Showing 26 results for App
M Abbaszadeh, Z Hosainkhan, A Soliemani, A Rabbani, R Shareafean,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2007)
Introduction: Corticosteroids decrease side effects after noncardiac elective surgery. The aim of this study was to determine the prophylactic effects of IV dexamethasone (6mg×2) in preventing side effects after cardiac surgery.
Methods and Materials: In a randomized, double blinded, placebo-controlled study 184 ASA physical status I or Il patients ranging 40-82 undergoing coronary revascularization surgery were enrolled in Imam Khomeini Hospital, medial sciences university of Tehran.
Dexamethasone (6mg/mL) or saline (1mL) was administered after the just before surgery and a second dose of the same study drug was given on the morning after surgery. The patients were assessed at 24 and 48h intervals after surgery as well as at the time of hospital discharge, to determine the incidence and severity of postoperative side effects.
Results: Dexamethasone significantly reduced the incidences of nausea (P=0.034) and vomiting on the first postoperative day (P=0.005). In addition, dexamethasone significantly improves appetite on the first postoperative day (P=0.005). The corticosteroid decreased the incidences of atrial fibrillation AF (P=0.018) in the postoperative period. However, the corticosteroid failed to decrease the incidences postoperative pain.
Conclusion: dexamethasone (12 mg in divided doses) is suggested in reducing nausea and vomiting, decreases of atrial fibrillation and improving appetite after cardiac surgery.
As Gharamaleki, A Ahmadi, F Faraji Khiavi, Sh Arpanahi Istadegi, K Jafarian,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2011)
Background and Aim: Adverse events in hospitals are found to be a major problem of all health systems in the world. In fact, drug interaction side effects are now the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. The aim of the current study was to identify the opinions of clinicians working in Shariati and Emam hospitals towards the use of computer applications for detecting drug-food interactions.
Materials and Methods: Ninety clinicians including physicians, pharmacists and nurses were selected randomly in the current descriptive- analytical study. The opinions of clinicians toward using computer application systems for detecting drug-food interactions were assessed by a questionnaire. The questionnaire's validity and repeatability was examined in a pilot study. Cronbach's alpha was 0.85 which indicated an acceptable level of repeatability of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed among the academic staffs in order to determine its validity.
Results: 95.4% of clinicians had positive attitudes towards the requirement of computer application to detect drug-food interactions. Around 94% of them showed their willingness towards using the computer application systems. Therefore, use of computer application seems to be necessary in health system.
Conclusions: The collection and analysis of data encourages further investments in computerized system to prevent drug-food interaction. Such built-in warning systems in hospitals alert doctors to drug-food interaction and improvement in patient care. Screening each patient's medication plan for drug-food interactions can reduce medical error and improve the quality of health care
Roohollah Askari, Reza Goudarzi, Hossein Fallahzadeh, Bahareh Zarei, Arefeh Dehqani Tafti,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)
Background and Aim: Paying attention to efficiency of cost and performance in hospitals as the largest and the most costly performing unit of the health care systems is very crucial. This study aimed to assess the efficiency of hospitals related to Yazd University of Medical Sciences (YUMS).
Materials and Methods: In this study, the efficiency of Hospitals of YUMS was assessed by Data Envelopment Analysis method during years 2000- 2008. The variables were of two types: output variables including the percentage of occupied beds, inpatient days and the number of surgical procedures and input variables were number of active beds, nurses, medical staff and other personnel. The data was analyzed using Deap2.1 software.
Results: Average of technical, management and scale efficiency of hospitals was 0.958, 0.986 and 0.963 respectively. We concluded that the capacity of efficiency promotion in hospitals is increasable up to 5%. In addition, the nurses as one of the most important input variables, had the most apparent slack inputs.
Conclusion: Although the level of efficiency was optimal and there was little unused capacity for increasing efficiency in hospitals, however, managers should plan to increase the efficiency. Finally, assessing the effect of variables such as service quality and patient satisfaction on hospitals efficiency is recommended.
