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Showing 2 results for Job Motivation

Azadeh Ahmadzadeh Ghasab , Majid Heydari , Mohammad Ali Abbasi Moghaddam ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (11-2013)

Background and Aim: Motivation and satisfaction of manpower are the most important variables in the field of organizational behavior and because of the strong relationship between these two variables with the job and organization productivity, it’s necessary to look job characteristics as increasing factor of employee satisfaction and performance in redesigning jobs. The objective of this study was determining motivating potential score (MPS) of the jobs and survey the relation between MPS and job satisfaction in staff employees of educational and research deputy of TUMS (Tehran University of Medical Science).

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study. The research context was to staff employee of education and research deputy of TUMS. Sampling frame of the study was simple random sampling. Data collection method was a questionnaire. Reliability of the questionnaire was ascertained with pilot study with and confirm with Cranach's Alpha. T-test and Pearson correlation were the analytical methods.

Results: The results showed the jobs of the study population have skill variety, task identity, task significance and potential motivation but haven't job authority and feedback. The findings showed there was significant relation between motivating potential power and its dimensions with the job satisfaction ( P<0.05 ).

Conclusion : The job characteristic have great impact on the job satisfaction so this model can be used for redesigning the jobs to increase job satisfaction.

Mahdi Hajian Nosrat, Malikeh Beheshtifar,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2018)

Background and Aim: Workplace spirituality is an active process that strengthens people and motivates them to do purposeful activities. According to studies, several factors can promote workplace spirituality. Factors which are studied in this research include job motivation, psychological ownership, mental maturity, and moral behavior. The aim of this research is to prioritize the factors affecting workplace spirituality in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) in 2017.
Materials and Methods: This is a correlational descriptive study. The sample included 1230 staff members, of whom 294 were selected using Morgan table. To collect data, 5 questionnaires were used. And for data analysis, structural equation modeling and Amos and SPSS software were applied.
Results: The findings showed that psychological ownership (path coefficient 0.110), mental maturity (path coefficient 0.172), and moral behavior (path coefficient 0.871) had an effect on workplace spirituality, but job motivation (path coefficient - 0.090) had no effect on it. Also, moral behavior, mental maturity, and psychological ownership had the greatest effect on workplace spirituality, respectively; but job motivation had no effect on it.  
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, putting moral behavior as the basis, promoting mental maturity, and emphasizing psychological ownership in order of prioritizing effective factors caused workplace spirituality to increase among employees.

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