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Aa Rasekh Jam , A Masoud ,
Volume 53, Issue 1 (30 1995)

Studies were undertaken to evaluate content of IgG, IgM, C3, C4, CH50 and proteines of sera from 53 drug addicts by immunological methods. Results shows an increase of IgG and no significant variatrion in the level of other Ig(S). In the same time we have seen an augmentation of gamma globuline in the protein electrophoresis pattern. The level of C3 and C4 of complement component rest unchanged.
Aa Jamshidie , M Nejat , M Mashouf ,
Volume 55, Issue 1 (30 1997)

Radiolucent lesions of the vertebrae, especially the cervical vertebrae are commonly encountered by the orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons dealing with spinal column disorders. Considering the unavailability of highly sophisticated and reliable facilities to reach the exact diagnosis before starting appropriate therapy. Trial of medical therapy is suggested to be worthy before attempting for wide surgical intervention. Presenting a very interesting case, we have reviewed the lesions presenting as radiolucent areas in plain X-rays and planned a step by step discussion for differential diagnosis. Special stress has been done on the endemicity of tuberculosis and brucellosis in Iran.
M Mir , F Nateghi , H Zeraaty ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)

In this paper, factors affecting the result of prophylactic lymph node dissection in 125 patients with skin melanoma during the period between 1987-1992 in the cancer institute were evaluated and prognostic parameters ascertained. The result showed prevalence of head and neck melanoma in men were two times more than in women with a preponderance of regional and lymphatic recurrence. Majority of patients presented with advanced clark levels (76.8 Pct). Clinical and histologic evaluation of the regional lymph nodes failed to show any meaningful relation.
Aa Karimi ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)

This study is on different surgical techniques for repair of Co-arctation of aort and their effect for correction of systemic hypertension and lower extremity hypotension. In addition to these, the clinical and paraclinical data were noticed. 50 pt were operated in "SHARIATI" hospital during 1370-1377 with diagnosis of Co-arctation of aorta (30 men, mean age 19.4 years, 20 women, mean age 16.6 years). In addition to older age of our patients which results in more post-op sequela, there was suprrisingly a long-lag between onset of symptoms, diagnosis and operation (mean 4.36 years). 62% of Co-arctation were juxtaductal and the remainder were non-classical forms. 52% of our patients had co-existing cardiac disease which were very high in comparison with other studies (12%). This is due to older age of our patients and more valvular heart diseases. Among complicated cases of co-arctation, 71.9% were in men and 28.1% in women and this difference is due to high incidence of bicuspid aortic valve in men. The mean angiographic gradient were 57.5 mmHg which increases with age. CXR was abnormal in 91.7% and ECG in 74.2% of patients. The different applied surgical techniques include ee-A=26%, TIG=40%, TBG=18%, DPR=14%, FSCR=2%. There is no significant difference regarding post-op complications, BP in post-op period, and increase in pedal pulses, except in TBG group which HTN was more common. Two early deaths occurred which were in DRP group.
H Asl Soleimani , A Poor Reza , Gh Nafisee , S Maani ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)

Food, it's production and preserving has been one of the most important problems in human life. Limitation of production due to climatic, geographic and papulational situations and conservation due to providance and prosecting for solution of one of the most fundamental human needs, has been discussed much. Difference between the lands, temperature, humidity and rainfall on one hand and texture and accumulation of papulation on the other hand, not only has limited the amount and kind of food production but also has improved the preserving methods as much as possible. Extra production in fertile lands and confirmed need for receiving food in deserts and dry areas, makes the need of exchanging and transfer of food inevitable because of economic and ethical matters and sanitation of food. Avoidance of being contaminated and resistance against decay seems very important and vital. So process of preserving and conserving of eaw or cooked food became a fundamental problem. In previous 200 years, many advanced methods have been designed for preserving food in which the role of conserving and packing in vital often. Because of industrial production, conserved food have a great influence on sanitation of people nutrition, and herefor the rate of diseases from consumption of contaminated food has been reduced in industrial countries and the tensancy of people to use conventional food has been decreased gradually. Because of high cost of industrial conserved food production some people produce conserved foods in the way which is not hygienic. That may have a high risk when ingested. In this article we discuss about unwarranted conserved foods productions.
H Sadeghipoor Rodsari , H Maaref , K Holakooie Naeeni ,
Volume 56, Issue 6 (9 1998)

