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Showing 6 results for Software

Marjan Ghazi Saeedi , Reza Safdari, Abdoljalil Kalantar Hormozi , Leila Shahmoradi, Fatemeh Sadeghi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2014)

 Background and Aim: The applicability of any technology to enter a certain field is determined by defining the advantages and disadvantages of the system in that field. The aim of this study is to show the advantages and limitations of using speech recognition systems in health care and providing practical solutions to improve the acceptability of the system in that field.

 Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive research with a review method that employs library resources and online databases such as Proquest, Pubmed, Science Direct, Ovid and Scientific Information databases using key words like speech recognition software, health care, benefits, barriers, and solutions.

 Results: Speech recognition system has many advantages like increased accuracy of medical documentation, and reduced documentation time. It is a tool for data entry into electronic health records. However, there are several limitations in applying the system in Iran, such as the lack of definition of database system and the high cost of hardware and software.

 Conclusion: Considering the study results in relation to the benefits and limitations of systems in healthcare area, solutions such as production of a national integrated database for the exchange of health information, improving database to increase the accuracy of word recognition, and training the users of the system can reduce the limitations of the system to some extent. Also, in the country’s movement towards the implementation of electronic health records and the users’ need to enter data into the computer, the software is a good alternative to keyboard and mouse input.


Marjan Ghazi Saeedi , Leila Shahmoradi, Safieh Ilati Khangholi, Mahdi Habibi-Koolaee ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2016)

Background and Aim: Computerized physician order entry system is the process of entering orders electronically. It is a replacement for manual system and is considered as a part of a clinical information system. The appropriate design of this system leads to the enhancement of its capabilities, ensures orders accurately and comprehensively, and transfers information to different parts rapidly. Therefore, transfer time and the error related to the wrong path or misinterpretations will be omitted; in the end, efficiency will increase. This study aims to present different perspectives on design principles of computerized physician order entry system for stakeholders.
Materials and Methods: In this review article, Google, Google Scholar, Pub Med, Web of Science and Scopus databases were searched with some keywords related to design principles of computerized physician order entry system.
Results: Based on the performed studies, factors such as inappropriate design of links, display page, set of orders content, drug database, structure of order environment, rules, formats, mechanism of getting reports of errors, and finally clinical decision support system have led to the decrease of doctors’ performance, increase of new errors, and reduction of patients’ safety.
Conclusion: Inappropriate design leads to the increase of new errors after the implementation of system; therefore, proper and principled design of this system can lead to the improvement of practitioners’ function, decrease of prescription errors and drug side effects, reduction of costs, efficiency increase, workflow 

Samira Daniali, Nosrat Riahi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2020)

Background and Aim: The purpose of the present study is to map the coronavirus domain citation network to better understand this domain based on all other citation networks. 
Materials and Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose, and is descriptive scientometrics in terms of type, which has been done with the all-citation method. In this study, all scientific publications on coronavirus(6980 documents) in the period 1985-2019 AD were studied on April 10, 2020 in the Web of Science database. For analysis and drawing all citation maps, VOSviewer and Excel software were used.
Results: In the field of coronavirus, 6815 documents, 10246 journals, and 40298 authors were identified. Ksiazek(2003) with the acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) topic received 875 citations and won the first place. The most cited documents in the field of coronavirus have 5 clusters; and the first cluster with 201 documents and with the topic of studying the structure of coronavirus is the largest one. Journal of Virology -- with the thematic range of genome structure and replication, virus identification, etc. -- ranked first with 35,383 citations. The most cited journals in the field of coronavirus are 5 thematic clusters, and the first one is the largest cluster with 121 journals and with the thematic domains of health policy, coronavirus, etc. Also, Woo won PCY first place with his specialization in identifying new microbes and emerging infectious diseases, and receiving 1491 citations. The most cited authors in the field of corona virus are in 6 thematic clusters; the first cluster with 195 authors in specialized field of virology and coronavirus is the largest cluster.
Conclusion: By identifying the highly cited scientific products in the field of coronavirus, efforts have been made to provide a comprehensive view of top documents, top journals, and top authors so that it can be a decision-making tool in the shortest possible time.