Mahdi Sattari-Ghahfarrokhi, Mehdi Abzari,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (11-2012)
Background and Aim: Learning may be the only sustainable competitive advantage for all organizations. A learning organization is an organisation where people continually expand their capacity to create results they truly desire new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured collective aspirations are set free people are continually learning from what others have learned. The aim of this research is to study whether a learning organization and its subsystems are established in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences (SKUMS).
Materials and Methods: This descriptive-survey study was conducted in 2012. Marquardt's standard questionnaire was used to measure learning organization based on Likert's scale with a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.946. The research sample consisted of 177 staff members (bachelor's degree holders and bove) in seven vice-chancellorships of SKUMS, selected through simple random sampling.
Results: The findings of the study are twofold. (1) According to the results of one-sample t-test with a 95% confidence interval, the mean scores in learning organization and sub-systems of learning dynamics, people empowerment, knowledge management and technology application subsysems were higher than the assumed mean of 3 however, the figure turned out to be equal to the assumed mean for the organization transformation subsystem, and (2) Based on Freidman Test, there was a significant difference between the means of at least 2 learning organization subsystems.
Conclusion: According to the research findings, more attention should be paid to the subsystems of learning organization establishment and balanced development of these subsystems.
Azade Chatruz , Hamide Javadinasab, Mohammad Kazem Amini , Mahmoud Biglar, Nehzat Goudarzi, Javad Javad,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2015)
Background and Aim: One of the perennial questions for hospitals and insurance organizations are the real cost of g lobal surgery. The aim of this study was to compare the cost of global surgery bills with approved tariffs in hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences Medical Sciences .
Materials and Methods: This was a cross – sectional study . The study population included all hospitalized patient bills eligible for global tariff at nine selected hospitals (include: Imam Khomeini, Shariati, Arash, Fatemeh Alzahra, Zanan, Cancer Institute and Razi) affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2012. Checklist was used for data collection. Data about the real costs of surgical procedures were collected from the patients' bills . Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS version 16 software .
Results: The results showed that a total of 90 included global tariff surgical, 68 surgical procedures were performed in nine selected hospitals. Except seven surgical procedures in other cases (61 cases), the real costs of surgical procedures average 3 -312 percent more than approved global tariff. The surgical procedure "Septoplasty" had the most difference with global tariff.
Conclusion: The results showed that surgical global tariff are not real, and lead to the hospitals financial loss. Therefore, it is recommended that to prevent the hospital financial loss in the calculation of the g lobal t ariff factors such as patient age , presence or absence of comorbidity and complication, disease severity, length of stay and inflation rates in country to be considered .
Robabeh Oladi Ghadikalaee, Hamid Ravaghi, Somayeh Hesam,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2015)
Background and Aim: Medication errors make up a large portion of medical errors that mostly happen in hospitals. To prevent medication errors, it is essential to reach an appropriate understanding regarding with their causes and reporting especially among nurses. The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons of medication errors and the causes of not error reporting from nurses’ viewpoints.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive analytical cross-sectional study conducted in year 2013. The study population were nurses working in different working shifts in special and sub-special pediatric hospitals in Tehran. A sample of 294 nurses recruited using a stratified non randomized sampling approach. The corrected Gladstone questionnaire with appropriate validity and reliability was used. The data were analyzed by descriptive (frequency, mean and standard deviation) and analytical statistics (Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis) using SPSS version 16.
Results: The most important reasons of medication errors were tiredness of nurses, wrong dose prescription by the physicians and illegible prescriptions. Fear of the nursing manager's reaction was the main obstacle to reporting medication errors in the view of 74.9% of nurses. The nurses estimated that only 42.52% of all the medicinal errors were reported.
Conclusion: Raising awareness regarding with the types and causes of medication errors and their reporting and implementing the relevant intervention to address these causes should be established in hospitals in particular in pediatrics wards.
