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Showing 128 results for Hospital

Smh Mousavi, F Faraji Khiavi, R Sharifian, G Shaham,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

Background and Aim: General Store department is responsible for on time preparing commodities for hospitals departments. It's a place for saving materials and resources. Safety in store department and its materials has importance due to preserving high quality and continuous services.
General Store department safety should be audited by assessment System to reduce waste materials and human resources such as building, commodities and patient and personnelُ s lives and in case of facing with a problem, try to solve it. The aim of this study was determination of safety standards in hospital general stores in TUMS.

Materials and Methods: This research was conducted as a cross-sectional study safety and usage of management principles was advised and measured in hospitals of TUMS sampling was nُ t performed.

Results: Safety rate in research population was more than 85/42 percent. Score in safety aspects like as physical spaces, preventing robbery, blazing materials appropriate storing, commodities arrangement, utilizing suitable tools was more than 80%. Protection against fire and storing rote able materials estimated 79% and 77%.
Safety rate in several aspects was assessed in the study hospitals.

Discussion and Conclusion: Although, hospital store rooms assessed as safe but they should try to develop fire protection systems and store rote able materials preservation appropriately.

R Safdari , Mr Akbari , Sh Tofighi , M Moinolghorabaei , Gh Karami ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2009)

Background and Aim: Today, psychological diseases like so many diseases, have an old history. Clinical Information System of psychological diseases resulting from war is a part of the information management system of mental illnesses, due to the management of mental patients from the war. This study is aimed to compare information management of psychological diseases in American, Australia and England with Iran.

Methods and Materials: This research is a study. At first, the existing situation was studied in three Psychiatric Centers in Ahvaz and Tehran with the use of a cheek list. Then information system of psychological disease has been studied in elected countries and based on the need of our own country, proposing practical solutions for Iran.

Results: The results of this study showed that there was no a information system of psychological disease in Iran. Also, four factors of this system including (goals, content structure, informational elements, information registration criteria) are reviewed in four selective countries.

Discussion and Conclusion: The design and implementation of this system in psychiatric centers is recommended to set two main goals including quality control and cost control in Iran.

Smh Mousavi, F Faraji Khiavi, R Sharifian, G Shaham,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

Background and Aim: Because of preventing of radiation damages, special safety issues are considered in radiology departments: But, the other safety aspect issues are not observed regularly. As an important part of safety plan, radiology departments should be assessed from physical, building design aspects and cope with fire.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was directed as a cross sectional research. Tehran University of Medical Sciences hospitals radiology department were assessed for standards of physical spaces, radiation preventing, and cope with fire, patient's and staff safety.A Check-list was used as data collection instrument.Each safety issue estimated as safe (>80%), not safe (<50%) and relatively safe (between 50 and 80 %).

Results: Overall, safety standards were observed in Tehran university of Medical Sciences Hospitals Departments,with relatively safe standards regarding patient's safety and cope with fire.

Conclusions: Fire protocols must be regarded in radiology wards in hospitals. Appropriate designing and programming which considers patient's safety from the time of  entering to radiology ward until leaving is offered.

M Zahavi, N Sadre Momtaz, Sh Arpanahi Istadegi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

Background and Aim: The main goal of each hospital - like all health care sectors - is protecting and increasing the health level in orsig country. The important role of human resources in hospitals is appropriate strategic decisions making for fast environmental changes and shows the need of staff participation. Nurses as a one of the biggest parts of hospital staff need to participate much more in strategic decision making in hospitals. This article is aimed to measure the level of nurses' participation in strategic decisions making.  

Materials and Methods: This research is descriptive - analytic. Total nurses of Shariati hospital were 577 nurses of which 175 nurses were selected and studied.The gathering information instrument was questionnaire adapted from Dustdar thesis. This questionnaire contained 35,5 - choice questions set by Likert basis. Project's data was analyzed with SPSS software in % 95 confidence levels and statistical specifications like mean, standard error,correlation and non parametric tests were used.

