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Showing 3 results for Pandemic

Moslem Soleymanpor, Mohamad Taghi Amini, Yazdan Shirmohammadi, Ali Shahnazari,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (1-2022)

Background and Aim: With the global expansion of Covid 19, the tourism industry has faced one of its biggest operational, commercial and financial crises, and most of the source-destination interactions have been suspended and have changed the view of the host community and their interactions with tourists. The purpose of this study is to provide a model for tourism development during the Covid 19 crisis and beyond.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted using a combined (qualitative-quantitative) research approach. First, in a qualitative method with the data   foundation approach, interviews with academic experts and managers and activists of the tourism industry in East and West Azerbaijan Provinces, and using purposeful and theoretical sampling, 18 people were selected to the point of information saturation. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Data extracted from interviews were encoded by open, axial and selective coding. Then, to fit and test the obtained model in the second step (quantitative part), the method of structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used.
Results: The final model consists of a total of 66 concepts extracted from the interviews, in the form of 14 categories and contextual categories, causal conditions, interventional conditions, strategies and finally, consequences and results of tourism entrepreneurship in pandemic crises and all of them affect this model. Based on the results of combined reliability, extracted variance, model determination coefficient and goodness-of-fit index, the drawn model in the field of path analysis has good experimental-theoretical assumptions and has a very good fit. Based on the obtained path coefficients, it can be concluded that the intervention conditions had the most and the causal conditions had the least impact on the strategic model of the tourism industry in pandemic crises.
Conclusion: Results indicate that strategies such as virtual tourism development, crisis management in the tourism industry, the development of domestic tourism by emphasizing the observance of health protocols and focusing on the development of tourism infrastructure, leads to the realization of consequences such as the maintenance and prosperity of tourism businesses, strengthening the tourism industry and creating a new tourism market for the post-corona era.

Ali Reza Yavar, Zahra Batooli, Fatemeh Sheikhshoaei, Sara Ahmadizadeh,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (5-2022)

Background and Aim: The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the emergence of new information needs for people with diverse information literacy. Both infected and healthy people feel the need to have essential and practical information about this pandemic. One of the concerns of Covid-19 patients is their need for reliable and sufficient information about various aspects of the disease. Understanding the information needs of patients and the experiences of people who have been infected and recovered from the disease can be a suitable and reliable source of information. So the aim of this study was to identify the information needs of patients with Covid-19.
Materials and Methods: This research was employed a qualitative approach using conventional content analysis. Key informants were Covid-19 recovered patients in Kashan city who had a history of admission in medical centers. Sampling consisted 17 participants (11 males and 6 females) who were selected from almost different social classes through purposeful method. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview and the saturation point was reached at 17 interviews. Data were analyzed using the Diekelmann’s seven-stage method.
Results: The results of this study included 430 primary codes that after removing and merging duplicate codes, seven main themes and 30 categories were identified in the field of information needs were extracted. Main themes and categories included understanding the nature of the disease (the origin of the disease, knowledge about the symptoms, transmission and types of mutations), prevention (health protocols, prevention equipments, and vaccination), treatment (diagnostic tests, type of disease treatment, disease process, costs, psychological support), nutrition (the type of nutrition for prevention, during illness and after recovery), communication with others (type, length and conditions of quarantine, how to communicate with others), statistics, and information sources (up-to-date, valid, and types).
Conclusion: The most critical information needs of Covid-19 patients include information about the nature, treatment, and preventive measures of the disease. Social media and oral information such as doctors, friends, and acquaintances were also reported as the most important sources of information. Therefore, this study suggests that health managers provide the most up-to-date and reliable information and news related to Covid-19 through the most appropriate and accessible media.

Fahimeh Hasanzadeh, Ali Aghajanloo, Dr Mohammadreza Dinmohammadi,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (10-2022)

Background and Aim: The most recent threat to the global community is the ongoing outbreak of the disease known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Taking personal protection measures (PPM) is crucial to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the acceptance of PPM among patients before having COVID-19 admitted to hospitals in northwestern of Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 560 eligible patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19 were selected by convenience sampling. Data were collected from January 6 to May 21, 2021, through a researcher-made questionnaire and were analyzed with descriptive statistics (number, percentage, mean, standard deviation), independent t-test, and multiple linear regression by SPSS. A significance level of 5% was selected.
Results: The average age of the participants was 60.1 (16.01) years with an age range of 21 to 95 years. Most of the participants were male (53.9%) and married (91.8%). The mean score of PPM acceptance among patients was 16.55 (2.59) out of 20 points. Multiple linear regression analysis determined employment status (β=0.29, P<0.001), residency (β=-0.19, P<0.001), education level (β=0.11, P=0.048), smoking (β=-0.10, P=0.03) and income level (β=0.13, P=0.01), as predictors of acceptance of PPM. Other personal and occupational variables, including age, gender, marriage, living status, having children, and history of influenza vaccination, were not found to be effective in predicting the acceptance of personal protection measures among participating patients.
Conclusion: The acceptance of personal protection measures among patients was relatively high. Acceptance of the unemployed, rural residents, illiterate, smokers, and those with low-income level was low. This study emphasizes the need to pay attention to the changes in the individual, social and economic characteristics of the community and their effects on preventive health behaviors, especially in vulnerable groups.

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