Volume 65, Issue 2 (8 2008)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2008, 65(2): 30-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Shoaybi G, Soltanimohammadi S, Rajabi M. The effect of Magnesium sulfate on reducing Propofol injection pain in elective surgeries. Tehran Univ Med J 2008; 65 (2) :30-34
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-829-en.html
Abstract:   (6758 Views)
Background: Propofol, an anesthetic noted to give rapid recovery, causes discomfort at the site of injection. A number of methods to reduce propofol-induced pain have been tried, including pretreatment with lidocaine, with varying results. Here, we evaluate the efficacy of magnesium sulfate compared to that of lidocaine and normal saline in mitigating propofol-induced pain.
Methods: One hundred ASA I and II adults, aged 20-50 years, scheduled for elective surgery requiring two IV lines with 20-gauge cannulae in the dorsum of each hand, were enrolled in this study. The patients were randomly placed into two groups of 50 patients. In each patient, one hand was the case study and other hand was the control. Group A received 10% magnesium sulfate in one hand and normal saline in the other hand. Group B received 10% magnesium sulfate in one hand and 1% lidocaine in the other hand. All injections had a volume of 2 ml. After 30 seconds, 2 cc of 1% propofol was injected simultaneously into each hand. Pain was assessed according to the VAS rating system, ranging from 0 (no pain) to 10 (the most severe pain), with a minimum interval of 3 as significant pain. Data were analyzed by chi-square and independent t tests. A P value <0.05 was considered significant.
Results: In Group A, the mean pain in the hand premedicated with magnesium was 1.46±1.07, compared to 4.54±2.15 for that of the other hand that had received normal saline (P=0.001). In group B, the mean pain in the hand that had received magnesium was 0.82±1.34, compared to 0.78±1.07 for that of the other hand, which had received lidocaine (P=0.86).
Conclusion: Intravenous magnesium and lidocaine pretreatments are equally effective in attenuating propofol-induced pain, and were better than normal saline in attenuating propofol-induced pain.
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