Motefaker M, Sadrbafghi S.M, Rafiee M, Bahadorzadeh L, Namayandeh S.M, Karimi M et al . SuicEpidemiology of physical activity: a population based study in Yazd cityide attempt and its relation to stressors and supportive systems: a study in Karaj city. Tehran Univ Med J 2007; 65 (4) :77-81
Abstract: (7781 Views)
Background: Following socioeconomic development, the amount of physical inactivity among a given population has typically increased. Physical inactivity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study is to measure the prevalence of physical inactivity among the urban adult population of Yazd, Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on an urban population of 1500 employed persons over the age of 20 years via cluster sampling. We use the IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) to evaluate physical activity levels. We evaluated the subjects according to their level of fitness, attitude toward physical activity and physical activity levels.
Results: According to the fitness information provided by the participants, 2.1% were weak, 10% were moderately fit, 39.9% were fit, and 48% very fit. Regarding the attitudes of the participants toward physical activity, 1% was unfavorable, 32.4% were partly favorable, and 67.7% were favorable. Concerning the intensity of physical activity, 67.3% persons were inactive, 15% were sufficiently active, and 17.7% were highly active. After adjustment for age, 65.8% were inactive, 13.8% were sufficiently active, and 19.8% were highly active. According to gender, 81.6% of men were inactive, as were 54.4% of women. Inactivity according to age was as follows: 57.8% of the 20-24 year old, 66.9% of those aged 30-44 years, 70.4% of the 45-59 year olds, and 68.4% of those over the age of 60. Furthermore, physical inactivity was more prevalent in the higher socioeco-nomic group.
Conclusion: The level of physical activity in urban population of Yazd is low. High risk is associated with employment, retirement, high socioecono-mic class and higher levels of education.