Abstract: (4617 Views)
In the present survey all together 670 students were chosen randomly. The rate of goiter prevalence was 46.3% and 55.7% among the students of Ilam and Arkavas, respectively. Goiter prevalence rate among females was higher than in males. Prevalence of giother was significantly different between the two cities, also between females and males in Arkavas and females in two cities (P<0.05). In comparison the females had better physical growth than males. Although there was no significant difference between weight and height as well as socio-economic state in comparison with thyroid size, but physical growth and socioeconomic indicators in Arkavas were lower than in Ilam. There was no significant relationship between the size of thyroid and urinary excretion of iodine. The amount of iodine in drinking water was 3.2 and 0.65 Mic.gr/Lit, respectively. Low level iodine drinking water and protein-energy malnutrition are important factors for prevalence of goiter in two cities. According to our results although the value of urinary iodine is normal but prevalence of goiter rate related to the iodine deficiency is due to the past deficiency.