Background and A im : sexual health in children is difficult subject, does not deal with it formal method. Importance of Sex education of children is accepted in the world. The aim of this paper is describing the concept of sexual health from the viewpoint of children's famil y and identification norms of child sex education and determining sex education priorities of the parent's viewpoint. Materials and Methods: This is qualitative study. Samples were selected by targeted method of student's parents of five regional educated o f Tehran. Data were collected by focus group interview and discussion and were analyses by subject and content analysis.
Results: The findings were classified in three main areas: 1) Family management 2) the role of school 3) framework of the religion an d traditions. C ONCLUSION onclusion : Most participants believed sexual health behavior in children is not health indicators. They implemented their family policies in management of Sexual behavior o f their children. In Family control was meant: restriction of sexual behavior in child as a norm. Culture of silence and connivance in management of children's behavior has become norm, because child's sexual behavior is inconsistent with traditional values of family. In identifying priorities of sexual education of children, progression interaction between home and school was known as the most deficits. They are acting their internal values in educational system of children because their conflict of values, norms and tastes difference has not been challenge. It is important and priority of parents to being prepared for the management of their children's sexual behavior . |