Volume 54, Issue 2 And 3 (30 1996)                   Tehran Univ Med J 1996, 54(2 And 3): 50-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Farzan M. Intraosseous ganglion and report of five cases from orthopedic ward in Imam Khomeini Hospital. Tehran Univ Med J 1996; 54 (2 and 3) :50-54
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1681-en.html
Abstract:   (5596 Views)

Cysts in bone are seen occasionally at or near its end and are filled with mucoid, glaird fluid. Typically, they have a thick fibrous wall similar to that of a "ganglion" of tendon sheath, are associated with no significant degenerative changes in the nearly near by joint, and seem appropriately considered to be collections in synovial spaces in unusual locations. Although they are rare and usually an incidental radiographic finding, intraosseous ganglions are being increasingly recognized as a source of wrist pain. Surgical treatment is best delayed, however, until all other possible etiologic factors for the patient's discomfort have been excluded. When indicated, curettage and bone grafting will adequately treat the condition. A careful exploration of the joint at the time of surgery helps rule out other undiagnosed causes for the patient's symptoms. Communications between the joint cavity and the intraosseous cyst are inconsistently demonstrated. The histologic features of intraosseous ganglions are identical to their soft tissue counterparts

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