Showing 10 results for Universities
K Talebi, R Dehghan, A Arabioun,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2011)
Background and Aim: The hierarchical and bureaucratic form of governmental administration is changing into a new type of flexible and market-based public management called Enterpreneurial Management Revolution. According to Stevenson, entrepreneurial management comprises a number of opportunity-based management activities for the maintenance of organizations in order to have their contribution in social value creation. This research study aims to study the organizational performance of medical sciences universities of Tehran based on Stevenson Model.
Materials and Methods: This research is a field study in which a structured questionnaire containing 22 main questions on the Likert Scale was distributed among the staff members of medical sciences universities in Tehran. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated using Test- Retest Method. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was found to be 0.95. The data collection device was given to 379 staff members, of whom 325 filled it out. The data were completely recorded and then analyzed by SPSS software version 18.
Results: The results of the study show that regarding entrepreneurial management approach, medical universities are at an average level.
According to the present research and all related studies, this is the case in all other governmental organizations.
Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that organizational restructuring, decentralization, and continuous improvement in processes are the milestones of entrepreneurial revolution strategies in medical universities and all other public organizations.
Reza Dehghan, Kambeiz Talebi, Abolghasem Arabioun,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2012)
Background and Aim: This study aimed to assess the factors affecting organizational innovation and entrepreneurship at medical sciences universities in Iran. Such universities provide a wide range of services and products including prevention (hygiene), treatment (medical care), rehabilitation and palliative care, as well as their important mission, i. e., higher education and research in related fields.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the researchers developed and examined a model for organizational innovation and entrepreneurship, including 16 factors classified into structure, content (behavior) and context (periphery) of the subject.
The data collection instrument was a pre-structured questionnaire containing 58 core questions on the Likert scale. The validity of the questionnaire was computed by elites, and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach's Alpha (94%). Of 389 questionnaires, 325 were collected and their data were analyzed by SPSS software, version 18.
Results: The three factors -- structural (structure), behavioral (content) and peripheral (context) -- which affect innovation and entrepreneurship are not favorable at medical universities.
Conclusion: This study shows that structural, behavioral and peripheral factors are the most important, which affect innovation and organizational entrepreneurship at medical sciences universities.
Abbas Doulani, Mohammad Jabraeily Mazrae Sadi , Bohlul Rahimi, Ali Rashidi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2013)
Background and Aim: Knowledge management is effective in promoting organizational structure, level of services, and universities competency power. The present study was aimed to assess knowledge management effective factors including information technology, organization culture, human resources, and librarians' skills among university librarians in Urmia.
Materials and Methods: This analytical survey was conducted on 102 university librarians in Urmia. The data were collected using a questionnaire where its validity and reliability was confirmed by specialists’ overviews and Cronbach's Alpha (0.94). In order to analyze the data, first the middle of the effective factors of knowledge management was estimated. Next, synchronic effect of the variables was estimated via multinomial logistic regression. Also Chi-square was used to assess the relationship between majors and sex factor of the librarians considering their perspective on knowledge management.
Results: Organizational culture, information technology and human resources are the most effective factors to knowledge management circulation. Also the median degree of the knowledge management process includes knowledge creation and reservation and knowledge sharing and employing which was 2/7 and 2/2 respectively.
Conclusion: Knowledge management is an important factor in human resources and competency environment of organizations. Libraries can with launching of knowledge management circulation, earn some promotions, for example: saving research and development costs, capacity increasing, employers’ job satisfaction, maintenance of competency environment and etc.
Ashraf Sadat Bozorgi, Nahid Bani Eghbal , Seyed Javad Ghazi Mirsaeed , Mahnaz Ghaderabadi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (11-2014)
Background and Aim: Organization and utilization of non-book materials is an essential issue therefore, this study aims to evaluate the organization of non-book materials in central libraries of selected universities of Tehran.
Materials and Methods: The present survey has been conducted as a cross-sectional, descriptive study in 2012. The population consisted of central libraries of selected universities of Tehran. Data gathering instrument was a questionnaire divided into three sections. The validity of the questionnaire was checked by the professionals of the field and its reliability turned out to be 88% using Cronbach's alpha test. Data analysis was performed with SPSS and excel. The findings were presented using descriptive and analytic statistics.
