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Showing 2 results for Government

Mehrdad Farzandipour, Zahra Meidani, Hamidreza Gilasi ,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2014)

 Background and Aim: Due to the role of websites in delivering e-services, this study aims to benchmark rendering healthcare services at medical universities' websites based on Chandler and Emanuel’s four-stage e-government maturity model.

 Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study which was conducted using content analysis and benchmarking to evaluate the delivery of healthcare services through medical universities websites towards e-government maturity including Information, Interaction, Transaction and Integration services in 1390.

 Results: The results of the study revealed that type I universities were moderate in giving information, and type II and III universities were poor in this regard. Websites of type I, II and III universities were poor in interaction with scores 1.4±0.73, 1.3±0.75 and 1.2±0.62, respectively. The score of all universities was weak in transaction and integration of healthcare services (mean 1 ±0). 

 Conclusion: Medical universities' websites have lagged behind to render e-services. Due to the challenges of health services and information, realization of e-government in healthcare arena requires special consideration. Adopting e-government in other settings, detecting barriers, and formulating related laws and policies can pave the way to achieve e-government in healthcare arena


Somaye Dehghanisanij, Ismaeil Mostafavi, Hamidreza Zarghami, Hojat Soleimani,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (1-2021)

Background and Aim: The field of medical engineering is the flagship interdisciplinary approach in Iran, which, due to its attention to knowledge-based economy, takes a step towards prosperity and smoothing progress and development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the interactions between university, industry and government of Iran in scientific articles in the field of medical engineering using the triple helix model. 
Materials and Methods: This is an applied research with a quantitative approach and uses scientometric techniques. The status of dynamic interactions of the main pillars of Iranian innovation in the field of medical engineering in WoS (Web of Science) database has been calculated using the .exe and the 4.exe softwares in the period of 2010-2019, and the transmission degree of uncertainty index in dual and national dimensions has been determined.
Results: The T-index ranking was assigned to university-government(23.38 mb), university-industry(8.47 mb) and industry-government (1.13 mb), respectively, and finally, national interaction(-12.48 mb) was obtained. The interaction between university and industry had an increasing trend and the strongest dual interaction belonged to the university-government. Over the last ten years, national interaction has always had a negative value, which indicates the existence of dynamics in interactions in the national dimension.
Conclusion: The dual university-industry interaction has been increasing in recent years; however, in the long run, the national interaction of the pillars has been facing a declining trend, according to which some science and technology policies, and research and industrial strategies have been proposed as a necessity to promote the university-industry-government innovation network in the field of medical engineering in Iran.

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