Volume 64, Issue 10 (2 2006)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2006, 64(10): 33-38 | Back to browse issues page

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Ardehali M.M, Samimi Ardestani S.H, Boromand P, Saeedi M, Amali A. Radiofrequency tonsil reduction: safety, morbidity, and efficacy in 20 patients in Amiralam university hospital. Tehran Univ Med J 2006; 64 (10) :33-38
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-883-en.html
Abstract:   (5860 Views)
Background: Radiofrequency has recently been used in treating tonsilar hypertrophy in adults. We evaluated the results of partial resection (volume reduction) of tonsil using this method.
Methods: Twenty patients with tonsilar hypertrophy were enrolled in a quasi-experimental before-after clinical trial. Local anesthesia was achieved by utilizing lidocain spray and then injection of lidocain and epinephrine, then radiofrequency was performed at power=7-8w. Bleeding, pain and need for analgesics were assessed during, immediately, 4, 6, and 8 weeks after operation.
Results: The mean pain scale was 2.68±2.11 according to (VAS) and the mean bleeding amount was 1.16±0.24ml during operation. The mean operation time was 7.81±2.56min. Ten percent of our patients did not have pain immediately after surgery while 55% complained of pains that did not warrant using analgesics and the remaining 35% experienced pains that were alleviated by analgesics. During and immediately after operation 95% of the patients experienced mild bleeding and only one patient (5%) had moderate bleeding (2-5ml). Mild bleeding was only reported in 10% of patients during the first 4 weeks after operation and was not seen in patients in following weeks. The grade of tonsilar hypertrophy decreased in all patients and the mean time of symptom disappearance was 7.81±0.36 in 8 weeks. Finally the mean satisfaction rate of the patients was 66.92±12.5% (ranging from 50% to 80%). Mild complications were reported in 15% of patients.
Conclusion: Radiofrequency is a safe procedure with minimum possible complication rate for tonsilotomy.
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