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Showing 3 results for Coding

R Safdari , M Maleki , V Ghorbani ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2009)

Background and Aim: Today, cardiovascular diseases are the most important public health challenges in the world. Prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases necessitate the existence of a comprehensive system for recording data. Patient medical document is one of the most important data which should be classified so to facilitate and expedite the treatment process. A comparison of cardiovascular disease classification systems could assist health care policy makers to battle cardiovascular diseases.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive-comparative study conducted during years 2007-2008. The cardiovascular diseases classification systems in USA, Australia, England and Canada were reviewed. Data collecting was done through literature review, Internet and e-mail.

Results : The cardiovascular disease classification systems of all the developed countries are national. The developed countries, with the exception of England, utilize a multiracial classification model, especially designed to reflect the individual requirements of every single one of them. This model employs health care standards, e-learning, annual educational programs, and consultation with experts. Iran lacks such a national classification system for cardiovascular diseases.

Discussion and Conclusion : In order to improve the management and prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Iran, it is essential that the cardiovascular disease classification system in the country be national.

Reza Safdari, Seyed Sina Marashi Shooshtari, Marzieh Esmaeili, Fozieh Tahmasbi, Zohreh Javanmard,
Volume 13, Issue 6 (2-2020)

Background and Aim: The importance of managing medicines and medical devices as vital resources in healthcare industry cannot be ignored. Therefore, the application of coding systems could be of great help in the control of the required processes. This study aims to develop a coding system for medicines and medical devices in Iran.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive study was planned to be carried out in four phases from September 2018 to August 2019. To identify the requirements of designing a coding system for the classification of medicines and medical devices, library resources were studied, and the existing coding systems in the area of medicines and medical devices came under scrutiny. Then, based on the expert opinion on the results, the initial model of the coding system was designed.
Results: Thirty-five coding systems were identified and investigated. To design the proposed system, two coding systems -- ATC/DDD and UMDNS -- were selected as a core for medicines and medical devices, respectively. Then, based on expert opinion, the axes for the place of consumption and the placement of products and also the application of Quick Response (QR) code for data encoding were added.
Conclusion: The design and development of a comprehensive coding system–which is in compliance with the international protocols and capable of including both medicines and medical devices simultaneously – could be very helpful. Besides, using the location axis in the structure of coding system can improve the management of these products.

Mohamad Jebraeily, Shima Touraj, Farid Khorrami,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (8-2023)

Background and Aim: In the health system, reimbursement methods are an important criterion for the allocation of resources and the performance of service providers. The use of diagnosis-related groups (DRG) system reduces the length of stay and additional costs of the patient, prevents unnecessary treatment, increases resource efficiency and transparency of health care services. The development of the DRG system focuses on the accurate documentation of medical records and the correct coding of diagnoses and procedures. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the documentation and coding requirements of medical records in the implementation of a payment system based on diagnosis-related groups in Iran.
Materials and Methods: This research was descriptive-cross-sectional and was conducted in 2022. The data collection tool was a researcher-made checklist, the validity of which was confirmed based on the opinion of experts (health information management health economics) and its reliability was obtained by calculating Cronbach’s alpha (0.83). The research population consisted of 418 medical records in five medical training centers affiliated to Urmia University of Medical Sciences, which were selected through stratified-proportional sampling. Data were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The results of the evaluation of the documentation and coding requirements of medical records for the implementation of the DRG system showed that the demographic/administrative variables including age, sex, type of admission, length of stay, health insurance, and doctor’s expertise were completely recorded. Evaluation of clinical variables also showed that the main diagnosis, main procedure, secondary diagnosis and other procedures were documented in medical records in 98%, 97%, 88% and 75% respectively. Regarding the coding of the main diagnosis and the main procedure, 100%, secondary diagnosis 68% and other procedures 80% have been done.
Conclusion: Considering that some essential clinical variables for the implementation of DRG, especially co-morbidities, complications and other procedures are not recorded separately and completely, therefore it is necessary to define separate information elements in medical records and HIS for accurate recording of these variables and proper interaction between coders and doctors is established to increase the possibility of correct coding. It is also suggested that the DRG system be implemented in our country in a phased and gradual approach so that necessary changes are made in the documentation process and hospital information systems.


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