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Showing 2 results for Sepsis

Mm Amiri, Z Jadali, Sa Mirshafie, A Sarrafnezhad, M Rasoolinejad, M Ravanbakhsh, M Rohani , Ma Boyer, Ar Salehi Nodeh,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

Background and Aim: The present study was designed to compare the cell death, circulating levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and tumor necrosis factor type-I receptor in Iranian patients with sepsis and normal controls.

Materials and methods: Twenty-two patients with sepsis were included in this study. After blood collection, the serum circulating levels of TNF- and TNFRI measured with ELISA kits. The PBMCs isolated from blood samples and proportion of apoptotic cells measured by flowcytometry at the time of blood draws (0 time) and after 24-h incubation. PBMCs incubated at 37°C in culture (spontaneous apoptosis) and in the presence of rTNF that is capable of inducing apoptosis in activated T cells expressing the TNF family of receptors.

Results: PBMCs obtained from the patients showed significantly higher (P<0.001) proportion of apoptotic cells than PBMCs of controls at 0 time, indicated that a higher fraction of PBMCs were undergoing apoptosis in vivo in patients but not in controls. After 24-h incubation, spontaneous ex vivo apoptosis of PBMCs was nearly as high as that of TNF-  induced apoptosis, indicating that activated T cells had been preprogrammed in vivo to die.

Discussion and Conclusion: The circulating levels of both TNF- and TNFRI showed significantly higher in patients (P<0.001) than controls and this increase is proportional (r=0.908) in both indicating that TNFRI may have a protective effect in the early stage of sepsis.

Niloofar Mohammadzadeh, Ziba Mosayebi, Hamid Beigy, Mohammad Shojaeinia,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (1-2021)

Background and Aim: Sepsis is the most important disease in the first 28 days of life and one of the main causes of infant mortality in the intensive care unit. Its definitive diagnosis is possible by performing blood culture. Neonatal sepsis can be a clinical sign of nosocomial infections that are often resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to create and evaluate a hospital sepsis prediction model and present its results to health care providers.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-applied study, the research population includes neonates admitted to the intensive care unit of Valiasr Hospital in Tehran and the research sample is the data of 4196 neonates admitted to this ward from 2016 to August, 2020. The initial features for creating a predictive model of sepsis were prepared by examining the relevant information sources and under the supervision of professors and officials of Valiasr Hospital's mother and fetus research center and its validity was confirmed by 5 neonatal professors of this hospital. In this research, machine learning algorithms have been used to create a sepsis prediction model.
Results: Accuracy and AUROC(area under the ROC curve) parameters were used to evaluate the generated models. The highest values of Accuracy and AUROC are related to Adaptive Boosting and random forest algorithms, respectively.
Conclusion: Learning curves show that using different training examples and more complex selection of combination features improves the performance of the models. Further research is needed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of machine learning models in a trial.

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