indicators in all cities of Guilan (n=16) in year 2011 and 2013. In order to collect data, the database of Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) was used as reference. The taxonomy technique was employed to determine the degree of development of different cities. In addition, indicators were weighed by Shannon’s entropy. Finally, TOPSIS was used to rank the cities in term of access to health sector resources.
Results: Taxonomy technique in 2 years showed that Rudbar, Rudsar and Lahidjan were of most developed cities and Talesh, Rezvanshahr and Amlash were the most under-developed cities respectively. After weighting indicators and according to Shannon entropy, the number of specialists and paramedics gained the most and the least weight, respectively.
Conclusion: Due to the inequality in distribution of health resources in Guilan province, attention to underdeveloped cities in this province should be a priority. To achieve equitable health resources in Guilan, it is recommended that the plannings be based on state of development of cities.

Mohamad Reza Shahraki, Nastaran Abbasi Hasanabadi,
Volume 12, Issue 6 (3-2019)

Background and Aim: One of the important dimensions of access to health services is uniform distribution. A survey on the distribution of health and treatment indices in different regions reveals inequalities in order to reduce inequalities. The study aims to rank the cities of Sistan and Baluchestan province from the perspective of access to healthcare services.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-applied and cross-sectional study. The data were collected from the database of Statistical Center of Iran. The studied indices were weighted by Shannon entropy method, and the ranking of cities was done by TOPSIS method. The distribution of health services among the cities was shown by Spearman and Kendall correlation coefficient. Also, with the coefficient of variation, the important indices for creating imbalances were determined.
Results: The results of TOPSIS method showed a significant difference between the levels of access to health services indices. Zabol and Zahedan cities ranked first and second, and the cities of Ghasreghand, Sibsuran and Fanuj were in the last rank, respectively. Among the factors that led to a level difference, the number of PhDs, laboratory sciences doctors and rehabilitation centers caused the greatest difference between the cities. The findings show that there is little correlation between demographic rank and access to healthcare services, and health services are not distributed equitably according to the population.
Conclusion: More attention to cities that are ranked below the level of access to healthcare resources is needed. More healthcare resources should be given to this province because there are few healthcare indices relative to its population.

Mohammad Hossein Ronaghi,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (11-2019)

Background and Aim: MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course and is an instructional approach that allows hundreds of thousands of students to access -- typically free of charge -- online courses anywhere around the world. The continuous and rapid growth of MOOCs has attracted the attention of educational community and has gained widespread popularity among many universities. Therefore, based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, an applied research was conducted to study medical students' acceptance to use MOOCs.
Materials and Methods: It is a descriptive survey that has been done in 2019. The sample consisted of 367 randomly selected students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS). The data collection tool was a questionnaire, the validity and reliability of which were confirmed. The data were analyzed by SPSS and LISREL 8.8 software.
Results: An important part of the results revealed that there was a positive meaningful relationship between "performance expectancy" and "behavioral intention", "effort expectancy" and "behavioral intention", "facilitating conditions" and "use of the system", and "behavioral intention" and "use of the system".
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, MOOC managers' motivation to implement the system effectively strongly depends on the behavioral intention of users, especially students' willingness to accept and use the system.

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