Mohammad Zarbi, Reza Safdari, Nahid Einollahi,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (1-2021)

Background and Aim: Medical diagnostic laboratories are among the most important centers in the treatment cycle of patients. Today, the conscious choice of such laboratories is one of the challenges that patients face in the treatment process. This study was conducted with the aim of improving the knowledge of software users in the field of laboratory sciences and also facilitating the conscious and intelligent selection of the laboratory required by users. 
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-developmental research with an applied approach. The steps consisted of library studies, questionnaire-based needs assessment, collection of knowledge and identity data, design through drawing UML diagrams, implementation using Java programming language, and software evaluation.  
Results: A comprehensive system of laboratory information and experiments can be performed in all laboratories in Tehran, based on factors such as location access, types of laboratories and types of tests, a system was designed that allows users to access the most appropriate laboratory centers with high speed and less mobility, sufficient information, and in accordance with their needs. The evaluation was done using a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The target population consisted of eleven specialists and forty ordinary users. According to the Likert criterion, the results obtained from the answers of all participants in the study to the questions of the questionnaire were higher than 4.05.  
Conclusion: The software showed that the factors that had priority in the need assessment significantly increased user satisfaction and also provided ease of use of laboratory services in accordance with users' needs.

Sharareh Mirsaeidi Farahani, Ahmad Vedadi, Ali Rezaeian,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Background and Aim: Due to the importance and position of the health sector in society and consideration of industry 4.0 during these days, we witness an increase in the spread of state-of-the-art (smart) technologies in various fields, on one hand, and an evolutionary development by integrating healthcare and technology, on the other hand. Thus, the application of smart technologies can help to overcome many of the healthcare sector limitations. This study aimed to propose an appropriate model for deploying smart services in the Iranian healthcare system.
Material and Methods: This was a qualitative research study based on thematic analysis in 2020. The required data were extracted by literature review and expert interviews. A sample of 15 experts were selected using purposive sampling. Sampling was continued until full data saturation was reached. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were implemented and analyzed in MAXQDA. Finally, a qualitative method was developed.
Results: Based on the findings of this research, 202 open codes were extracted and 23 basic themes (sub- themes) were identified to design the model of deployment smart services in the Iranian health sector which categorized in seven organizing themes (main themes) consist deployment planning, execution management, task organization frame work, national preparedness, stage-setting, organizational interventions, and resistance management. Then, according to the above themes, the thematic model was provided which has a suitable model fitness (IFI: 0.934, NFI: 0.959, RMSEA: 0.080).
Conclusion: Providing the model for deploying smart health care and use of these technologies help to significantly improve the quality of health services, improve access to these services, reduce costs and thus improve health of society.

Seyyedeh Fatemeh Mousavi Baigi, Reyhaneh Norouzi Aval, Masoumeh Sarbaz, Khalil Kimiafar,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Background and Aim: Proficiency in medical terminology is a basic competency of most medical students, which ensures communication with other healthcare providers. Facing the lack of motivation and involvement of students, applications, and games based on smartphones are considered as a possible educational option. Due to the rapid expansion of these applications, a correct evaluation of their quality is often not provided. This study investigated and evaluated the quality of smartphone applications and games for teaching medical terminology.
Materials and Methods: A systematic review was conducted in August 2024, in the official stores of Bazaar and Google Play applications. The two main keywords “medical terminology” and “medical vocabulary” were searched in Persian and English. Two evaluators independently downloaded and evaluated smartphone-based applications and games for teaching medical terminology. The same checklist was used for data extraction. The quality of apps was measured using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS). The points of each section, the final score of the retrieved applications, and the mean and standard deviation were obtained.
Results: In total, eighteen programs were included in this study, four of which were games. The average quality of the programs was between 2.70 and 4.30 (average 3.80) on a scale from 1 (inadequate) to 5 (excellent). The best scores are in performance (mean: 3.91), followed by information quality (mean: 3.15). Aesthetics (mean: 2.56) and mental quality of the program (mean: 2.58) had the lowest scores. Two applications offered data privacy, and four had privacy statements. The game ‘Dean Vaughn’ and the application ‘MediTerm’ received the highest overall scores.
Conclusion: This study provides an analysis and description of smartphone-based applications and games for teaching medical terminology to help students and users choose high-quality applications that suit their needs and tastes, and on the other hand, it provides the possibility of identifying research and operational gaps to strengthen and design more effective and better applications for the developers of these applications. The applications evaluated were generally of good overall quality, particularly in terms of functionality and information. However, some applications need to improve aspects such as aesthetics and subjective quality to increase their impact on users and ensure better security and privacy.

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