Increase in the rate of elderly population have persuaded the people and governments of the most developed countries to evaluated and confront the complexity of social, economic, and health issues involved. Increase in the number of aging people is commonly called the aging of society. Currently, in the countries of Western Europe (Germany, France, England, Sweden), the figure of the people over 60 years old comprises 12-15 percent of total population, and according to the forecasting estimate will reach to 25% up to the year 2020. In our country, based on censuses that have been carried out during the years of 1355, 1365, 1375 this figure is 5.12%, 5.25% and 7.67%, respectively. The number of 60 years old persons or over under the supervision of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was 135379 persons, in the year 1376. Due to these demographic changes that is arising from the phenomenon of aging of society, a considerable increase in the incidence of chronic diseases and health requirement of the elderly living in the society happens. This can be translated in terms of more demands in the affiliated fields of nursing, health care and treatment. This study has been proposed to clarify and evaluate the afore mentioned requitements. In this study, the following results can be concluded. Contrary to physical and psychological problems of adulthood, only 25% were aware of assisting economic, health and treatment institution that were available to them. These people were usually suffering from a single to multiple ailments that happen concurrently and ladies were complaining more in this respect. The interesting point in this study is the answer to the question of most basic problems of their life. Many elderly mentioned financial problems the most influential factor in their life. The figures concerning the responses to the question of basic problems of elderly for economic and physical problems were 37.7% and 18.3%, respectively.
T Mokhtari Azad , H Mohammadi , M Mahmoodi , Z Saadatmand , A Moosavi , R Hamkar , R Nategh ,
Volume 57, Issue 2 (8 1999)

This is a report of the first serological survey of influenza C virus in Iran, performed during a one year period (March 1997-May 1998). This study was accomplished in the National Influenza Center-Division of Virology in Tehran University of Medical Scinces. 1080 samples of serum (689 samples from Tehran and 391 samples from other provinces) were assayed for the presence of antibodies against influenza C virus (C/Paris/1/67) by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. 43.7% of people tested in Tehran and 40.7% of people tested from other provinces had protective antibodies against influenza C virus. Distribution of seropositives in various age groups had a somewhat similar pattern as what has been reported from other countries. The results of this study indicates that the lowest level of protective antibody titer is found at childhood and the level increases with age. The protective antibody titer level off for 20-30 years old age group and decreases in older age groups. These results indicates a primary contact in childhood, reinfection in adulthood. The influenza C virus is simultaneously circulating in Iran with other types of influenza viruses (types A and B).
H Saberi , M Shaabani , M Mostaan , Sh Shahryaran , Sm Mirbaghery , A Forooghi ,
Volume 57, Issue 2 (8 1999)

102 patients with ascites were enrolled in a sonographic study of abdomen and pelvis without awaring of history, clinical and paraclinical findings. So with only sonographic finding we suggested the diagnosis and etiology of ascites. All patients were hospitalized. Finally all the patients were diagnosed definitely and were compared with sonographic diagnoses done before. Results: In this survey 42% of patients had cirrhosis, 20.5% had malignancy, 14.7% had renal disease. Overall sensivity of sonography in diagnosing etiology was 91.1%, overall specifity was 97.8%, overall accuracy was 94.4%. Sensivity, specifity and accuracy of each group have also been determined separately.
Hr Sadeghi Pour Roudsari , A Mahdavi , S Taamoli , Z Jalali ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (6 2000)

We studied fertility indices of Iranian and non-Iranian populations which were covered by 23 Rays health houses. This cross-sectional study aimed to prove the effect of increasing number of non-Iranian immigrants on health indices of the area covered by Tehran university of medical sciences and health services, consequently giving attention to specific health programs. The data collection method was census of permanent residents of the villages by means of vital horoscopes. 8494 of 27611 persons were non-Iranian. Dependency ratio and natural growth rate was 75%, 1.14% in Iranians and 98%, 1.74% in non-Iranians, respectively. Mortality in non-Iranians was 1.24 times more than Iranians. General fertility rate in Iranians was 60 and in non-Iranians was 110 live births in 1000 women of child bearing age. Total fertility rate in Iranians was 1.73 and in non-Iranians 3.27 neonates for each woman. Age-specific fertility rates were absolutely higher in non-Iranians. Gross eproductive rate was 0.87 in Iranians and 1.59 in non-Iranians. Mean number of girls born by a non-Iranian mother will be double times of an Iranian mother (P<0.01). Modern contraceptive methods coverage was 70% in Iranian couples and less than 40% in non-Iranian couples. 96.94% of Iranian deliveries and 70.9% of non-Iranian deliveries were safe (P<0.01).