Zahra Meidani, Mehrdad Farzandipour, Hamidreza Gilasi, Manizheh Shekrachi, Zahra Nazemibidgoli,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (9-2016)
Background and Aim: In attention to hospital beds serves as an invaluable resource in health system and necessity for appropriate hospital beds utilization through the reduction of patient inappropriate stay, this study aimed to assess the proportion and causes for hospital inappropriate stays.
Materials and Methods: The proportion and causes for hospital inappropriate stays were analyzed in a cross-sectional survey using a sample of 1925 days of hospital stay based on the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol. The study was conducted at the tertiary care University Hospital Shahid Beheshti, 510 – bed teaching hospital which is located in the central part of Iran.
Results: Hundred and twenty one days (6.3%) of 1925 days of patient hospitalization were inappropriate. There was relationship between inappropriate stay and patients’ age and types of insurance. Findings relating to analysis of patient non demographic causes revealed that among hospitals, physicians and patient causes, Hospital-related causes and Physicians related causes have the most impact 42 (33.1%) and 37 (29.1%) on patient inappropriate stay respectively.
Conclusion: AEP list of reasons provides base line data for performance improvement in health care organizations. For conducting improvement process, developing a multidisciplinary team under title of Utilization Review committee is recommended to pave the way for targeted interventions based on identified potential causes.
Zahra Meidani, Mehrdad Farzandipour, Alireza Farokhian, Masome Haghighat, Zahra Nazemi Bidgoli ,
Volume 10, Issue 6 (3-2017)
Background and Aim: In attention to pressing need to cost containment and service efficiency, laboratory services serve as a central locus for controlling health care expenditure. This study intents to investigate proportion of laboratory utilization in Iran to pave the way for future interventions.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the proportion for laboratory utilization through the retrospective analysis of 384 medical records at the tertiary care Kashan University Hospital Shahid Beheshti. To pave the way for future intervention, over utilization tests were classified into two categories, inappropriate and resulted in laboratory errors.
Results: Nine thousand five hundred forty one laboratory tests were ordered, 2522 (26.40%) of the tests were inappropriate and 143 (1.5%) of the over utilization tests have occurred due to laboratory testing cycle errors. According to reviewers’ judegment relevancy to medical intervention was considered as the most accepted appropriateness criteria 5012 (52.53%) for laboratory tests
Conclusion: Since, the laboratory tests over utilization is multifactorial, forming a multidisciplinary team including physicians, nurses, laboratory staff, medical education experts, health care management and health information technology staffs in terms of Utilization Committee to develop more targeted strategy based on root cause analysis of over utilization behavior seems necessary.
Kiana Farhadyar , Reza Safdari ,
Volume 11, Issue 6 (3-2018)
Background and Aim: Medication errors are preventable event, which may result inappropriate medication intake or damage to patients and, Medication management is a complicated process including multiple activities in order to improve patient safety. There are many documentations that indicate the considerable potential of information technology, especially mhealth in this area. The aim of this study was to review the mobile based medication management systems in order to extract the requirements for these systems development.
Materials and Methods: Four electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and Science Direct) were searched for papers regarding mhealth based medication management systems. After screening the abstracts and publications information a descriptive study was performed on 15 papers.
Results: In this study, 13 functional requirements were extracted and the user requirements was divided into six main groups. Also the technologies which was used in order to implement the functional requirements were extracted.
Conclusion: According to the current study, medication management systems using mhealth technologies are feasible for people with chronic diseases, elderly people and etc. but there is not any medication management system for visually impaired people. Although due to their disabilities they are at higher risk of medication errors and it is a research gap that should be considered in future works.
