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Showing 4 results for Decision Tree

Sajad Mazaheri , Maryam Ashoori, Zeynab Bechari,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background and Aim: Nowadays heart disease is very common and is a major cause of mortality. Proper and early diagnosis of this disease is very important. Diagnostic methods and treatments of the disease are so expensive and have many side effects. Therefore, researchers are looking for cheaper ways to diagnose it with high precision. This study aimed to identify a model for the treatment of heart disease.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the sampling method was census. The sample consisted of data from Khatam and Ali Ibn Abi Talib Hospitals in Zahedan. The data were developed as an Excel file, and Clementine12.0 software was used for data analysis. In the present study, C5.0, C & R Tree, CHAID, and QUEST algorithms and artificial neural network were carried out on the collected data. 
Results: The accuracy of 76.04 by C & R algorithm indicates the better performance of Decision Tree Algorithms than that of the Neural Network. 
Conclusion: This study aimed to provide a model for the prediction of a suitable heart disease treatment to reduce treatment costs and provide better quality of services for physicians. Due to considerable implementation risks of invasive diagnostic procedures such as angiography and also obtaining successful experiences of data analysis in medicine, this study has presented a model based on data analysis techniques. The improvable point of this model is the provision of a decision support system to help physicians to increase the accuracy of diagnosis in the treatment of diseases. 

Mohammad Reza Shahraki , Mahboubeh Mesgar,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background and Aim: The liver, as one of the largest internal organs in the body, is responsible for many vital functions including purifying and purifying blood, regulating the body's hormones, preserving glucose, and the body. Therefore, disruptions in the functioning of these problems will sometimes be irreparable. Early prediction of these diseases will help their early and effective treatment. Regarding the importance of liver diseases and increasing number of patients, the present study, using data mining algorithms, aimed to predict liver disease.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed using 721 data from liver patient in zahedan. In this study, after preprocessing data, data mining techniques such as SVM: Support Vector Machine, CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID and boosting C5.0, data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Modeler 18 data mining software.
Result: The validity obtained for boosting C5.0 94/09, for Exhaustive CHAID algorithm 88/71, for SVM 87/09, for CHAID algorithm 85/47 prediction of liver disease. the boosting C5.0 algorithm showed a better performance of this algorithm among other algorithms.
Conclusion: According to the rules created by boosting C5.0 algorithm, for a new sample, one can predict the likelihood of a person for developing liver disease with high precision.

Azita Yazdani, Ali Asghar Safaei, Reza Safdari, Maryam Zahmatkeshan,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2019)

Background and Aim: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and the main cause of death from cancer in women worldwide. Technologies such as data mining, have enabled experts in this area to improve decision making in the early diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop an automatic diagnostic model for breast cancer by employing data mining methods and selecting the model with the highest accuracy of diagnosis.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 654 available patient records of Motahari breast cancer Clinic in Shiraz" were used as the sample. The number of records was reduced to 621 after the pre-processing operation. These samples had 22 features that ultimately used ten were used as effective features in the design of the model. Three types of Decision tree, Naive Bayes and Artificial neural network were used for diagnosis of breast cancer and 10-fold cross-validation method for constructing and evaluating the model on the collected data set.
Results: The results of the three techniques mentioned all three models showed promising results in detecting breast cancer. Finally, the artificial neural network accounted for the highest accuracy of 94/49%(sensitivity 96/19%, specificity 86/36%) in the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Conclusion:  Based on the results of the decision tree, the risk factors such as age, weight, Age of menstruation, menopause, OCP of records duration, and the age of the first pregnancy were among the factors affecting the incidence of breast cancer in women. 

Mr Kasra Dolatkhahi, Adel Azar, Tooraj Karimi, Mohammad Hadizadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (10-2021)

Background and Aim: Cancer and in particular Breast cancer are among the diseases that have the highest mortality rate in Iran after heart disease. The accurate prognosis for Breast cancer is important, and the presence of various symptoms and features of this disease makes it difficult for doctors to diagnose. This study aimed to identify the factors affecting Breast cancer, modeling and ultimately diagnosing the risk of Breast cancer.
Materials and Methods: In the present study, first, by content analysis and library studies, the effective factors in Breast cancer were identified, then with the help of a team of experts consisting of physicians and subspecialists in Breast oncology and Breast surgery; With the help of the Delphi method, the factors were adjusted and 26 final factors that were numerically correct and string based on local and climatic conditions were approved. Then, according to the final factors and based on the medical records of 5208 patients in the Cancer Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences, to diagnose cancer, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine methods were used as machine learning methods.
Results: In the first step, by content analysis method, 29 effective factors in Breast cancer were identified. Then, taking into account the indigenous and climatic conditions and using the Delphi method and also using the opinions of 18 Experts during three years, 26 factors were finalized. In the final step, using the medical records of the patients and the results obtained from the three methods mentioned, random forest, had the highest accuracy of 94.75% and precision of 97.26% in diagnosing Breast cancer. It has been noted that, compared to other similar studies, indigenous databases have been exploited, the accuracy obtained has been very close to previous studies, and in many cases much better.
Conclusion: Using the random forest method and taking advantage of the factors affecting Breast cancer, the ability to diagnose cancer has been provided with greatest accuracy.


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