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Showing 4 results for Comparative Study

R Safdari, M Ghazisaeedi, E Partovipoor, H Farajzadeh Saray,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2008)

Background and Aim: Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine systems are the important supportive for electronic health record in registration and retrieval of data. Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) is the most comprehensive language and then the consistency of exchanged data across health care providers and finally the high effectiveness of health care.

Materials and Methods : This research is a descriptive - comparative study and has been done in certain time section. Ideally , it have been used the descriptive - comparative method for studying of selective countries.

Results : Findings of this study show that American and England countries have accepted the SNOMED CT with application in all clinical activities and Australia country is evaluating this system and is using older versions of SNOMED only in pathologic applications now. Study shows that SNOMED CT structure is complex and based of concept (clinical concept) and contains two fundamental parts : 1) content of SNOMED CT core (concepts , descriptions and relations) that are always constant 2) content of out of SNOMED CT core (mappings or relation with systems and local extensions) that according to health and management needs and native terms of country are different. Such a structure executes in different software applications.

Conclusion : SNOMED CT structure in America and England countries has been compared and with attention to similarities (content of SNOMED CT core) and differences (content of out of SNOMED CT core : cross mappings and local extensions) , a basic SNOMED CT structure has been provided for Iran. Because of SNOMED CT in Australia is under development, researcher has studied its evolution and execution process in this country and has provided an appropriate structural pattern for Iran.

R Safdari, N Masouri, O Aminian, S Davoodi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

Background and Aim: Occupational diseases are certain types of diseases that have been caused by special jobs and subject to special circumstances. There are several factors that can intensify these diseases. Various countries have indicated that they have played an effective role in decreasing exposures and its economic costs and attracting optimal resources through establishment of a comprehensive information system for occupational diseases with a appropriate structure. Health improvement is considered as the first aim of the health system which requires a comprehensive, complete and integrated information system on occupational disease.

Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive Comparative study which was conducted in 2008 during which information systems in countries such as US, Finland, France and Iran have been studied based on their objectives and structures. Main instrument of this research was articles, books, magazines, valid internet sites in English language. Then, the gathered data were classified and analyzed.

Results: All the three selected countries had an electronic information system and database in the field of occupational disease. In Finland, data of occupational diseases as well as their damages are kept in separate databases while US lacks a comprehensive system. There are countless systems in these countries in this field. In France, supervision on laboratories is a priority. In Iran, there is no certain comprehensive system for registering diseases.

Discussion and Conclusion: All of these countries have the same objectives. Structure of occupational diseases information system, in Finland, is more comprehensive. Iran lacks such a system, so it is recommended to make use of the experiences of other countries and establish electronic comprehensive disease system in this country.

H Dargahi, M Ghazi Saidi, M Ghasemi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

Background and Aim: Electronic learning system is a new educational process which designed upon basis of computerized technology, multimedia and processors. It has several potentials and contexts.
To do comparative study and utilizing of successful electronic learning in developed countries could help us to develop this new process in Iran's Universities of  Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: This research is developed descriptive comparative study in 2007 - 2008 by using of developed countries universities websites information and 62 references and keywords such as Electronic Educations,Medical Sciences Courses,Commutation Technology, Comparative Study and University in the field of electronic medical sciences. Then, the findings will compare with each developed countries universities and Iran's Universities of Medical Sciences.

Results: The results showed that Manchester and Dekin University have much experience in developing of electronic learning. The Students should be assessed by attendance, online and blended in developed universities.
Degree based courses are only present in South - Africa University, meanwhile single courses and training are present in other universities. Electronic health sciences courses and training are developed much more in compressive with others.

Discussion and Conclusion: The studied universities are different in history of construction, student assessment type, homework presence type, registration procedures, electronic medical education type with each other.
Iran's Universities of Medical Sciences, electronic education have several deficiencies in comparison with developed countries universities. We suggest appropriate technological and cultural infrastructure and use's skill improvement to develop this process in our country's universities of Medical sciences.

Fariba Nabatchian, Nahid Einollahi, Sakineh Abbasi , Mitra Gharib, Mitra Zarebavani,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2015)

Background and Aim: Medical Laboratory Sciences is one of the important fields in Medicine that is closely associated with other disciplines in this group. This study aims to evaluate laboratory sciences curriculum in Iran and several countries worldwide.

Materials and Methods: In this research, data collection is based on documents and curriculum goals of countries. The data collected was analyzed using qualitative methods.

Results: Comparative study of curriculum courses of bachelor of Laboratory Medical sciences was done and compared with the number of basic and specific units in Iran and other countries.

The curriculum in Iran with Turkey and Australia is remarkably consistent. Internship units in hospitals have lower returns in compared to other universities in the world.

Conclusion: Laboratory Science curriculum in Iran is matched with developing countries. However, more attention to training units and projects to improve the quality of teaching laboratory sciences could be more effective.

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