Reza Safdari, Ensieh Nasli Esfahani, Sharareh Rostam Niakan Kalhori, Mahsa Mosadeghi Nik,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2018)
Background and Aim: Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the most painful complications of Diabetes and affects various aspects of a person's life. Therefore, involvement of the patient in self-care can minimize its complications. The purpose of this study was to identify the effective factors in the Diabetic foot self-management for designing a managed-care based app for people with Diabetes who have risk factors for foot ulcers or wound infections.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study all physicians and nurses employed at ‘Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Research Center’ of Tehran University of Medical Sciences who had a history of working with Diabetic patients at various levels of Diabetes and foot ulcers participated. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on the likert scale that made by researchers, which included demographic and clinical information, education and lifestyle management and capabilities of application for self-management in Diabetic foot patients. Finally, descriptive statistics used to analyze the results in SPSS.
Results: After reviewing the rate of experts’ agreement with the components of the survey, all the cases over 51% approval rate were considered as required components. According to the opinion of the physicians respectively capabilities of application, education and lifestyle management and patient information and according to the opinion of the nurses’ education and lifestyle management, patient information and capabilities of application were important respectively.
Conclusion: Beside proper treatment of the disease, self-management strategies can be effective and useful. Effectiveness of the patients’ self-care by acquiring the necessary skills and involvement in self-care might be achievable.
Maryam Emami, Nosrat Riahinia, Faramarz Soheili,
Volume 12, Issue 6 (3-2019)
Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to analyze the co-occurrence of the terms of medical and laboratory equipment patents in the United States Patent and Trademark Office between 1984 and 2014.
Materials and Methods: This research was an applied study using scientometrics and co-word analyses. The statistical population of the present study included all patents of medical and laboratory equipment registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office database between 1984 and 2014. As a result, a total of 13424 patents were retrieved.
Results: The results revealed that in terms of frequency, the keyword "Menstrual Fluid" and in terms of co-occurrence, two keywords (Menstrual Fluid and Magnetic Resonance Image Apparatus) were the most frequent ones in medical and laboratory equipment studies. The results of hierarchical clustering with "Ward's method" led to the formation of eight clusters in this area including the following: General Equipment, Rehabilitation Equipment, Dental Equipment, Therapeutic Equipment, Emergency Equipment, Laboratory Equipment, Diagnostic Equipment, and Medical Consumables.
Conclusion: The analysis of the co-occurrence of words revealed the scientific structure of medical and laboratory equipment well. Accordingly, the scientific issues were extracted and the relationship between them was discovered. The maps of co-word analysis showed several changes, sustainability of concepts, and terms related to this field of science.
Reza Safdari, Mozhgan Rahmanian, Shahrbanoo Pahlevany Nejad ,
Volume 12, Issue 6 (3-2019)
Background and Aim: Preeclampsia is one of the most prominent cases of pregnancy related diseases that threatens health at global level, especially in developing countries. In Iran, with 14% of outbreak, it is the second most common cause of maternal mortality. The main goal of this study was to identify the information requirements of the Android-based preeclampsia self-Management application.
Materials & Methods: This was a descriptive study that was done in 2018 in Amir_Almomenin Hospital affiliated to Semnan University of Medical Sciences in two stages of reviewing the sources and the need for data elements. In the review phase, after studying the articles and study, the data requirements and factors which affecting the prevalence of preeclampsia were identified and a survey of qualified physicians was done by designing a researcher-made questionnaire.
Results: This research results indicate that 63.9% of the respondents assigned to the elements mentioned in the demographic findings. 75.9% of them identified health information elements as very important. Also, 77.85% of the research community considered the elements in the lifestyle sector to be of the highest importance. All participants recognized that reminder in the program was necessary. Approximately 33.33% of them reconsidered sport education to be at the lowest level, while 45.24% rated it as being of the highest importance.
Conclusion: The information requirements of this program were determined in 6 groups of health history, educational tips, lifestyle, alarms, referral, and reporting. These programs can help pregnant mothers with preeclampsia to control their disease to minimize complications by observing proper nutrition and principles of treatment.
