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Showing 1 results for Work-Family Spillover

Mohsen Golparvar, Mahnaz Zeraatie , Raziyeh Salehhi,
Volume 8, Issue 5 (1-2015)

Background and Aim: Work-family conflict and spillover are among threatening factors in hospital environment for nurses’ well being. The present research aimed to study the relationship of work-family conflict and spillover to affective well being among nurses.

Materials and Methods: The research method was correlational and the statistical population consisted of female nurses of two public hospitals, among whom 197 persons were selected using availability sampling method.­ Data gathering instruments were the previously made questionnaires including work-family conflict questionnaire, work-family spillover questionnaire and affective well being questionnaire. The reliability and validity of the instruments were verified and the data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. 

Results: The results of regression analysis revealed that work-family conflict had a significant predictive power for the prediction of negative and positive affect. Also, the results of regression analysis revealed that homework spillover had a significant predictive power for the prediction of negative affect and that free time spillover had a significant predictive power for the prediction of positive affect.

Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that work-family conflict and spillover could cause problems to nurses’ affective well being. Therefore, it is necessary that nurses be trained to manage work-family conflict and spillover in a suitable way.

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