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Showing 2 results for Elisa

Ar Salehi Nodeh, Sh Ghafouri, Sar Razavi, Sa Mirshafie,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2008)

Background and Aim: Fatal disease of cancer, ranks second after cardiovascular disease, as the most important causes of mortality in many developing countries, including Iran. Breast cancer is the most common disease among women. TPS is one of the tumor markers which has specially been considered due to its exclusive physiological characteristics like its easy measurement in serum of cancer patients.

Materials and Methods: This study has been set up to evaluate the efficiency of this tumor marker in the prognosis, treatment control and follow up of patients with Breast cancer. TPS has been measured with ELISA in 34 persons including 28 healthy people and 6 patients with breast cancer. Sampling has been done in three times depending on treatment methods.

Results: TPS has been measured  in samples which contend of 2 to 3 ml of serum from patients and the health.

Conclusion: The results has revealed that the serum TPS is not only as a measure of prognosis but also would be helpful in follow up and treatment control of the disease.

Conclusion: Serological analysis can be settled in the diagnosis and trend of cancer with production of polyclonal antibody against TPS gene family and planning appropriate pattern.

Roya Sehat, Esmaeil Shahabi Satlsar, Parichehr Hanachi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2019)

Background and Aim: Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world, and it may affect the metabolism and function of a number of proteins, including the level of thyroid hormones. As such, fluctuations in the level of thyroid hormones may also affect the body's iron status. The present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between thyroid hormones and the status of iron stores.
Materials and Methods: The study populations included referral patients to laboratory of Shourideh clinic in Mashhad, Iran. Fe, Ferritin, TIBC (total iron-binding capacity), TSH, T4, T3, and CRP tests were performed with a physician's request. The target sample size was a total of 420 patients including 287 women and 133 men with an average age of 41.5 years. TSH and Ferritin test were measured by Elisa method, Fe and TIBC were measured by automated method.
Results: The results showed no significant relationship between the body's iron status and thyroid hormones level (P˃0.05). Interestingly, in subjects with lower iron level, TSH was at the highest level and T4 was at the lowest level. However, no positive relationship was found between iron status and T3 level.
Conclusion: Although, there was no significant relationship between iron status and thyroid hormones level in the present study, it seems that the fluctuations of each of them may affect somehow the other.

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