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Showing 13 results for Ardi

E Yazdi , S Pardis , M Eslami , A Fakhraie ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)

Artifacts in histopathology, could create serios errors and cause misdiagnosis. In some cases, the degree of artifactual damage is so large that may involve the entire specimen, rendering it suboptimal or useless for diagnostic purposes. Usually, cases of oral cavity specimens are of small size and fine texture, and as a result, the astifacts are more effective on them. However, there are very limited reports in this respect. The present study included a relatively vast range of possible causative factors (which could cause artifacts in histiomorphology). 100 specimens went under the influences of 22 factors. We found that in common, causative factors with reports of Mehregan and Margarone our results are, somehow similar in other cases, which were for the first time applied to, the results were interesting and impressive for some kind of mucosal lesions such as pemphigoids are on malignant and premalignant lesions.
Mahmood Motamedi , Mohammad Reza Ghini , Pardis Etemadi , Tayeb Ramim ,
Volume 71, Issue 9 (December 2013)

Background: Choosing the right drug with the least side effects and highest effectiveness for the control of seizures in the elderly is important. The aim of this study was compare the efficacy of lamotrigine and levetiracetam in the management of epilepsy in the elderly.
Methods: This study was performed as a double-blind randomized clinical trial in patients that referred to the neurologic clinic at Sina University Hospital, Tehran, Iran in 2012. The patients over sixty years old with a diagnosis of epilepsy were selected. They had one seizure in year at least and one attack in the last 6 months. First, the patients divided to two groups Group one were treated with lamotrigine, 25 mg per day and group two were treated with levetiracetam, 250 mg per day for 24 weeks. In the absence of drug complications, the dose was increased to the maximum dose listed in the treatment protocol. Second the patients were followed in number of attacks, abnormalities in laboratory data and side effects of drug in 2, 4, 8, 12 and 20 weeks. The collecting data of the study were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics methods.
Results: Forty nine cases, 28 males and 21 females in lamotrigine group and 46 cases in levetiracetam group, 27 males and 19 females participated in the final analysis. Mean age of patients was 72.40±5.87 (63-85). Drug side effects were observed in 57 cases, 26 cases of lamotrigine group and 31 cases of levetiracetam group. Seizure frequency showed a declining trend in both groups but in lamotrigine group more than levetiracetam group in last week (P= 0.039).
Conclusion: The findings of the study showed lamotrigine and levetiracetam were effective in management of epilepsy in the elderly. Levetiracetam has a higher seizure-free effect than lamotrigine but lamotrigine is better tolerated than levetiracetam.

Mahboobeh Haji-Abdolbaghi , Mehrnaz Rasoolinejad , Laden Abbasian , Aliakbar Amir Zargar, Hamid Emadi Koochak, Pardis Moradnejad, Naseh Mohammadi , Ali Pashae Zanjani , Saeed Bayanolhagh , Parisa Sadr Poor,
Volume 72, Issue 1 (April 2014)

Background: Abacavir is an anti-retroviral medication used to treat HIV infected/AIDS patients and its efficacy has been proven in randomized clinical trials. The most significant adverse reaction associated with abacavir is the acute hypersensitivity phenomenon which manifests in many forms and in severe cases could result in death. Hypersensitivity reaction to abacavir has been closely linked to the presence of HLA-B*57:01 allele. Avoidance of abacavir initiation in allele-positive patients is the most effective strategy in preventing possible severe hypersensitivity reactions. Previous epidemiologic studies have made great strides toward delineating HLA-B*57:01 allele frequency in different regions of the World and the available results indicate significant discrepancy between geographical regions. Despite these efforts, no study to date has determined the allele frequency among Iranian HIV-positive patients. The aim of the present study was to determine the proportion of allele-positive patients among a group of Iranian HIV-infected patients. Methods: Between September 2012 and February 2013, 122 HIV-positive patients were selected among patients referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital’s Consultation cen-ter for high risk behaviors using the convenience sampling method. Sampling scheme was designed in a manner to include equal number of infected patients with and without clinical Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Patient data was collected using available records and a blood sample for DNA analysis was also obtained. Presence of HLA-B*57:01 allele was determined using the Polymerase Chain Reaction- Sequence Specific Method (PCR-SSP). Results: Seventy three patients (59.8%) were male. Co-infection with hepatitis B and C was observed in 1.7% and 40.7% of the patients, respectively. History of addiction and anti-retroviral therapy was positive in 50.0% and 60.7% of the patients, respectively. Overall, three patients were allele-positive which corresponds to a frequency of 2.46% (95% CI: 0.005-7.30). No association between presence of allele and investigated vari-ables were identified. Conclusion: Frequency of HLA-B*57:01 allele among a group of Iranian HIV-infected patients is estimated to be 2.5%. This rate is comparable to those reported in other Middle-Eastern countries, yet is relatively lower than reports generated from South-Eastern Asia, Europe, and the United States. Future studies with larger sample sizes are needed to corroborate these findings.
Mehrnaz Tayebi Kamardi , Arash Pourgholaminejad , Mohammadreza Baghban Eslaminejad, Fattah Sotoodehnejadnematalahi,
Volume 72, Issue 6 (September 2014)

