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Showing 3 results for Salmonella

Mm Soltan Dalall, A Rahimi Forushani, B Nikmanesh, A Tabatabaei Bafroei, N Aghili,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Background and Aim: Salmonellosis is a gastroenteritis caused by different serotypes of Salmonella and is the most common type of food poisoning in the world. The purpose of this research study is to optimize the conventional method for the isolation of Salmonella SPP from the diarrheic specimens of children.

Materials and Methods: Stool specimens were obtained from one hundred patients admitted to Children's Medical Center for diarrhea. The enrichment media were prepared by 3 methods: Rappaport Vassiliadis broth (RV), Tetrathionate broth (TT), and Selenite Cystine broth (SC). Then, for the isolation of Salmonella SPP, the enrichment methods RV and TT were used and incubated at 42° C, and SC at 37° C. After 24 hours of incubation, the enrichment samples were inoculated into the following 6 different media: Hektone Enteric agar (HE), Rambach agar (RA), CHROMagar Salmnella (CHROMagar Salmonella), Brilliant Green agar (BG), Salmonella-Shigella agar (SS), and Xylose-Lysine-Deoxycholate agar (XLD).

Results: In total, 13 out of one hundred samples were identified as Salmonella SPP. All of these 13 Salmonella SPP samples (i. e., 100%) were positive on RV broth the figures were 8 (61.5%) and 3 (23%) on SC and TT broths, respectively. The highest amount of isolation was found by the combination of RV broth and RA agar (100%). The lowest rate, however, was obtained by the combination of TT agar and BG broth (15.4%).

Conclusion: The comparison results of 3 enrichment media and 6 selective media showed that the mixture of RV broth and RA agar would be very fine for the isolation of Salmonella SPP.

Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal , Hamid Emadi Koochak , Mohammad Kazem Sharifi Yazdi , Ali Taheri Mirghaed , Hamid Choobineh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2014)

 Background and Aim: Cream is a rich dairy product with the pH close to neutral and limited preservation capability. Cream is suitable and rich for microbial growth. In the past few decades, there was a great concern in contamination of food products.

 Salmonella and Yersinia species are two important pathogens causing food poisoning and human gastroenteritis. The aim of the present study is to investigate the quality of traditional cream for bacterial contamination.

 Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. In total, 100 unpasteurized cream samples were collected from 5 regions in Tehran. The Salmonella was enriched in Selenite-F broth, and Yersinia in phosphate buffer in two weeks in cold condition according to CDC, and then were inoculated in MacConky and CIN agar for 24 hours. The suspected colonies were examined for phenotype and their identification was confirmed by API-20 E.

 Results:  In general, 29% of tested cream samples were contaminated with at least one kind of bacteria, 3% with Yersinia (1strain Y.enterocolitica, 1 Y.intermedia, 1 frederiksenii), and 2% with Salmonella paratyphi B. The other bacteria like Escheichia coli, Enteobacter, klebsiella, and Citobacter were also isolated. Five samples were contaminated with two kinds of bacteria.

 Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that more quality control should be applied on the cream produced in the city of Tehran by health control office for food products. 


Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal, Abolfazl Keshavarz, Ebrahim Kord, Nastaran Ansari, Zamaneh Hajikhezri, Katayoun Samimi-Rad,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background and Aim: At the present time one of the strategies in vaccine design is generation of fusion proteins containing (including) immunogen of infectious agents and adjuvants. In this study design and construction of E2-fliC fragment as a vaccine candid was conducted by using fliC gene from Salmonella enterica and E2 gene from hepatitis C virus.
Materials and Methods: To prepare the E2-fliC construct, E2 and fliC fragments were first amplified from pBluscript-E2 and pBluscript-fliC, respectively by PCR method. To generate pcDNA-E2-fliC plasmid, E2 was subcloned into plasmid pcDNA3.1 (+) which was extracted from DH5α cells. The fliC sequence was then cloned into the pcDNA3.1-E2. To evaluate the expression of E2-fliC construct, it was inserted into the pEGFP-N3 expression vector. Then COS-7 cells were transfected with pEGFPN3- E2-fliC to evaluate the expression of the fusion protein by observation of the EGFP signal under the fluorescence microscope.
Results: By development of GFP fluorescent using fluorescence microscopy the most expression of E2-fliC construct was observed at 24h after transfection. The accuracy of the recombinant plasmid pcDNA-E2-fliC was confirmed by PCR, restriction enzymes and DNA sequencing.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that E2-FliC fusion protein has expressed efficiently and most likely similar to HCV E2 protein induces immune system of mice after their immunization with pcDNA-E2-fliC.

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