Results: According to the results obtained, there are meaningful relation between staff participation in strategic decision making and: marriage situation (PV=0.01), Decision Directing (PV=0.0), culture of participation (PV=0.00), organization maturity (PV=0.00) and risk tolerance (PV=0.01)  

Conclusions: It has been observed that nurse participation in strategic decision making in Shariati hospital is in "low" position (participation mean score: 28.52 from 100). So an administrator effort for spreading culture of participation to owner's process is something that should be paid attention more than before.

H Dargahi , M Ghazi Saeedi , R Safdari , M Hamedan ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: The benefits of a unique computerized medical records and communication equipments is utilized to collect, storage, process, extract and relate to patient care information and management information. If this utilization is in accordance with the needs of managers and staff of medical records, many of the nation's health system problems will be dissolved. Information systems in health supply system by compiling, analyzing and publishing data provide utilization of information improve the health of the society. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of clinical information systems in general hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences based on available clinical information system in these hospitals.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive study is an application study that conducted in order to determine the process of clinical information system in general hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences based on available clinical information in these hospitals. The required data have been collected by a valid and reliable questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data.

Results: With regard to the current condition and the importance of survey of the process of clinical information system in the studied hospitals, the authors provided the desired checklist in general hospitals with studying the related system in America, Australia and England countries, on the basis of country requirements in the form of clinical information system processes. We studied clinical information system processes in departments of admission, filling and retrieving, statistical and coding and also soft wares in this department.

Discussion and Conclusion: It is necessary to create a coordinated and integrated clinical information system with suitable process and empower experts in the field of proper use of data with regard to the position of information system in each organization and its fundamental role in the adoption of accurate policies. We found that relative frequency of clinical information system processes is more than 60% in this department and clinical information system elements was observed 75% in all the departments except admission.

B Ahmadi , M Ziwdar , S Rafiei ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: Patients' needs should be acknowledged properly in order to enable hospitals to take responsibility for their expenses. In this study, patients' satisfaction is assessed in various fields which are key elements of hospitals assessment program.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 120 consecutive patients which are randomly selected from Hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) were enrolled. A questionnaire was completed for their demographic, occupational, insurance status and their satisfaction of clinical services, nutrition, hospital environment and hospital facilities.

Results: The age range of participants were11 to 80 years old 61.9% were females and 38.1% were males. Overall, 78.1% were satisfied in respect to hospitals general status while there were significant differences considering satisfaction in hospital environment and facilities, clinical services and nutrition among recruited hospitals.

Discussion and Conclusion: A strong correlation between the index of hospital environment and patients' satisfaction signifies further enhancements of hospital environment which could potentially increase patients' satisfaction. Also, the relationship between patients well being and satisfaction indicates health care staff role should be emphasized for patients' appreciation. Consequently, hospital administration should focus on current unsatisfied sections to improve health care quality.

H Dargahi , M Eskandari , G Shaham ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: The study of organizational culture as a managerial tools, is necessary in health care organizations. Hospital administrators should compare present with desired hospitals' organizational culture continuously. This research is aimed to compare the present with desired organizational culture as administrators' view in Tehran University of Medical Sciences' Hospitals.

Materials and Methods: A Cross - Sectional' descriptive and analytical study was conducted among 15 Tehran University of Medical Sciences' Hospitals administrators by a questionnaire including demographic information and 30 questions which determined the approach of TUMS hospitals administrators about current and appropriate organizational culture components. Before the main study, validity and reliability of the questionnaire was performed. The data was collected by SPSS version 15 software and analyzed by Chi-square, Pearson and T tests.

Results: The result of this study showed that leadership was the most and control was the least organizational culture components which observed in present condition.

Discussion and Conclussion: As TUMS hospital administrators' view, all of the hospitals organizational culture components, exception control and communication patterns, are not observed in current status. There is a significant difference between current and appropriate hospital organizational culture components as the administrator's view which impressed on the hospital management system. Therefore, the hospitals administrators are required to do strategic planning to optimize the hospitals organizational cultures.

