چکیده انگلیسی مقاله |
This study compare:.' [he results 0;,.1 outcome of live-donor transplantation between single-artery "',"' mull/pic-ana)' transplant kidneys. Cadaver kidneys with multiple vessels arc retrieved with a patch of the donor artery. 111is is not possible ill the !iI'C donation seuing. Therefore !i1'C donation of rcnal allografts with multiple arteries is lIot a straiglnjorward surgery. We studied 22 muttiplc-anery live donor renal allografts among 223 renal transplantations in a sequential. prospective mOllTlCr [or 3 ynJrs. One-year gra{! survival was l)(j.:V:(, ill single-anery group and 95.5":{, in tlns muliplc . arIer)' group. III the singleartery group the complications wae: dctavcd gm[l [unction ill 3.5'7;, rean astomosis o[ tlu: v-essels in 2,9':k, transient post-transplant dialysis in 1. 5 (X" graft nephrectomy ill 2,5';{, AT"' ill 1":'(" Urine leak in 2.5':{', renal anav stenosis in O.5S'(" and lvmpho cclc ill 1%. NOlie: o] thcsc occurred in the multiptc-oncry group. This difference is statistically significant IX~ = 8.10). Cold ischemia time: l"'(lS significantly lunger in lilt' multiple . anery group (panastomosis was not siglliftcanl~"' dlffaelll among lht' 2,1,'Youps (I = 1.255). Ttu: totat tcngtli of tile operation IVas IOllga ill lhe mutsiptc-oncry group (p < O. 00(5). In conclusion it is appareIH snas t lu: intra-op crativc complications. posi-operati vc complications and one-year grafr survival are ccnnparabtc ill single - ane'Y' "'."'. mutsiptc - arrcry renal transplantation. tn other words, !i1'C - donor transptannuion with muliip!c . arIa)' reno! units is safe and has a good OI/lCO!1le. |