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Showing 3 results for Ansari Sh

Ansari Sh, Vossogh P, Tabarok A,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: Germ cell tumor (GCT) account for approximately 2-3% of all malignancies in childhood. About 20% of patients with GCT are still resistant to therapy.
Methods: This study was undertaken on 57 patients with Germ cell tumor who were admitted to Ali Asghar Children’s Hospital during 1990-2004. Through this study, information about sex, age type of pathology, clinical sign, treatment and survival (5-year period) was gathered in order to have better treatment and follow up. This study was carried out as across-sectional survey and the obtained data was analyzed via Spss 10 soft ware.
Results: The findings showed that the mean age of patients was 4/9 ± 0/1 (1mo -14y), male 54%, female 46%, male/female, ratio=1/1. Site of tumor: saccrococcygeal 57/8 %( 33), gonadal 42% (24). Pathological type is yolk sac 61/4% (35), dysgerminoma 12/2% (7), malignant teratoma 14% (8), embryonal carcinoma 10/5% (6). The most common clinical sign were buttock mass 31/5% (18), abdominal pain 10/5% (6), abdominal mass 17/5%(10), testicular mass 28% (16). All of the patients were treated with chemotherapy (bleomycine, vinblastin, cisplatinum) mean of duration follow up were 48/4 months. In all of patients 31/5% (18) of the cases were alive and 70% (40) of patients were relapse and 15/7% (9) no information, 52/6% (30) of cases were expired. Five years survival of patients was 62%.
Conclusion: The analysis of the patients treated shows that extragonadal location of primary tumor (specially sacrococcygeal), level of AFP above 10 ng/ml in patients ,6 or more months of age and metastatic disease were the most unfavorable factors for overall survival.
Ansari Sh, Salehi S,
Volume 65, Issue 12 (2 2008)

Background: Spider bites are common in most parts of the world. In some areas, where snake or scorpion bites are common, spider bites may not be considered a significant problem by the general public and those who have been bitten by spiders may not go to a hospital. However, significant problems are observed in the victims of certain species of spiders including: widow spider (of the genus Latrodectus), including the black widow and brown spiders (of the genus Loxosceles), such as the brown recluse.

Case: We report a six-year-old boy, admitted to the hospital two weeks after suffering a spider bite. The patient presented with a severe nose bleed, ecchymosis and purpura, as well as anemia, indicating a clotting disorder. Laboratory results revealed abnormal values for prothrombin time (PT) >50 sec, partial thromboplastin time (PTT) >120 min and fibrinogen = 0 mg/dl, whereas factor VIII was normal according to a mixing study, with a normal platelet count of 350,000/µl. The patient was managed with fresh frozen plasma every 12 h, and was discharged one week after hospital admission. At present, the patient is well with more normal laboratory results one month after treatment: PT=13.4 sec, PTT= 34 sec, fibrinogen=105 mg/dl.        

Conclusions: Although spider bites are uncommon in Iran, severe systemic reactions may occur in the pediatric population requiring admission to the pediatric intensive care unit. These systemic reactions may include hemolytic anemia coagulopathy and renal failure.

Mosleh A, Darbooy Sh, Khoshnevis Ansari Sh, Mohammadi M,
Volume 65, Issue 14 (Vol 65, Supplement 2 2008)

Background: Rationalize of drug use in societies is one of the main responsibilities of health policy makers. In our country irrational use of dugs has increased in the recent years, for example one study in 1998 has shown that average number of medicines per prescription was 3.6, percentage of prescriptions containing antibiotics was 43% and percentage of prescriptions containing Injections was 39%. One of the best tools for evaluation of drug use is the WHO guideline for calculating prescribing indicators. In this study, we had an assessment about prescribing patterns in South of Tehran, Islamshahr and Rey Health Centers.
Methods: In order to evaluating prescribing indicators in Tehran University of Medical Sciences region 35 facilities which had pharmacy were selected according to WHO gridline and 4190 prescription from these facilities were studied. Indicators were calculated according to formulas has explained in article. Results: The average number of drug per prescription was 2.58, percentage of drug prescribed by generic name: 99.8%, percentage of encounters prescribed Antibiotics: 62.39% percentage of encounters prescribed Injection: 28.96% & the percentage of drugs prescribed from PHC formulary 99.46%. These findings were almost similar in the three Health Centers.
Conclusions: Health facilities are one of the most important bases to improve rational use of Drugs and general practitioners are the major chain in RUD cycle. Results show that we need to design intervention especially educational interventions to improve two WHO prescribing indicators, percentage of encounters prescribed Antibiotics & Injections in this region. For reaching this goals we need to design educational programs for physicians, pharmacists and people too. These educations can be as workshops, seminars, conferences or printed materials such as books, leaflets and etc

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