M Arefi , N Talaei ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: Given The importance of patient satisfaction levels of health care is an effective role in planning health services management system. This study aimed to assess patient satisfaction of hospital services and related factors was designed in Baharloo study Hospital.

Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional. The data is collected by questionnaire and interview and after completing the questionnaire based on the number of samples required in this study, the information was collected into the computer and analyzed. The study statistical society was 320 patients hospitalized in all different parts of the hospital in the second six months of 1387 were selected in the form of the random sampling . To measure the patient satisfaction used satisfaction questionnaire with six demographic questions and 20 satisfaction terms. Questionnaires was given to the patients by trained persons (non-medical staff) in the last session of therapy.In young patients the questionnaire was completed by the patients family or friend and about cases with illiteracy or low literacy the questionaire was completed by Trained questioners.Listen.

Results: Satisfaction including satisfaction levels was as follows: heat and cooling systems (44.8%)- facilities (48.3%) - Food Quality (44.8%) - daily clothes and sheets change(41.6%)- Sanitation and hygience (48.3%) - room lighting ( 56%) - the speed of filing reception files(58.6%)- Nurse attitude (55.2) - time presence of clinical nurses on the patient's bedside (58.6%) - appropriate communication with sick relatives (55.2%). Highest level of patient satisfaction was as follows: satisfaction of nurse time presence on the patient's bedside (58.6) - the speed of filing reception files and the patient good guidance by receptionist(58.6%) and room lighting (58%).

Discussion and Conclusion: The largest percentage of patient dissatisfaction was regarding facilities of rooms, food quality and daily clothes and sheet change(24.1%).

A Barati Marani, Hs Sajadi, M Keivan Ara,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2011)

Background and Aim: Hospital's traditional charter that mostly emphasized productivity has been replaced by a charter that stresses social and environmental issues. On this basis, to achieve success, managers should regard both the inner and the outer environments of hospitals. This study aims at measuring hospitals' social responsibility.

Materials and Methods: The present descriptive-analytic study was carried out through a cross-sectional method in 2010. The study population consisted of hospital managers of the city of Isfahan (n=21). The data collection instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire. The instrument's content validity was determined by the experts' views and its reliability calculated through Cronbach's α was found to be 0.95. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software (version 16) and the hypotheses were tested by t-test, ANOVA and Eta coefficients. The maximum mean score was 100.

Results: The mean score of hospitals' social responsibility was computed to be 68.6. The mean scores of leadership and inner processes, market place, community policies, environmental policies, and workplace policies were found to be 72.2, 70, 67.8, 67.4 and 66.2, respectively. There was no significant relationship between hospital's social responsibility and type of hospital's possession and activity (pvalue > 0.05).

Conclusion: The social responsibility of hospitals was assessed as moderate. To improve hospital's social responsibility, it is suggested that more attention be paid to workplace and environmental policie

R Safdari, R Sharifian, M Ghazi Saeedi, N Masoori, Zs Azad Manjir,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Background and Aim: Annually, large amounts of fees that paid by hospitals will not be reimbursed as deductions by health insurances and takes irreparable financial losses to hospitals. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of deductions imposed on hospital bills of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and their causes related to documentation.

Materials and Methods: The present research was a cross-sectional and descriptive study performed in year 2009 on educational hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All deductions reports related to Medical Services and Social Insurance related to year 2008 was collected from Income Unit of hospitals. The amount of deduction of each hospital was extracted and organized in the form of comparative tables. Data was analysed by descriptive statistics and Excel application. Then, the amount, type and causes of annually deduction of each hospital was determined.

Results: Most deductions imposed on inpatient bills have been related to the tests, appliances, medicine, residency, surgeon commission, and anesthesia and for outpatient bills have been related to visit, tests and medicine which most of them have been created due to documentation deficiencies.

