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Showing 5 results for Content Analysis

H Rezakhani Moghadam, D Shojaeizadeh, A Nabiolahi, S Moez,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2011)

Background and Aim: Theses are considered as one of the sources for research in the field of education. The aim of this study was to determine the popular topics during 1349-1389 (1970-2010) and to examine the amount of educational interference and the type of such interference in different theses.

Materials and Methods: This research study was done using the descriptive-analytic method and employing the content analysis technique. The choice of topics was based on the categories derived from the Medical Headings of the American National Library. All related theses (336 in this field) were reviewed and the data were analyzed by SPSS software.

Results: In this review, most finished theses belonged to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (62.5%), Tarbiat Modares University (25.3%), and Iran University of Medical Sciences (12.2%). MSc theses were mainly about diseases (23.8%) however, doctoral dissertations were mostly about the prevention of diseases(26.2%).

Conclusion: Although in the recent decade, there has been an increase in new topics and educational interference in theses, some important issues like the training of patients are still neglected. It seems that some strategies like preparing a suitable information bank of thesis in the field of health education can be a good guide for selecting new topics and ignoring old ones.

Mohammad Hiwa Abdekhoda, Alireza Noruzi, Saman Ravand,
Volume 5, Issue 5 (3-2012)

Background and Aim: Patents are used as indicators to assess the growth of science and technology in a given country or area. They are examined to determine the research potentials of research centers, universities, and inventors. This study aims to map the past and current trends in patenting activities with a view to understanding better and tracking the changing nature of science and technology in Iran.

Materials and Methods: The patenting activity in Iran was investigated based on USPTO, WIPO, and Esp@cenet for the period 1976-2011. The researchers analyzed the affiliation of inventors, and collected patents having at least one Iranian inventor. The collected data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel.

Results: results showed that between 1976 and 2011, 212 patents were registered by Iranian inventors in the above-mentioned three databases. The average number of Iranian patents registered per year increased significantly from 25 in 1976-1980 to 119 in 2006-2011. It should be noted that the highest number of registered patents (27%) were in" chemistry, metallurgy" area of International Patent Classification, followed by "human necessities"(18%), and "performing operations transporting"(15%).

Conclusion: Overall, the proportion of Iranian inventors' patents registered in databases is small. However, the figure shows a growth for the years under study. Iran's patents registered in databases have considerable subject concentration. Scientific areas are growing together, and there is more potential of research work and innovation in areas of "chemistry, metallurgy", "Electricity" and "human needs".

Seyed Hassan Emami Razavi, Mahboubeh Shali, Samaneh Mirzaei, Ali Reza Nikbakht Nasrabadi, Zahra Khazaeipour,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8-2021)

Background and Aim: Implementation of a program to support physicians’ working long in deprived areas is one of the most important programs of the Health System Transformation Plan in response to the challenge of the shortage of expert staff, particularly physicians. Numerous factors affect the persistence of physicians in different regions, especially in deprived ones. This study aims to explain the experiences of physicians in relation to the challenges of working long in deprived areas.
Materials and Methods: The present research is a qualitative study that was conducted in 2020 in Tehran, Iran. To achieve information saturation, 16 physicians and specialists were chosen using purposive sampling method. Then, for data collection, semi-structured interviews were used. Moreover, data analysis was performed using Graneheim and Lundman contractual content analysis method, and data management was done with MAXQDA software version 12. Furthermore, Lincoln and Guba reliability criteria were applied to achieve data accuracy and reliability.
Results: Three female and 13 male physicians with a mean work experience of 45.4±7.8 years and an average work experience in deprived areas of 8±6.3 years participated in the study. Six participants were native to the region and the rest were non-native. Twelve participants in the study were the faculty members of the university. When the data were analyzed, 286 initial codes were extracted. The information was divided into four main categories and eleven subcategories. Welfare, motivation, justice and security were the main categories of this study.
Conclusion: Providing individual and social welfare for physicians, and fair treatment in financial payments and educational justice along with establishing security provide the necessary motivation for physicians to stay in a deprived area. Besides by combining several solutions at the same time, the presence of doctors in deprived areas can be guaranteed.

Mr Kasra Dolatkhahi, Adel Azar, Tooraj Karimi, Mohammad Hadizadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (10-2021)

Background and Aim: Cancer and in particular Breast cancer are among the diseases that have the highest mortality rate in Iran after heart disease. The accurate prognosis for Breast cancer is important, and the presence of various symptoms and features of this disease makes it difficult for doctors to diagnose. This study aimed to identify the factors affecting Breast cancer, modeling and ultimately diagnosing the risk of Breast cancer.
Materials and Methods: In the present study, first, by content analysis and library studies, the effective factors in Breast cancer were identified, then with the help of a team of experts consisting of physicians and subspecialists in Breast oncology and Breast surgery; With the help of the Delphi method, the factors were adjusted and 26 final factors that were numerically correct and string based on local and climatic conditions were approved. Then, according to the final factors and based on the medical records of 5208 patients in the Cancer Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences, to diagnose cancer, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine methods were used as machine learning methods.
Results: In the first step, by content analysis method, 29 effective factors in Breast cancer were identified. Then, taking into account the indigenous and climatic conditions and using the Delphi method and also using the opinions of 18 Experts during three years, 26 factors were finalized. In the final step, using the medical records of the patients and the results obtained from the three methods mentioned, random forest, had the highest accuracy of 94.75% and precision of 97.26% in diagnosing Breast cancer. It has been noted that, compared to other similar studies, indigenous databases have been exploited, the accuracy obtained has been very close to previous studies, and in many cases much better.
Conclusion: Using the random forest method and taking advantage of the factors affecting Breast cancer, the ability to diagnose cancer has been provided with greatest accuracy.


Mostafa Roshanzadeh, Mina Shirvani, Ali Tajabadi, Mohammad Hossein Khalilzadeh, Somayeh Mohammadi,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (5-2022)

Background and Aim: Clinical learning is an important part of the health field, where the student interacts with the environment and applies the learned concepts in practice. Clinical environments such as operating rooms are challenging for students due to their special complexity and can have a negative impact on their learning process. In order to identify students ‘learning challenges in the operating room environment, the present study was conducted to explain students’ experiences in the field of clinical learning challenges.
Materials and Methods: The present qualitative study was performed by contract content analysis method in 2022 in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. Fourteen surgical technology students were purposefully selected and data were collected using in-depth semi-structured individual and group interviews and analyzed using the Granheim and Landman approaches.
Results: The participants were interviewed over a period of 5 months. 9 face-to-face interviews were conducted with 14 participants. There were 6 individual interviews and 3 group interviews. The average duration of the interview was 30 minutes. The interviews continued until data saturation and when no new themes or categories were obtained from the interviews. The findings included a theme of “unfavorable learning environment” and three categories of “confusion in learning educational content, improper professional behavior of staff and insufficient self-confidence”. The main challenge that students faced in the field of clinical learning was the unfavorable learning environment. Conditions such as confusion in learning educational content, improper professional behavior of staff and insufficient self-confidence experienced by the students in the operating room, cause the students to find the learning atmosphere in the operating room unfavorable.
Conclusion: Improving the behavior and performance of staff and physicians in accordance with the standards of professional and ethical behavior and its regular evaluation from the perspective of students and other colleagues can play an effective role in maintaining professional conditions. Also, using experienced instructors who have the role of facilitating communication and learning of students in the operating room environment will play an effective role in reducing fear and controlling inappropriate behaviors of staff towards students. Educational officials are advised to solve the existing problems in order to improve the educational atmosphere of the operating room.


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