Volume 64, Issue 2 (30 2006)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2006, 64(2): 133-140 | Back to browse issues page

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Khalili H, Dashti S, Seifi S, Hadjibabaie M, Shafiei S. Erythropoietin Utilization Evaluation And Two Brand Products Comparison, Eprex and Eposim . Tehran Univ Med J 2006; 64 (2) :133-140
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-989-en.html
Abstract:   (24148 Views)

Background and Aim: Anemia is one of the common problems in patients with chronic renal impairment. The most common cause of anemia in this patients is a decreased in erythropoietin hormone excretion, however other common cause include low life of red blood cells, loss of blood during dialysis, frequent blood sampling, uremia, iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency. Until introduction of erythropoietin in 1982, blood transfusion was an alternative for correction and maintaining hematocrit in normal range in dialyze patients. In current date, any dialyzed patient take rh-erythropoietin .

Materials and Methods: The goal of this study is to evaluate erythropoietin utilization and comparing the effectiveness of the commercial product in the Iranian drugs market. The study was performed at nephrology and dialyze ward of Immam Khomeini hospital in a one year period.

Results and Conclusion: Of the 30 patients&apos subject of study, 13 patients received eprex and 17 received epocim. Average dose of erythropoietin 2000IU was three times per week. The average plasma hemoglobin and hematocrit of patients prior to the treatment were 9.38 g/dl and 28% respectively. Increase in the hemoglobin and hematocrit in the group who received eprex was significantly higher than epocim group (p=0.001 and p=0.026 respectively). The incidents of side effects including hypertension, headache, pain at injection site, and influenza-like in eposim group were considerably higher than eprex.

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