Conclusion: Most of deductions are due to unfamiliarity of care staff with documentation requirements of insurance organizations. Therefore it is necessary to use a multi-aspect mechanism including education of documentation principles to staff, supervision on record control in the Medical Record Unit and establishment of a committee by university for related activities.

Mostafa Rabieyan , Reza Safdari , Cyrus Azimi ,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Background and Aim: These days with the improvements in science and technology the number of individuals who suffer from genetic disorders should be drastically less. A crucial method for preventing these disorders, in the first place, is by genetic counseling. Educating the public in regards to how they can avoid producing affected children. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective cross- sectional study, all the files of the couples attending Genetics Clinic of the Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, during 1995 to 2004 were studied. The data were collected using a reliable questionnaire and SPSS software was applied for data analysis. Results: The most important variable in this study was the relationship between the couples. The most frequent among the consanguineous marriages was the cross first cousins (45.3%), and the least frequency belonged to non-related marriages (6.4%). The most frequent genetic diseases belonged to children who their parents were parallel first cousins (84.8%). Conclusions: Due to the importance of genetic counseling in relation to reducing the frequency of the genetic disorders in society, educating the general public about compulsory genetic counseling before marriage, is the cheapest and the most effective approach in limiting the number of patients with genetic abnormalities.
Yaser Joyani, Mehdi Raadabadi , Zahra Kavosi , Jamil Sadeghifar , Khalil Momenei ,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (11-2011)

Background and Aim: An Adapting work condition with physical and mental conditions of employees is an essential factor to do the job effectively. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between employees occupational accidents and absence from work in Shiraz Namazi Hospital. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study was done in Shiraz Namazi Hospital at 2010. One Hundred and sixty employees in different departments of the hospital with a random stratified sampling were enrolled in this study. Data were collected using the checklist consisting of three parts: demographic information, types of occupational accidents and three open questions to enumerate other occupational accidents, diseases resulting from occupational accidents and possible causes of exposure to this accidents. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software and using descriptive statistics and chi square & t tests. Results: Out of 160, 159 participants responded and returned the questionnaire,out of which 68.9% were females. Cuts with sharp objects (22%) and toxicity resulting from working with solvents (82%) were the lowest and highest nonexposure in sample's studies, respectively. A statistically significant relationship between gender, work shift, organizational status and duration of employment with the occurrence of a number of occupational accidents was observed. Conclusion: According to the results, there was no clear relationship between absences from work and frequency of each occupational accident. We recommend the hospitals to consider notebooks for recording occupational accidents and theirway of occurrence. Also , training courses for employees shoud be in priority.
Seyed Jamaloddin Tabibi, Mohmod Reza Gohari, Somayeh Shahri, Sara Aghababa,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2012)

Background and Aim: The provision of high-quality services is considered as a prerequisite to the success of responsible organizations. Using SERVQUAL model, the present article seeks to delve into the quality of services provided in outpatient clinics as judged by patients in case-study hospitals throughout Tehran.

Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive research in which 242 subjects were studied at the outpatient clinics under investigation throughout Tehran using a standardized questionnaire named SERVQUAL (1988).

Results: The results of a t-test revealed a meaningful difference between the patients' perception and their expectation about 5 factors (tangible elements, reliability, assurance, accountability and collaboration) affecting the quality of services in clinics. The patients rated ‘assurance' as the most important factor (4.41) and ‘accountability' as the least important of the 5 factors (2.21).

Conclusion: The results indicate that the application of SERVQUAL model enables hospital managers to evaluate the quality of services as evaluated by patients as their most important clients and enhance the quality of such services through proper planning and removal of deficiencies.

Ehsan Zarei, Seyed Mahmud Ghazi Tabatabai, Abbas Rahimi Forushani, Arash Rashidiyan, Mohammad Arab,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2012)

Background and Aim: Over the past decade, the number of private centers providing health care services in Iran has had a continuous growth and the highly competitive market in private hospitals industry has caused increasing pressure on them to provide services with a higher quality. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of services being provided in private hospitals of Tehran as judged by patients.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2010 in Tehran. The study sample comprised 983 patients, randomly selected from 8 private hospitals. The survey instrument was the standard SERVQUAL questionnaire. Wilcoxon, t-test, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for statistical analyses.

