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Showing 1 results for Alimohamadian M.H

Salehi Nodeh A.r, Ghaffori Sh, Alimohamadian M.h, Sarraf Nejad A, Mirshafiei A,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: TPS is one of the tumor markers which has specially been considered due to its exclusive physiological characteristics like its easy measurement in serum of cancer patients. This study has been due to evaluate the efficiency of this tumor marker in the prognosis, treatment control and follow up of patients with gastrointestinal cancers including esophagus, stomach and colorectal.
Methods: TPS has been measured in 109 persons including 28 healthy people and 81 patients with different gastrointestinal malignancies which were composed of 38 patients with esophageal cancer, 20 ones with stomach cancer and 23 ones with colorectal cancer. Sampling has been done in three times depending on treatment methods. TPS has been measured with ELISA in samples which contend of 2 to 3 ml of serum from patients and the health.
Results: The obtained results, demonstrate the obvious changes in TPS serum level in patients underwent various treatment procedures.
 Conclusion: The results have revealed that the serum TPS is not only as a measure of prognosis but also would be helpful in follow up and treatment control of the disease. Moreover the results has shown that serological analysis can be settled in the diagnosis and follow up with production of polyclonal antibody against TPS gene family and planning appropriate pattern.

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