Volume 65, Issue 13 (Vol 65, Supplement 1 2008)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2008, 65(13): 38-41 | Back to browse issues page

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Mofid A, Yazdani T, Dulabi H, Seyyed Alinaghi S A, Zandieh S. Lower limb amputation rate in diabetic foot patients: a five year study. Tehran Univ Med J 2008; 65 (13) :38-41
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-674-en.html
Abstract:   (6223 Views)
Background: Diabetes mellitus is a common endocrine disorder with increasing prevalence. Diabetic foot is a costly and serious chronic complication of diabetes mellitus that if it does not controlled will cause severe morbidities in patients with diabetes mellitus. Based on the study of center of management and prevention of diseases about 230 milliard Rials were expended for direct costs of diabetes annually and instruction of patients about protection of foots in some countries, decrease rate of amputation between 44 to 85% and infact instruction of diabetic patients is the base of treatment and prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus.
Methods: In a cross sectional study with attention to one of important causes of refer of diabetic patients to hospitals diabetic ulcers of foots, we discuss about risk factors and ways of treatment and prevention of them. The study done on patients admitted in endocrinology unit of Imam Khomeini hospital. For analysis we used SPSS 11.5 program. Although the costs for patients are calculated.
Results: In this study from 245 patients that admitted because of diabetic foot (63.26% male and 36.73% female), 74 patients have done amputation. From these 74 patients (30.2%), 65.67% were male and 24.32% were female. Age average was 58.24+12.29 years And the mean duration of DM was 10.56+8.32 years and the past history of diabetic foot was present in 45.95% of them. Past history of smoking was present in 66.21% of patients.
Conclusion: From 245 patients from 1996 to 2001 that admitted because of diabetic foot, 155 patients (63.26%) were male and 90 patients (36.73%) were female. From this numbers the most of them were in 60-70 years old and the least were 20-30 years old. Gender of most of them was male. For treatment of this complication a lot of costs were necessary and instruction of patients decrease this complications.
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