Results: Most of non-book cataloged and indexed materials are theses and compact discs (CDs). Most of the libraries of this study use the Library of Congress Classification System for organizing their materials, and all of them (100%) apply Anglo-American rules for cataloging. Regarding the staff of libraries, 40 (95%) had academic degrees in library studies. As to their familiarity with OPEC, 4 libraries ( 80%) were familiar with Library of Congress (LC) and 3 ( 60%) were familiar with National Library of Iran. NOSA software was used in 4 ( 80%) libraries , and Windows operating system in all (100%).
Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that the organization of non-book materials in these libraries is not as desired.
Sajjad Mohammadian , Esmaeil Vaziri,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2017)
Background and Aim: Research in the medical field requires large budgets, specialist human resources and modern equipment and instruments. Scientific collaboration is a way to overcome such problems. Main goal of this study was analyzing scientific collaboration of universities of medical sciences in different aspects.
Materials and Methods: In this research, by using scientometrics methods and social network analysis techniques, the Universities of Medical Sciences co-authorship network was mapped. Source of collecting Data, was Web Of Science database. For mapping and analyzing of scientific networks, we used Bibexcel, VOSviewer, Pajek and UCINET software.
Results: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Tehran University of Medical Sciences, with 933 co-authorship papers are in the first place in scientific collaboration among Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences. And at the international level, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences has more scientific collaboration than other Iranian universities with the University of Malaya. Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, have significant position in terms of centrality index in co-authorship network.
Conclusion: Medical sciences researchers have very strong tendency to make scientific collaboration with Tehran University of Medical Sciences researchers. For this reason, scientific collaboration network has become a monopoly network around Tehran University of Medical Sciences. This form of collaboration prevents creation of opportunities for collaboration.
Maryam Zarghani, Niloofar Mohaqqeq, Mohammad Reza Alibeik, Tahereh Sadeqi, Somayye Mohebbi, Ra’na Kosari ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2017)
Background and Aim: The application of information technology for the delivery of library services through websites has removed many temporal and spatial limitations. This study aimed to identify the available services and resources on the websites of central libraries at universities of medical sciences in Iran.
Materials & Methods: The population of this descriptive study comprised 36 central-library websites of medical universities in Iran. A researcher-made checklist was used to collect data, which were then analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS 18.
Results: According to the findings, “electronic mail”, “access to services via mobile” and “how-to-use-a-library instructions” were mentioned as modern technologies in 83.3%, 2.8% and 77.8% of websites, respectively. However, nothing was found on “e-learning copyright”. Concerning librarianship and library publications, 69.4% of websites included “new library sources and references”.
Conclusion: Considering the daily development of information technology, it is essential to regularly revise library websites and employ new technologies to enhance them.
Seyed Javad Ghazi Mirsaeid , Fatemeh Sheikhshoaei , Hossein Dehdari Rad , Rasoul Nasirian,
Volume 11, Issue 6 (3-2018)
Background and Aim: Ergonomics is the science of refining and optimizing the working environment, occupation and equipment, and matching it with human capabilities and limitations. The purpose of this study was to compare the working environment conditions of the library staff with Ergonomic Principles in selected Universities of Medical Sciences in Tehran in 2016.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The population of this study included all faculty librarians of selected Medical Sciences Universities in Tehran. This study was conducted by census method and all population members (n=85) were studied. The data collection tools were ergonomic checklist in the library environment and a researcher-made questionnaire on the educational status of ergonomic principles. The data were analyzed by SPSS software version 22 after they were collected and entered into the computer.
Results: Based on the obtained findings, it became clear that the status of variables such as body conditions, work space, equipment and environmental conditions was average in terms of ergonomic principles and health variables, and safety factors and welfare facilities were at an undesirable level. In each of the variables of body condition, work space, equipment and safety factors among the libraries of selected Universities, ergonomic conditions did not have significant differences.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that the conditions of the librarians’ working environment in the studied community were not favorable in terms of ergonomic conditions.
Abbas Doulani, Zahra Shabani, Roya Baradar,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2020)
Background and Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the scientific outputs of the faculty members of the information science and science departments of Iranian state universities in the Science Research Network and its impact on their scientific outputs in databases and search engines.
Materials and Methods: This study was applied in terms of purpose, survey methodology and Altmetrics approach. The statistical population of the study consisted of 118 faculty members in the field of information science and social sciences active in Social- Scientific Network from 29 Governmental universities in the country. Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test, Kruskal-Wallis were used for data analysis.