Results: The total mean scores of patients' expectation and perception were 4.92 and 4.02, respectively. The highest figures were related to the tangible factors dimension and the lowest ones to the empathy dimension. The differences between the perception and expectation for all the 22 items and the 5 dimensions were found to be statistically significant(p< 0.001).

Conclusion: SERVQUAL is valid and reliable in hospital settings as a standard tool for the assessment of quality. The results of the present study have revealed the areas that need to be improved as far as the patients are concerned. Measuring the opinion of patients can help facilitate the provision of hospital services, and improve the quality of such services and patients' satisfaction.

Sakineh Vali Ghazvini, Elham Shah Bahrami, Yasser Nazari, Fardin Moradi, Rooholah Kalhor,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Background and Aim: Organizations have to establish modern management systems to progress and to obtain maturity. One of the techniques which started in Europe in the last two decades and is considered in management area of country during recent years is the model of organizational promotion (EFQM). The purpose of this study was Performance Evaluation of Rajaei Hospital Based on «EFQM» Organizational Excellence Model.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in year 2010 in Qazvin Rajai Hospital. Data collection tool, was EFQM organization Excellence Model questionnaire which was completed by all the managers. Validity and reliability of questionnaire was calculated. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results: Results indicated that this hospital has acquired 99.183 scores out of 500 in enablers factor(88.36 percent of optimum score). Also has gained 183.71 scores out of 500 (36/75 percent of optimum score). Overall, this hospital has obtained 366.7 scores out of 1000 as the total score in the model for performance evaluation in year 2010.

Conclusion: Findings indicated that based on Excellence model criteria, this hospital is in a moderate level. Applying this model for Iranian hospitals which often meet serious problems in this area is informative and practical. Strong systematic view, paying attention to organizational process-based management and being result-oriented are advantageous of using this model.

Mohammad Amin Norozi, Mahdi Jahangiri, Parvin Ahmadinezhad , Forough Zare Derisi ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Background and Aim: Hospitals are among the most important establishments providing health services, in which -- due to special hazards -- the observance of safety principles is of great importance. This research aimed to study the safety conditions at educational hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences(SUMS).

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in all educational hospitals in Shiraz and their safety status was investigated using safety audit technique. To this end, audit checklists were prepared and completed through observation, interview with managers and officials of various departments as well as studying the related documents. Then, based on the realization of safety requirements, hospitals were classified into three levels of poor (lower than 50%), medium (5o-75%), and good (higher than75%).

Results: The mean realization of safety requirements in the studied hospitals was 58 percent. The highest and lowest levels of realization of safety requirements were related to radiation safety and safety management, respectively. Safety status was evaluated as poor in 25% and medium in 75% of the studied hospitals.

Conclusion: The safety conditions of the studied hospitals, especially as regards safety management, emergency response plan, and fire safety aspects were relatively poor. The most important reason for that was the lack of clarity of responsibilities and of safety organizational structure. To improve the safety status, hospitals are required to establish the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001).

Ali Keshtkaran, Zahra Kavosi, Ariyan Gholipour, Sanaz Sohrabi Zadeh, Zahra Sharafi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2012)

Background and Aim: Work engagement is defined as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Since the quality of care delivery to patients depends on nurse's practices, the objective of this study was to determine work engagement & its effective factors among nurses of general hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was performed among 273 in-patient nurses of Namazi and Faghihi hospitals using 2 stages of sampling. Our questionnaire was validated by experts opinions and Cronbach's alpha index (86%). Descriptive statistics and correlation tests were used for the analysis of data by SPSS.

Results: According to the results obtained, mean work engagement was 58.95 ± 10.51 and there was a significant correlation between work engagement and organizational - supervisor support, organizational justice, job characteristics, reward & recognition, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover( p<0.05). The relationship between work engagement and reward was the strongest(r=0.512).

