Volume 66, Issue 11 (3 2009)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2009, 66(11): 831-834 | Back to browse issues page

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H A A, MR Z, H T, M D, P K. Thoracic trauma: severity of injury in 342 patients. Tehran Univ Med J 2009; 66 (11) :831-834
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-521-en.html
Abstract:   (5834 Views)

Background: Trauma is a common problem in the world, predominately affecting young adults. Considering the high mortality rate in patients suffering from thoracic trauma, the condition is considered to be extremely important. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and the epidemiology of chest trauma as well as the severity of the resulted injury in Tehran, Iran.

Methods: This prospective, descriptive study was conducted on patients admitted to three medical centers in Tehran during June 1997 and 1998 due to chest trauma. The data on the demographic information of the patients, the mechanism of the trauma and the severity of the injury were collected and analyzed.

Results: Three hundred forty two patients were admitted to hospital due to thoracic trauma the majority of which were male adults. Blunt trauma especially secondary to motor vehicle accidents were the most frequent cause of chest injury in the studied patients. In 280(82%) of the cases, another form of trauma was also reported. Chest wall injury was the most common type of thoracic trauma in these patients. The trauma was reported to be mild in 181(53%) of the patients (ISS<7). Only 42(12%) patients required surgical intervention. The overall mortality rate was 14% which was reported to be ISS- related.

Conclusion: Chest injury is quite prevalent among trauma patients and is associated with other injuries in a considerable number of the patients. This type of trauma is associated with a high mortality rate among elderly and therefore needs special attention and care.

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