Results: The findings showed that the authors of Isfahan, Tehran University of Medical Siences and Shahid Chamran of Ahvaz Universities are the most active members of the faculty in ResearchGate in terms of Altmetrics characteristics. In terms of RG score, faculty members with associate's degree perform better than the others. There is also a positive correlation between the Altmetrics indicators of ResearchGate network and the scientometric indicators of Scopus citation database and Google Scholar.
Conclusion: Since there was a positive correlation between Altmetrics indexes in ResearchGate with Scinientometrics indexes in Google Scholar and Scopus, so this leads to the visibility of their scientific work and their improvement of citation indexes in databases.
Malihe Dalili Saleh, Maryam Salami, Faramarz Soheili, Soraya Ziaei,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (10-2021)
Background and Aim: University libraries must meet certain criteria to enter fourth-generation libraries, one of which is the use of new technologies. The aim of this study was to identify the attitudes of library users of medical universities towards the components of augmented reality (AR) technology.
Materials and Methods: The research method was survey and type of study was applied. Quantitative research approach and research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The internal validity of the questionnaire was assessed through CVI and its reliability was estimated using ICC. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed using the opinions of 10 experts in information science and AR; its reliability was obtained with Cronbach’s alpha correlation coefficient (0.96). Through the online questionnaire, data from users’ perspectives on the components of familiarity, features, application, advantages, opportunities and limitations were collected in the form of 5 Likert questions. Data analysis with SPSS 26 was used through independent t-test, ANOVA and Tukey to evaluate the status of AR components.
Results: Users’ familiarity with AR was 50.55%. 78.23% of the users agreed with AR in the libraries of medical universities. In general, the mean was 3.91 and the standard deviation was 0.63. The possibility of developing research activities, use of technology to enhance learning, advantage of attractiveness, and opportunity to develop a scientific educational program were mentioned as the most important items among other AR factors. One of the limitations of setting it up in university libraries was the lack of high-speed internet. The general attitude of users towards AR was at the desired level.
Conclusion: Library users at medical universities agreed with the facilities, opportunities and use of AR. The results showed that AR technology is practical and useful from the perspective of users in the libraries of Iranian medical universities. AR with user support, improving user activity, creating attractiveness, attracting audience, content creation according to various library resources, content gamification, knowledge sharing, content resource deprivation, based on the availability of technical facilities, an opportunity to develop Creates libraries of medical universities.
Elham Shakiba, Mahboobeh Sadat Fadavi, Mohammad Ali Nadi,
Volume 18, Issue 5 (10-2024)
Background and Aim: Smart power is the solidarity between science, knowledge and communication. With the advancement of technology, new space has been created in medical sciences. The aim of this research is Explaining the concept of Smart power and identifying its components in Universities of Medical Sciences
Materials and Methods: The current research was done qualitatively in 2023 using the grounded theory method. Deep and semi-structured interview was done with 13 faculty members of Medical Sciences Universities of the country selected through the purposeful and snowball sampling method and reached theoretical saturation. Strauss -Corbin method based on open, axial and selective coding was used for data analysis. To determine the accuracy and validity of the data, after coding the data, the opinions of six interview participants and six university professors who were familiar with the subject and method of the present research were sought.
Results: After the initial concepts were formulated, 77 open codes, 15 core codes, and five selective codes were identified for smart power. Strengthening artificial intelligence, e-health transformation, cross-border activities together constitute health technological responsiveness, are causal factors that affect the phenomenon of smart power. Actions that should be taken for smart power in medical universities, as strategies include technological innovation that is carried out with systematic technology, technological education, and research capacity building. Cyber management with technology-based performance, communication capability enhancement, information management are contextual factors that create special conditions for effective strategies. The conflict between tradition and modernization, information anxiety as organizational risks are intervention factors that interfere with and limit strategies. If the special conditions of strategies are provided and intervention factors are controlled, the outcome of strategies will be technological progress, development of communication network, integration of hard and soft power, and overall comprehensive health.
Conclusion: Using and developing this power, the policy makers of the health system will be able to solve problems such as the non-uniformity of health facilities in different regions, also the use of virtual university and electronic education, which will remove the time and place limitations and provide the opportunity for education to applicants in different parts of the country.