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Showing 1 results for Information Technology Acceptance

Mehdi Kahouei, Hassan Babamohamadi ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (11-2013)

 Background and Aim: Information technology acceptance model predicts acceptance based on end-users' perceived usefulness and ease of use of technology for a specific purpose. The aim of this study is to understand nursing staff’s adoption of clinical information systems based on information technology acceptance model.

 Materials and Methods: This descriptive- analytic study was conducted on 316 nurses in hospitals affiliated with Semnan University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) and those affiliated with the Social Security Organization (SSO). The data collection tool was a valid and reliable questionnaire . The d ata were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney and chi-square tests .

 Results: Some 73 % of nurses agreed that the nursing information system provides them with correct information. Besides, 55.7% of nurses had accepted the information system. The results showed that male nurses had admitted clinical information systems more than female ones (P<0.05). Moreover, nurses who were aware of their duties towards the computer program or those who were aware of the goals of computer applications had adopted information technology more (P <0.05).

 Conclusion : Most of the nurses had accepted the clinical information system in their daily work. However, issues such as inadequate number of computers , content design, system c apability problems, and nurses' computer skills and knowledge should be seriously examined . Moreover, several interventions should be planned and developed in technical and individual areas such as enhancement of nurses' IT knowledge , teamwork culture , organizational position , team cooperation, and updating and upgrading the network.

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