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Showing 1 results for Thermolumenscence Dosimeter

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Volume 14, Issue 3 (7-2020)

Background and Aim: Due to the increasing number of radiographic tests, TLD dosimeters can be used to measure the effective dose of critical organs in various radiographic tests. In this research, the progression of analogue to digital radiology devices, which facilitates and accelerates the performance of radiographs, especially emergency patients, was investigated, and then the effective dose of critical organs in digital radiographic devices was calculated using a thermoluminescence dosimeter.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study 29 thermoluminescence GR-200 dosimeters(LiF: Mg, Cu, P) were used first, the TLDs were calibrated by the Atomic Energy Organization of Tehran Protection Center, then using TLDs, equivalent doses were used in radiographic tests and finally, the effective dose of critical organs was calculated.
Results: Data were analyzed using Anova in SPSS software. The mean effective doses of critical organs were 0/034±0/0015 mSv for eyes(in skull radiography), 0/0063±0/0004 for thyroid(in cervical radiography), 0/0067±0/0009 for breast(in lung radiography) and 0/2010±0/0652 for ovarian(in abdominal radiography). We found significant differences between effective doses of thyroid and ovaries in common position(Postero Anterior)(p˂0.05). We found non-significant differences between effective doses of the eyes and breast in common position(AntroPosterior)(p˃0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the effective dose of the patient in radiographic exames depends on the thickness of the target organ and the patient's position, which has a significant effect on the dose of radiation absorbed by the patient.


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