Ebrahimi Daryani N, Ghenaati M, Moosavi M,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (7 2000)

Hepatomegaly, decrease in the liver paranchymal echo and increase in the gallbladder wall thickness has been shown in acute viral hepatitis. The present study was done to determine sonographic changes in acute viral hepatitis. We performed liver and bile ducts sonography and specific tests on 42 patients (mean age: 31.5 and 61% male) with acute viral hepatitis. Gallbladder wall thickness was seen in 45.2% and hepatomegaly in 33.3% of patients and liver paranchymal echo was decreased in 19.3%. Age, sex, type of hepatitis, cholecystitis like symptoms, aspartate aminotransfrase, alanine aminotransfrase, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin did not significantly corralate with these changes. Only raised prothrombin time was strongly correlated to the thickening of the gallbladder and decrease in the liver paranchymal echo and cholesistic like symptoms we can postulate that thickening of the gallbladder and decrease in the liver paranchymal echo is not dependent on the severity and speed of the paranchymal necrosis (as considered with ALT and AST) but they depend on the liver function disturbance (as considered with PT) because the thickening of the gall bladder is present in 45% of the patients and 10% of the normal population have gallbladder stones, one should not perform the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis, only on the basis of sonographic report without attention to the clinical and laboratory data.
Bahar Ma, Noorbala Aa, Masood A,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (7 2000)

Lithium is a immunomodulator that can increase immunoglobulins to confront infectious desese. It is also able to increase the production of interleukins, interferon gamma and prostaglandins. We conducted this study to evaluate the correlation between lithium consumption and humoral immunity. Blood samples were obtained from 76 patients under lithium treatment. We classified the patients according to their serum lithium level in to five categories. Using single radial immuno diffusion technique, we measured IgG, IgA, IgM, C3 and C4 levels in the blood samples of our patients and a group of 100 controls as well. Analysis of variance method was used for comparison of groups. We found significant differences between groups in level of IgG, IgA, IgM and C3 (P<0.05). This findings show that lithium has many effects on humoral immunity.



Moghaddam M, Sazgar Aa,
Volume 58, Issue 4 (8 2000)

Sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystem disorder of unknown etiology. All parts of the body can be affected but the organ most frequently affected is the lung. Otolaryngologic manifestations occur in 20% to 40% of cases of Sarcoidosis and the spectrum of lesions that may come under the purview of Otolaryngologist is broad. In this case report a patient is presented with large cervical lymphadenopathy and without other manifestation of disorder.
Mostaan M, Saberi H, Sharyarian Sh, Bahar Joo Hr, Mahdi Zadeh F,
Volume 58, Issue 4 (8 2000)

This is retrospective double-blind research, which was carried out in Imam Khomeini hospital in order to study the accuracy of color Doppler ultrasonography for detecting the site and grade of stenosis in cervical carotid artery. 40 patients with mean age of 62 years studied with color Doppler before DSA angiography. The most common sites of stenosis were left internal carotid (39.5%) and right internal carotid arteries (38.4%). We measured peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities (PSA and EDV) and ratios of PSA and EDV at stenosis sites to CCA (PSV ratio and EDV ratio). Results showed that PSA has the highest sensitivity and accuracy in all grades of stenosis: Mild to moderate stenosis: Sensitivity (90.5%), accuracy (89.5%) Severe stenosis: Sensitivity (82.1%), accuracy (92.8%) Total occlusion: Sensitivity (93.8%), accuracy (96.5%). There is no difference between accuracy of Doppler parameters for detection of total occlusion (96.5%) but in other grades after PSV, EDV (Mild-moderate 86%, severe 87.2%). EDV ratio and PSV ratio (Mild-moderate both 84.8%, severe both 86%) have the highest accuracies. We concluded that color Doppler sonography can reliability detect stenosis in carotid arteries & PSV has the highest accuracy.
Sadeghy Poor Roodsary H, Maaref H, Eshraghian,
Volume 59, Issue 5 (9 2001)

