چکیده انگلیسی مقاله |
By the late 1960s, there seems to be a growing number of articles in medical journals on the subject of the distress that many terminally ill patients declared they had gone through due to repeated resuscitations that only prolonged their suffering. This demonstrates that standard protocols of resuscitating any patient who is undergoing a cardiopulmonary arrest may bring about new problems. A review of studies shows that dealing with patients who are in the last days or hours of their life has been a major challenge for healthcare professionals, and making decisions on therapeutic approach is one of the most fundamental skills for healthcare staff. The scientific, ethical, religious and legal dilemmas in this field make decision-making difficult in some cases. In this paper, we reviewed articles published during the past 30 years, through which the views of health care providers including physicians and nurses on the issue of do not resuscitate (DNR) orders in different societies had been studied. The Islamic perspectives have also been discussed in brief. Moreover, DNR guidelines prepared by various countries such as America, Britain and Saudi Arabia have been assessed. For searching the related studies, we used authentic electronic databases and many reliable websites. Some articles were obtained through hand searching of the references of searched articles.The results showed that despite substantial studies, caring teams are still facing the challenge of DNR in different societies. In Iran, considering the religious values and beliefs, the matter needs more deliberation to help the caring teams to deal with the clinical issues. The religious and cultural background call for a national guideline to be adopted based on Iranian-Islamic culture. Education and awareness rising of different groups including patients, general public, healthcare staff, and health policy makers is crucial in all countries all over the world, and particularly in Iran. |