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are well known as the regulator of the immune system. These multipotent non-hematopoietic progenitor cells have been originally isolated from bone marrow, and later on found in several other tissues, such as skeletal muscle, umbilical cord blood, adipose and fetal liver tissues. Immunomodulatory effects of MSCs on a variety of immune cells such as T and B lymphocytes, Natural Killer cells (NK), neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells, has made a good candidate of them for the treatment of inflammatory disorders, particularly autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, several studies have indicated mechanisms by which MSCs could reduce immune cell proliferation and activation leading to immune tolerance induction. Since T lymphocytes are considered as the most important immune cells, effect of MSCs on the activity of these cells has a very special significance to direct immune response. Under various conditions, T-lymphocytes have different phenotype and performance and can be differentiated into particular subtype such as regulatory T cells. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have indicated that MSCs modulate innate and adaptive immune system by promoting generation of CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells which have important role in immune tolerance induction and autoimmune disease prevention. MSCs are able to block pro-inflammatory and increase anti-inflammatory cytokines secretion. So such unique immunomodulatory features make MSCs ideal candidates for clinical application as immunosuppressants which can be considered for autoimmune diseases treatment. Therefore, in this short-review, we attempt to focus mainly on the existing information about MSCs in association with immunomodulatory function of them on the immune system. In addition, the possible mechanisms and the performance impact of MSCs in autoimmune diseases improvement are discussed here. However, increasing knowledge of how MSCs will influence on the immune system suppression, leading us to better use of these cells as a promising tool in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
Soraya Ghorbani , Roshanak Daie Ghazvini , Seyyed Jamal Hashemi , Parivash Kordbacheh , Ensieh Zibafar , Zahra Kamali Sarwestani, Heidar Bakhshi , Pegah Ardi ,
Volume 75, Issue 4 (July 2017)

Background: Candida species are opportunistic yeasts that are capable of causing different infections and diseases among immunocompromised patients. Since Candida infections are major causes and frequent of septicemia in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU), and they are associated with high morbidity and mortality rates, so obtaining adequate treatment seems necessary. Low birth weight preterm infants are especially vulnerable to these devastating infections. The aim of this study was to evaluate the drug susceptibility of Candida species colonized on the skin and mucous membrane of neonates to fluconazole, amphotericin B and caspofungin.
Methods: This study was carried out in the laboratory of medical mycology and serology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences for the period of 7 months from June 2016 to December 2016. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 23 isolates of Candida species including Candida parapsilosis, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida guilliermondii and Candida krusei were studied. These under study isolates were previously isolated from skin and mucous membranes of neonates in NICU of Imam Khomeini Hospital and Children's Medical Center were identified by PCR-RFLP (Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism). Evaluation of antifungal drug susceptibility including fluconazole, amphotericin B and caspofungin was carried out. Antifungal susceptibility test was done according to the standard protocol Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI M27-A3) that is specific to the yeast fungi. Statistical analysis was done by using T-test in SPSS version 22 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) and P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: In this study, C. parapsilosis, C. albicans and C. tropicalis had the most sensitivity to fluconazole. Clinical Isolates of C. guilliermondii were also sensitive to fluconazole, but in C. krusei sensitivity was dose-dependent. All isolated species were sensitive to amphotericin B and caspofungin.
Conclusion: According to the results, all isolated Candida species were more sensitive to amphotericin B and caspofungin than other antifungal drugs. In final conclusion, Finally, it is emphasized that antifungal susceptibility testing is necessary to prevent treatment failure or recurrence of disease.