The healthy city is one that is designed to achieve optimal echological, social, and physical specifications for residents of the community that are developing constantly, and that a comprehensive different intrasector cooperation, resources and existing utilities are developed so that an environment of mutual cooperation and assistance for every individual civilian are provided. An environment to maximize their potential ability. One of the specific goals of healthy city, is the development of public knowledge, and cooperative involvement in social health and hygienic programs. The project of healthy city is carried in the Koyee Sizdah Aban, Rey city for the first time. This article has compared the studies carried in the Koyee Sizdah Aban and the other one that in carried in the district of Dowlat Abad, in regard to above-mentioned points. In this study the rate of knowledge, attitude, and the practice of four hundred of 15-49 years old women within the limits of healthy city, was compared with other four hundred women residing in the district of Dowlat Abad in regard to hygienic programs. According to the result of this study the mean percent of knowledge in the healthy cities women were significant in relation to other group. The rate of attitude toward the hygienic problems in the health city and the district of Dowlat Abad did not show a significant differences. The rate of practice of the women of healthy city with 95% of confidence was more than the women of Dowlat Abad. This study clarified that literacy of women and their spouse have positive effect on their knowledge and practice in regard to hygienic problems, but there is not meaningful relation between profession and age of women in regard to the knowledge and practice.
Zeinaloo. Aa , Tadbir A, Tavakol M,
Volume 60, Issue 1 (13 2002)

The most common congenital diseases in children is congenital heart disease. Factors such as environment, genetic, old maternal age during pregnancy, maternal disease and using medicine in pregnancy, prematuritiy, and specific seasons are significant in the prevalence of disease.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted to investigate the status of children with congenital heart diseases, among 665 child that refereed to Children's hospital medical center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, during 1 year (2000 tO 2001). The researchers due to the lack of existing appropriate tools developed the instrument for the study. The questionnaire was 15 items, nominal, ordinal and interval scale. All items were verified using major authoritative pediatric cardiologists references and were subjected to face and content validation by three experts. Convenient sampling was utilized for collecting data. All subjects were examined in cardiology department and echocardiography was done for them.
Results: From a total of 665 children with congenital heart defects, 56.2 percent were male and 43.8 percent were female. 32.6 percent were born in autumn. Septal defects were predominant lesions, which account for 36.1 percent of lesions. 89.8 percent of children have never extracardiac defects. Children of mothers age 20-35 years had a percentage of 86.2 percent of developing congenital heart disease, Percentage of children who their birth weight less than 2500 gram was quite small, at 24.1 per cent overall. There was no significant relationship between selected variables and congenital heart diseases.
Conclusion: With regard to the prevalence of disease and preventing therapeutic costs, parents and teachers education have an important role in preventing congenital heart disease. Therefore, the formation of a learning curriculum model for a life free of congenital heart disease and congenital heart diseases registration is essential.
Ghaffar Poor M, Ghelichnia Omrani Omrani H, Saber Tehrani Mm, Ghanaati H,
Volume 60, Issue 1 (13 2002)

Low back pain is among the most frequent medical complaints and a major public health problem. 1.7 percent of cases are caused by herniated disc, 20 percent of which require interventional treatment. Percutaneous laser disc decompression (P.L.DD) can be considered as an effective therapeutic alternative in certain cases.

Materials and Methods: To determine the efficacy of this method in Iran in patient's with low back pain due to disc herniation, 40 patients according to medical history, physical examination and MRI findings were selected for this study. Patients who had canal stenosis, marginal, osteophyte, advanced disc dehydration, ruptured posterior ligament and other contraindication were excluded. CT scan was used only for needle navigation. After proper positioning of needle, nucleous pulposus was evapourated with Nd-YAG laser. Total energy was 1200-1600j. The procedure was done out patient and follow up has been done at 1 day, 1 week, 1,3, 6 and 12 months.

Results: There was no serious complication. 80 percent of patients in one-year follow up showed significant clinical improvement.

Conclusion: Our findings suggests that percutaneous laser disc decompression can be considered as an effective alternative method of treatment for disc herniation and patient selection is the critical factor which determines success rate.

Naraghi M, Sazegar Aa,
Volume 60, Issue 2 (14 2002)

Background: Endoscopic sinus surgery has been used for diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of paranasal sinuses since recent years.

Materials and Methods: In this study 104 patients with chronic sinusitis (with or without polyps) which were managed with endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) were followed for 6 to 24 months after surgery (24 patients refused to continue follow up) and the recovery rate of symptoms were evaluated.