Marjan Ghazi Saeedi, Masoomeh Amin Esmaeili, Sharareh Rostam Niakan Kalhori, Marzyeh Sadat Askari,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2019)
Background and Aim: Stimulants are among the most dangerous substances because of their physical and psychological side effects. The process of treating stimulant abusers is so complicated that makes the treatment very difficult. The aim of the current study is to identify the bits of information needed for the design and development of a mobile application system and a web-based application program to improve the treatment management of stimulant abusers.
Materials and Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study in which the community and the sample are matched. All participators work at Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies(INCAS) as stimulant abuse care givers. The data collection tool was a researcher made questionnaire based on the Likert scale, and its validity approved by experts. In addition, the reliability determined by Cronbach alpha method with the score 0/74 analyzed via SPSS.
Results: Items that got more than 50% of the participants’ acceptance were identified as the information needed for the system. The most influential items were education and motivational messages with 100% of experts’ agreement. Trauma history and medication therapy, however, got less than 50% and were removed. Other items were put into the study by gaining an average of more than 80% of the experts’ agreement.
Conclusion: Emerging technologies in the field of heath can play a significant role in the optimization of stimulant abuse treatment by facilitating the treatment process, increasing the patient participation in the process of treatment, and reducing the costs of patients’ lapse and relapse.
Reza Safdari, Hamid Choobineh, Mozhgan Sedaghatzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (11-2019)
Background and Aim: Infertility is a chronic disease with a long-term treatment and self-care leads to an increase in the level of knowledge and awareness about the disease. Moreover, smartphones provide access to information at any time and place; therefore, by using the mobile-based assisted reproductive technology, a self-care application program can be a good choice to help people gain awareness and improve the treatment.
Materials and Methods: Library resources and related and similar applications were studied. Then, data items and the sections required for applied program were identified. To study their importance, a survey was performed on the working members of Iran Helal Infertility Specialty Center. Out of the 35 members of the research community, 20 were randomly selected. The survey questionnaire was made with 32 questions in three sections. In this survey, the data model framework was confirmed; however, the basis of the tools framework didn't need the confirmation of validity and reliability since the data model was designed based on the reference. With summarization of responses, data items and sections specified in designing the program were applied.
Results: The mean of the scores showed that the respondents had identified most of the items as essential. This survey had three main axes. The mean scores of axes of patient information, patient education, and disease management tools are 4.205, 4.402 and 4.275, respectively. The mean scores above 4 show that their effectiveness is very high.
Conclusion: Considering the results, the designed application program can be helpful for patients.
Reza Safdari , Niloofar Mohammadzadeh , Nasim Shokouhi, Azizeh Farzinmehr, Mehrshad Mokhtaran, Shahrbanoo Pahlevanynejad, Mahnaz Mirsane,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (1-2020)
Background and Aim: Pelvic floor disorders are a common disease which, with varying degrees of severity, disrupts daily life and also decreases the quality of life of the individual. This disease can be cured by lifestyle modifications and self-care education; on the other hand, smartphones have become a good platform for health services and therapeutic interventions. The aim of this study was to identify information and educational components for the self-care application of women with pelvic floor disorders.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed in Yas Hospital affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. According to Morgan table, 30 gynecologists who were randomly selected were included in the study. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which its validity and reliability were confirmed (α=0.85) and its content was provided by reviewing the scientific sources.
Results: The results of the analyzes showed that from the experts’ point of view the interventional section including reminders, daily activities diaries and targeting with an average score of 4.14 has been of great importance. Since then, the applied and self-care section with an average score of 4.364is ranked second in priority.
Conclusion: According to a survey by experts who play a major role in the management of the disease. The essential components of this application were identified in three main sections consist of: electronic records, the interventional section and the practical and self-care and their subsections.
Nahid Einollahi, Reza Safdari, Marsa Gholamzadeh, Elham Haghshenas, Horieh Masourian,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2020)
Background and Aim: Mobile-based programs have been developed as tools to help both patients and physicians in various fields especially in dermatology. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to review the features and contents of dermatology applications.
