Volume 54, Issue 1 (30 1996)                   Tehran Univ Med J 1996, 54(1): 47-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Javadian A, Soltan Moradi F, Ozlati S. The effect of low power Laser (He-Ne) on open wound healing in mice. Tehran Univ Med J 1996; 54 (1) :47-53
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1695-en.html
Abstract:   (6021 Views)

In 100 healthy, adult and female mice weighing about 20 to 25 g each, paris of full thickness and nearly symmetrical cutaneous wounds, 100±15 mm² each were created in dorsolumbar region. Mice were divided into 3 groups randomly, group 1 (Right wound exposure), group 2 (Left wound exposure) and group 3 (Control). Wounds were exposed to laser He-Ne (632.8 were length and 16 mw constant power) for 10 days, 250 seconds each day. The control group mice were in equal situation except for the exposure wound were measured in size once every 2 days. Also biopsies were made from a clear number of cases once every 3 days from microscopic evaluation of wound healing stages. The difference in wound healing between the test groups and controls was significant as confirmed by statistical methods (E.g. one way ANOVA and SCHEFFE) with (?=0.05) and proved by microscopic findings. This experiment were made in "Blind" form. There was no significant difference in wound healing between 2 sides in test groups, this strengthens the idea that laser therapy causes the release of systemic wound healing factors

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