Results: The effectiveness of this therapy is statistically approved and the most important symptom which diminished was nasal obstruction (from 95 percent to 18.5 percent), the least important symptom which diminished was anosmia (from 57 percent to 21 percent).

Conclusion: This study confirmed the efficacy of functional endoscopic sinus surgery in improvement of chronic sinusitis symptoms.

Sadegipoor Hr, Eftekharardabili H, Zeraati H, Mosleh A,
Volume 61, Issue 4 (15 2003)

This research studies the quality of medical prescriptions for children under 5 years of age and their effective factors carried out by Behvarzes at Eslamshar town.
Materials and Methods: The study took place in 19 health houses considering the medical family files of patient children seeking for medical care by 33 Behvarz for quality of medical prescription. Two questionnaire were used for the study. The first questionnaire contained information about children medical prescription and variables evaluated in relation to medical prescription dose, duration of consumption and the cure duration period, which carried out for both girl and boy group separately. The second questionnaire contained information about the condition of working Behvarzes demographic in health houses considered variable for Behvarzes are: Age, Sex , experience, education, place of residence marital status.
Results: The important points of the study are as follow: - In cases that according to Behvarzy training patient follow up is necessary, 56.9%of the needed cases did not full fill the appropriate and necessary follow up program. - One of the important constraints of the research is the high percent of unrecorded cases by Behvarzes including:
1 - 1.2% unknown medical prescriptions.
2- 44.2% unknown dose of prescribed medicine
3- 52.4% unknown care duration period
4- 36.5% unknown period of time for taking the medicine. Conclusion: According to the information:

1- 64.9 dose of prescribed medicine
2- 73.2 period of time for taking the medicine
3- 84.1 care duration period There were appropriate.

Z Sanaat , M Tavangar , A Shriftabrizi , K Alimoghadam , A Ghavamzadeh , M Jahani ,
Volume 62, Issue 4 (11 2004)

Background: The important of angiogenesis for the progressive growth and viability of solid tumors is well established. Only few data are available for hematologic neoplasms.

Materials and Methods: To investigate the role of angiogenesis in the acute myloid leukemia (AML) bone marrow biopsies from 30 adults with newly diagnosed, untreated AML(day 0) were evaluated. Further studies were done after completion on remission induction of treatment (day 35 of 7×3 regimen n=13, complete remission in AML (m3) treat with arsenic trioxide n=17). Micro-vessels were scored in at least 3 areas of highest micro-vessel density in representative section of each bone marrow specimen using immunohistochemistry for Von Willbrand factor.

Results: Median micro-vascular density (MVD) were in AMLM3 patients before treatment, %6.81±3.58 and after treatetment %3.48±3.06 (p<0.0001). In other AML patients MVD were befor treatment %3.38 and after treatment %3.6.

Conclusion: In conclusion, there is evidence of increased micro-vessel density in the bone marrow of patients with AML, which supports the hypothesis of an important role of angiogenesis in AML. MVD was reduced with chemotherapy and arsenic. Furthermore , these finding suggest that antiangiogenesis therapy might constitute a novel strategy for the treatment of AML.

Miri S M, Heidarzadeh C, Fakhr Tabatabai S A, Ghanaati H,
Volume 62, Issue 4 (11 2004)

Background: This investigation was conducted in order to study angiographic findings in patients with cerebral aneurysm.

Materials and Methods: The study conducted on 136 cases of ruptured cerebral aneurysms between 1995-2000 confirmed by means of 4-vessel cerebral angiography to get an insight to racial, geographic and environmental factors predisposing to the occurrence of subarachnoid hemorrhage and aneurysm formation. Results: The data analysis revealed the following

Results: 58% of the population comprised of male and 42% female with a mean age of 46 years. 89% of the aneurysms were found in the anterior circulation and 11% occurred in the posterior cerebral circulation. The most common site in both the sexes was the anterior communicating artery. 9.6% of the patients displayed two separate aneurysms. 5.2% of the aneurysms were found to be giant aneurysms and 3% of the patients had fusiform aneurysms.

Conclusion: The low average age, a predilection in male population and the prevalence of aneurysms at carotid and middle cerebral artery bifurcation and the distal branches of anterior cerebral artery and a higher incidence of anterior communicating artery in women were the findings observed in this study.

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