Materials and Methods: The methodology was comparative and descriptive. Applications in the field of dermatology were evaluated and compared through this research. Inclusion criteria included applications that have been downloaded more than 100 times in Google Play and App Store and applications designed in diagnosis in various fields of dermatology such as treatment, management, remote consulting, and self-care areas. Exclusion criteria included those developed before 2010 and those related to the non-dermatology areas. Besides, different features were considered for comparison based on literature review and expert consultation. Next, the recognized applications were reviewed and compared based on determined categories.
Results: Based on criteria, a total of 33 applications were identified through searching. Of these, 33.3% of Apps were in the field of education, and 24.2% were in self-care. Regarding disease, applications were categorized into nine different domains. Of these, 61% of applications were covering different types of skin diseases. Also, in examining the frequency of the features of the evaluated programs, providing recommendations and suggestions with 57.57% and educational contents and the possibility of uploading images with 51.51%, respectively, had the highest frequency among the features of the programs.
Conclusion: Analysis showed that education and self-care domains have a high rank among others. It indicates that developing such applications could facilitate patient education and self-management by himself or caregivers. However, this area needs more attention and the using health information technology capabilities to make applications smarter in this area.
Reza Safdari, Seyyed Farshad Allameh, Ms Fariba Shabani,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (3-2022)
Background and Aim: Many risk factors can cause biliary system diseases. Hence, this category of diseases is amongst the most common ones. Active patient cooperation is very important in disease management, self-care, and clinical outcomes improvement. A mobile phone application has a high potential in supporting the patients’ self-management. Therefore, this study was conducted to recognize and define data elements to develop a self-care application for biliary patients.
Materials and Methods: The current descriptive study was conducted in 2 stages, resource investigation, and data elements’ need assessment. In the first stage, scientific articles available in databases were used for defining required data elements to develop the application for biliary patients, and a checklist of data elements was prepared. In the second stage, a questionnaire was made based on the checklist. Content and face validity were accepted by the research team and the reliability was calculated 87.2%, using the Cronbach’s alpha test. The mentioned questionnaire was given to Gastroenterologists at Imam Khomeini Hospital complex, and the elected data elements were recognized.
Results: In this application, data elements were categorized into seven sections, including demographic and clinical information, data related to the biliary system diseases, postoperative lifestyle information of the biliary patients, reminders, disease management, and informing. Sixty point five percent of the responders gave the highest importance to data elements in the demographic and clinical data section. Data elements related to patients’ education were considered highly important by 54.2% of the responders. Forty three point eight percent gave the highest importance to data elements in interventional applications’ sections, and only 4.2% gave the least importance to this section.
Conclusion: Based on the identified data elements, a self-care application was designed and developed and can be used as a supplement to specialized care for biliary patients.
Shahrbanoo Pahlevanynejad, Reza Safdari, Mojgan Rahmanian, Mohammad Saleh Safari,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Background and Aim: Preeclampsia is one of the most serious cases of high-risk pregnancies that endanger women’s health worldwide, especially in developing countries. Preeclampsia is a specific pregnancy syndrome with a prevalence of about 7-14%, which is one of the three leading causes of death in pregnant women. Preeclampsia is the second most common cause of maternal mortality in Iran and accounts for 14% of maternal mortality. The present study was conducted to design, create and evaluate mobile-based preeclampsia self-care application.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in four stages to assess the needs of information elements, design, create and evaluate preeclampsia self-care application. In needs assessment step, 42 specialists, assistants and personnel related to the subject working in the Amir Al-Momenin (AS) Educational, Research and Treatment Center affiliated to Semnan University of Medical Sciences participated. The program was then initially evaluated by 7 physicians, and finally the suggestions provided by users in the design of the program were applied and the final version of the program was completed. The application was designed in the Android Studio environment and then its usability was evaluated using the opinions of 20 mothers and the QUIS tool.
Results: The information elements and functional capabilities required by the program were determined. In addition, the program established communication between the patient and the provider, also created the possibility of care management and control of the disease process. The performance of the program was evaluated by physicians and experts and then evaluated by pregnant mothers in terms of usability. The findings showed that users were satisfied with the application.
