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Showing 2 results for Sensitization

E Jazayeri Gharebagh, M Abaszadeh Ghanavati,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (2-2008)

Background and Aim: Symptoms of the "Darkroom Disease" amongst X-ray personnel are well reported. In this study, radiographers have been compared to physiotherapists to see if there is any link between the occurrences of symptoms with processing chemicals. The aim of this study was to find the prevalence of these symptoms amongst radiographers.

Materials and methods: Sixty nine radiographers from 13 hospitals of Tehran Medical School University were compared with 72 physiotherapists from those hospitals. Respondents were asked to identify, by means of questionnaire, any of the symptoms like dermatitis, sore throat, allergy, shortness of breath etc., described as "Darkroom Disease" from which they suffer.

Results: Data provided by this work demonstrated that radiographers suffered more from shortness of breath (P=0.013 & for men P=0.045), nausea (men P=0.049), and physiotherapists suffered more from catarrh (P= 0.044 & for men P=0.046), as well as joint pain (men P=0.04).

Conclusion: The results from this preliminary work suggests that there is a link between using the processing chemicals and incidence of these symptoms like shortness of breath, nausea among radiographers (P< 0.05), and it seems that the incidence of dermatitis and the history of this disease are linked.


E Jazayeri Gharebagh, M Abbaszadeh Ghanavati,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2008)

Background & Aim : Symptoms associated with acute discomfort, e.g., headache eye, nose, or throat irritation dry and itchy skin, which are known as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) are well reported amongst people who work in hospital environment especially in the X- ray department. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of the symptoms and to identify work related factors in hospital environment.

Materials and Methods : A questionnaire survey has been done from 219 hospital personnel who worked in the university hospitals (medical X-ray technologists, physiotherapists and office staff) as the exposed group and 219 personnel of the same occupations from private health care units and offices as the control group about if they experienced any of the mentioned symptoms in the last eight weeks. A total of 215 and 216 the questionnaire were accepted from each group respectively and included in analyses.

Results: From data provided by this work, 6 symptoms (headache, sorethroat, sinusitis, dermatitis,nasalaids and sore eyes)  have significant relationship between exposed and control groups. One symptom (catarrh) had significant difference among physiotherapists (P< 0.05), but with no significant difference between hospital and non-hospital environment. In addition, there was a relationship between incidence of dermatitis and history of skin allergy (P< 0.05).

Conclusion: The results from this preliminary work are similar with the studies, which have been done by others. These results also suggest that there is a link between incidence of SBS and hospital based chemical agents.

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