Abstract: (7423 Views)
There are now several tests available that can assess fetal status. A series of 164 cases of high risk pregnancies were studied in order to assess predictive value of a nonstress test. The majority (36%) of patients complained about postdate pregnancy. A nonreactive test was identified in 24 of the patients (14.6%). Fetal distress, low Apgar score in 1 and 10 minutes after birth and mean of Apgar score in 5 minutes, cesarean section due to fetal distress, congenital anomalies, need of neonatal care, IUGR, abnormal presentation and perinatal death were much more common in the group of pregnancies with a nonreactive NST than in the group with reactive test. The difference was statistically significant. A reactive test was found to be a good predictor of the healthy fetus. Negative predictive value and specifity of the test were found 80% and 91.9%, respectively. The nonreactive test could identify a population at risk but it was not helpful as a stand alone modality in decision making, because of the low sensitivity and positive predictive value rates (33.3% and 58%).