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Nikzad Iesazadeh , Reza Salimi , Mohammad Mahdi Esfahani ,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Background and Aim: Requisite to achieve a correct understanding of the meaning and purpose traditions In addition to the general regulations of understanding human speech, the application of certain rules and regulations "Methodology of  understand traditions" can be interpreted. The Principle of methodology of understand those traditions at odds with the theory (philosophical hermeneutics) who believe that the text should not be understood to mean the process of achieving text through the systematic understand. But, the interpreter has always been faced with a prior grasp with text and following the disclosure of the before understanding had about the text.

Materials and Methods: This was a review study that induced by library texts and search engines in order to identify and analysis of the related different references.

Results: Refer readers to specific individuals by the Ahl al-Bayt to achieve the correct meaning and intent and lawful of traditions the best evidence of systematic understanding of the traditions and the traditions of medicine.

Conclusion: Proof the above principle as the basis to understand the traditions must have a hand in self- traditions, both internal and external characteristics including "there are different levels of meaning", "similarity", "manuscripts", "application" and other characteristics have to searched. On the other hand, return to the traditional reasons that to explicitly methodology of understand of these religious texts were approved. Traditions indicating the logic of understanding that is includes traditions such as "supply of mutashabihat on the mhkmat", "supply of traditions on the verses and certain of traditions". The narrative implies the use of Ahl al-Bayt from the principles of common sense is the some of these reasons.

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