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A 4.5 years old boy with left postero superior lateral neck mass admitted to Shahid Rahnemoon hospital in Yazd. The mass had been noticed 2 years ago and there was no improvement after three times antibiotic therapy. On physical examination there were two masses on the neck. One of them was approximately 3×4 cm and the other was 2×2 cm. On of the masses was located in the left posterior auricular area and the other one in anterosuperior border of SCM. Both masses were mobile, non adhesive, with slight tenderness and without inflammatory signs (ie, redness, warmness etc). In surgery, the parapharyngeal deep neck space was filled by the yellowish-white color tumor with it's «worm-like» projections, extended into the jugular foramen superiorly, lateral oropharyngeal wall medially and supra clavicular area inferiorly. Total resection of tumor was done. The patient was discharged after 5 days with good general conditions. Pathologic report was «Plexiform neurofibroma».