Conclusion: The results imply the importance of work engagement and its related factors. Nurses are one of the biggest health system groups, and their burnout disadvantages hospitals and community. Thus, work engagement should be noticed in all policy-making related to nurses.

Rahim Rouzbahani, Mehrnaz Mozaffarian, Mehdi Kazempour Dizadji,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2012)

Background and Aim: Health information System (HIS) is a comprehensive software used to unify and transfer hospital data effectively. It is vastly employed to improve input quality, decrease data-transfer time, increase satisfaction level, promote health services quality, and minimize hospital costs.

Materials and Methods: This is an applied-descriptive study. The research population consisted of 120 HIS users who worked before and after the HIS application at Masih-Daneshvari Hospital. For data collection purposes, a questionnaire was used. The data were then analyzed with SPSS software, and descriptive and inferential statistical methods.

Results: According to data analysis, the application of the existing communication system among the different sections and wards was very good (81%), the accessibility to patient medical information and facilitating treatment processes were good (44% and 61%, respectively), and the analysis of budgeting data (11%), the possibility of clinical researches (19%), the presentation of guides for operators (18%), and the accessibility to statistical and financial data (17% and 22%, respectively) were assessed as poor.

Conclusion: The results of this survey show that the application of Hospital Information System has a positive effect on accuracy, facility, and treatment processes, and emphasize the importance of programming to enhance the quality of hospital services.

Samaneh Safarani, Mohammad Arab, Abbas Rahimi, Ali Ahangar, Ahmad Fayazbakhsh,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2012)

Background and Aim: In strategic planning, there are several procedures to perform internal assessment or strength and weakness of organizations. Among other methods created for this purpose, Wiseboard model is the one in which the following six internal dimensions are considered: Organizational Structure, Leadership, Coordination, Reward System and Communication. This study measures three of these variables in hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).

Materials and Methods: This survey is a descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study conducted during 2010 and 2011. The research population comprised all those working at TUMS hospitals from which a random sample of about 580 people was selected. The questionnaire's reliability was estimated to be 91% and the data were analyzed by the SPSS software.

Results: Of the subjects, 75.4% were below diploma level, 13% above diploma, 7.8% higher diploma, 66.4 bachelor holders, 2.6% master holders, and 5.4% had a doctoral degree or higher. Some 72.6% of the subjects were in Clinical and 19.8% in Nonclinical fields. The mean values of Goal Setting, Organizational Structure, and Leadership came out to be 24.47, 20.37, and 22.06, respectively.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research study, TUMS hospitals have weaknesses in some aspects and they need improvement in some areas in the following order: Organizational Structure, Leadership, and Goal Setting.

Roohollah Askari, Reza Goudarzi, Hossein Fallahzadeh, Bahareh Zarei, Arefeh Dehqani Tafti,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

Background and Aim: Paying attention to efficiency of cost and performance in hospitals as the largest and the most costly performing unit of the health care systems is very crucial. This study aimed to assess the efficiency of hospitals related to Yazd University of Medical Sciences (YUMS).

Materials and Methods: In this study, the efficiency of Hospitals of YUMS was assessed by Data Envelopment Analysis method during years 2000- 2008. The variables were of two types: output variables including the percentage of occupied beds, inpatient days and the number of surgical procedures and input variables were number of active beds, nurses, medical staff and other personnel. The data was analyzed using Deap2.1 software.

Results: Average of technical, management and scale efficiency of hospitals was 0.958, 0.986 and 0.963 respectively. We concluded that the capacity of efficiency promotion in hospitals is increasable up to 5%. In addition, the nurses as one of the most important input variables, had the most apparent slack inputs.

Conclusion: Although the level of efficiency was optimal and there was little unused capacity for increasing efficiency in hospitals, however, managers should plan to increase the efficiency. Finally, assessing the effect of variables such as service quality and patient satisfaction on hospitals efficiency is recommended.

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