Conclusion: The use of mobile-based applications is a useful way to increase knowledge and promote the health of pregnant mothers and facilitate their access to medical information and acquire the necessary skills in their disease. This program helps pregnant mothers with preeclampsia to control their disease by observing proper nutrition and treatment principles to minimize the complications of their disease.
Niloofar Mohammadzadeh, Negin Ebrahimi, Mojgan Agah Heris,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (10-2022)
Background and Aim: According to the report of the World Health Organization, overweight and chronic and psychological diseases caused by it have reached an alarming level in the world. Today, cognitive behavioral therapy as a specific method for controlling overweight teaches the audience how to identify and change inappropriate behavior patterns and destructive thoughts with distress that negatively affect their behavior and emotions. The purpose of this research was to provide a mobile-based application for overweight control with a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach.
Materials and Methods: This research was of applied-developmental type. In the first stage, by examining the available applications based on mobile and related to weight control and also Beck cognitive therapy protocol for weight loss, the capabilities of the application were identified and then based on a survey of experts, these capabilities were determined. Afterwards, the user interface of the application was designed and the necessary coding was done to use it. The database was then created using MySQL software and the application program was created using Flutter software and Dart programming language and was named CBTdiet. Finally, the usability of the application was evaluated by users using a standard QUIS questionnaire.
Results: Based on the entry and exit criteria, among the 247 identified applications, the capabilities of 17 applications were examined. Finally, according to the opinion of the experts, 21 capabilities, including the ability to send motivational messages to the audience and the ability to reward to achieve weight loss of one kilogram per week, were considered for the design of the application program. The application designed in this research was at a good level from the users’ point of view with an average of 7.99±1.1 and was able to obtain an acceptable level of satisfaction in the evaluation stage. The software’s overall capabilities section got the highest average score (8.12) and the screen section got the lowest average score (7.89) among all sections.
Conclusion: Based on the determined capabilities, a mobile-based application for controlling overweight was designed and created with a cognitive behavioral therapy approach, and it can be effective in overweight control by modifying lifestyle and changing destructive thoughts.
Seyyed Morteza Mojtabaeian, Fatemeh Monfared,
Volume 16, Issue 5 (12-2022)
Background and Aim: The participation of doctors and clinical leadership in organizational strategies to improve quality performance is a necessary precondition for providing safe and high-quality care, and since improving the quality of health care services and increasing the participation of doctors in accreditation is very necessary, the present study was conducted with the aim of explaining the obstacles of doctors' participation in the accreditation programs of Iranian hospitals with a qualitative approach.
Materials and Methods: In this study, using the snowball sampling method, interviews were conducted with 11 managers, 9 doctors and 8 officials and experts in the field of quality management (a total of 28 people) in the field of hospital accreditation. Interviewees were selected through purposive snowball sampling. To collect data, unstructured and semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted. The obtained data were analyzed using the conceptual framework method in ATLAS.ti.
Results: The results of this research extracted 3 main issues including cultural, organizational and behavioral factors. Also, this research found 12 sub-themes and 57 items. Subtopics in the cultural area were motivation, patient demand, mutual trust, and evaluation system. The organizational field included seven sub-topics, including high workload, understanding the role of the quality management unit, unrealistic accreditation, the nature of accreditation, empowering doctors in the field of quality, effective communication, and limited resources. Subthemes in the behavioural dimension were role ambiguity and uncertainty about how to participate in the accreditation program. The most repeated challenges in the interviews were expressed in the field of effective communication and the least in the field of role ambiguity.
Conclusion: Physicians' participation in accreditation programs can be increased through culture building and proper training in accreditation activities in the medical community. By revising the categories of activities performed in the hospital by doctors and including a specific time to perform activities to improve quality and accreditation and create a balance between the quantity and quality of services provided in the hospital, it is possible to increase the participation of doctors in the accreditation program.