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Showing 3 results for Allahverdi

Bitara Ma, Azar M, Miri Sm, Sheikhrezai A, Alikhani M, Allahverdi M, Sharif Tabrizi A, Tayebi Meybodi A,
Volume 68, Issue 3 (5 2010)

Background: Meningiomas are among the most common tumors of the brain. Skull base meningiomas comprise s major part of brain meningiomas. They are difficult to treat because of proximity to major vital neuro-vascular structures which makes their surgical resection hazardous and fraught with a high rate of complications. Radiosurgery is considered as an alternative efficient way to treat them, which targets the tumor and its supplying vasculature. The standard treatment consists of tumor eradication and its supplying vessels through homogeneous dose of 201 rays of cobalt 60 source. Methods: In a case-series study, we report 230 meningiomas referred to Iraninan Gamma Knife Center, treated by radiosurgery with type C Gamma Knife. Radio-surgery was performed at a mean dose of 15 Gy and 50% isodose. Results: Two hundred and thirty of all meningioma cases refered to our institute were skull base lesions. Eighty (35%) were new case and the rest were previously treated microsurgically one or more times. None of the patients died after treatment and the most common post-operative complications were headache (30 patients) and peri- tumoral edema (12 patients). Conclusion: Tumoral control is defined as reduced tumor volume or as no change in tumor volume. Tumor control was achieved in 218 (95%) patients. In those who were not treated microsurgically, clinical improvement was more pronounced. Thus when suitable (favorable tumor size and absence of progressive mass effect signs) the patients could be primarily treated with Gamma knife. Other patients could be managed complementarily with radiosurgery after they are treated surgically.
Fatemeh Eskandari , Masoud Soleimani , Nasim Kalantari , Mehdi Azad , Amir Allahverdi ,
Volume 72, Issue 11 (February 2015)

Background: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a therapeutic approach in treatment of hematologic malignancies and incompatibility of bone marrow. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) known as an alternative for hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells (HPSC) for in allogenic transplantation. The main hindrance in application of HPSC derived from umbilical cord blood is the low volume of collected samples. So, ex vivo expansion of HPSCs is the useful approach to overcome this restriction. Synthetic biomaterials such as nanofibers is used to produce synthetic niches. The aim of this study was the ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells on biocompatible nanofiber scaffolds. Methods: This study was done at Tarbiat Modares University from November 2012 to June 2013 and was a research study. Umbilical cord blood CD133+ hematopoietic stem cells were separated using MidiMacs (positive selection) system by means of monocolonal antibody (microbeads) CD133. Flow cytometry was used to assess the purity of cells. Cell culture was done on plate (2 Dimensional) and fibronectin conjougated polyether sulfone nanofiber scaffold (3 Dimensional). Colony assay test was used to asses the ability of colonization of cells. Results: Cell count analysis revealed the expansion of hematopoietic stem cells in cell culture plate (2D environment) and on nanofiber scaffold (3D environment) after 2 weeks. Expansion of cells in 2D environment was greater than 3D condition. Colony assay test revealed that the colonization ability of cells decreased after 2 weeks, but this decrease was lower in scaffold culture than plate culture. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that umbilical cord blood CD133+ hematopoietic stem cells can expand on fibronectin conjugated polyether sulfone scaffold and we can use this system for expanding of cells in vitro situation.
Marjan Ghazisaeedi, Abbas Sheikhtaheri, Bahar Allahverdi, Bahareh Azizi,
Volume 74, Issue 6 (September 2016)

Background: Most problems related to quality of care and patient safety are related to human negligence. One of the causes of these problems is forgetting to do something. This problem can be avoided with information technology in many cases. Some forgotten are very important. Among these is failure to comply with vaccination schedule by parents that can result in inappropriate outcomes. In this study, we developed and evaluated a SMS reminder system for regular and timely vaccination of children.

Methods: In this developmental-applied research, firstly, a child vaccination reminder system was designed and implemented to help parents reduce the forgetfulness. This system based on the child's vaccination history and the date of birth, offer time and type of future vaccines. Then the parents of 27 children, that their vaccination was between 22 June and 21 August 2015, referred to Children's Medical Center, were sent text messages by using this system. We evaluated the accuracy of the system logic by using some scenarios. In addition, we evaluated parents' satisfaction with the system using a questionnaire.

Results: In all cases but one, the system proposed the type and date of future children vaccines correctly. All the parents who have received text messages had good perception and satisfaction on the majority of questions (total mean score of 4.15 out of 5). Most parents (4.92 out of 5) stated that using the system to remind their visit for child immunization was helpful and willing to offer the system to their friends and other families.

Conclusion: Using the short message system is beneficial for parents to remind their children’s vaccination time and increases their satisfaction. So, it can be considered as an important and essential tool in providing healthcare services. SMS is an easy, cheap and effective way to improve the quality of care services.

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