Zahra Kamali Sarwestani , Alireza Dasdar , Setareh Agha Kuchak Afshari , Mohsen Gerami Shoar , Seyyed Jamal Hashemi , Reza Pakzad , Pegah Ardi , Alireza Abdollahi , Mohammad-Taghi Haghi-Ashtiani, Shahram Mahmoudi ,
Volume 75, Issue 4 (July 2017)

Background: Fungi have a worldwide distribution which can cause a broad spectrum of disease ranging from allergic to systemic infections, particularly in immuno-compromised individuals. Fungal spores are an important group of bioaerosols in hospital environment which are an emerging cause of hospital-acquired infection. Nosocomial infections cause significant morbidity and mortality as well as large financial burden on the healthcare system. This study aimed to evaluate the frequency and species distribution of airborne fungi in selected wards of two tertiary hospitals in Tehran, Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, samples were collected during six months from July 2016 to December 2016 by using of settle plate method. Samples were collected from selected wards of Imam Khomeini Hospital and Children's Medical Center and then incubated at 28 °C for 8-10 days. Fungal isolates were identified using the macroscopic features of colony and microscopic characteristics in slide cultures. Yeast isolates were identified by CHROMagar candida medium. PCR-sequencing of ITS1-5.8 S-ITS2 region of ribosomal DNA was used for identification of unknown isolates.
Results: A total of 202 colonies including 133 colonies from the Imam Khomeini Hospital and 69 colonies from the Children's Medical Center were isolated. Cladosporium spp. were the most common obtained fungi accounted for 30.1% and 47.8% of all isolates in the Imam Khomeini Hospital and the Children's Medical Center, respectively. Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus spp. were other frequent species in two hospitals. Infectious diseases ward in Imam Khomeini hospital and emergency and urology wards in Children's Medical Center had the highest rate of contamination.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the frequency and diversity of fungal spores in hospital wards were different. In addition, since the fungal contamination in the hospital environment are affected by various environmental factors and the efficiency of ventilation systems, some of these wards require better ventilation system as well as regular monitoring to remove these fungal bioaerosols in order to maintain the health of patients and health care workers.

Azar Mardi Mamaghani, Seyed Jalil Hosseini, Elham Moslemi,
Volume 75, Issue 11 (February 2018)

Background: Infertility is clinically defined as failure of a couple to conceive after one year of regular sexual intercourse and occurs in both males and females for various reasons. About half of the infertility causes is due to male factors such as azoospermia and the lack of sperm in the ejaculate. Azoosperima is divided into two types: Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) and obstructive azoospermia (OA). NOA is a type of male infertility caused by spermatogenesis defects. Therefore, investigating the factors involved in spermatogenesis, including hormones and genes, is one of the important aspects in understanding the mechanism of infertility in men. To this end, we aimed to investigate the expression of the clusterin gene expression and LH, FSH and testosterone hormone levels in the testicular tissue and blood of NOA patients, respectively.
Methods: The study population included 42 NOA infertile men referred to Royan Institute, Tehran, Iran in June 2016 to February 2017. Their blood samples were collected and testosterone, LH and FSH hormones were measured by ELISA. Afterwards, based on the biopsy results the patients were categorized into TESE+ (positive sperm retrieval) and TESE- groups. The genomic RNA was extracted from testicular tissue samples obtained from TESE surgery. After converting to cDNA, the clusterin gene expression was investigated by Real-time PCR technique. The achieved data was analyzed using SPSS software, version 18 (Armonk, NY, USA).
Results: According to Real-time PCR results, the expression level of clusterin gene in TESE+ group was significantly higher than TESE- group (P= 0.035). The mean of FSH and LH hormone levels in the TESE+ group was relatively lower than the TESE- group (P= 0.07 and P= 0.08), but there was no significant difference in the mean of testosterone hormone levels between the two groups (P= 0.66).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the clusterin gene can have a role in spermatogenesis and by evaluating FSH and LH hormones in a larger non-obstructive azoospermic patient’s population significant statistical results can be achieved.

Parham Mardi, Sorour Shojaeian, Nooshin Taherzadeh-Ghahfarokhi, Ghazaleh Molaverdi, Maedeh Amiri Roudy , Ali Salahshour, Mahmood Bakhtiyari, Sayed-Hamidreza Mozhgani ,
Volume 78, Issue 11 (February 2021)

  SARS-CoV-2 emerging from Wuhan, China is a member of the Coronaviridae family, which has so far infected and killed many people. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic affected various aspects of life in Iran and Worldwide, and governments have imposed quarantines and travel bans on an unprecedented scale. The virus causes COVID-19, which can spread through close contact with the infected person, contaminated equipment, and suspended air droplets. The most common symptoms of the disease include fever, cough, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal symptoms, and diarrhea. In severe cases, the lung infection can occur, which causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that leads to ICU admission and even death.
  Besides, this infection can cause gastrointestinal, neurological, and renal impairments. Not merely, this new coronavirus has infected many more people worldwide in comparison to MERS and SARS, but also it has killed more people. Patients with underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, respiratory problems, kidney disease, heart disease and Immunodeficiency are at higher risk of infection and potential death. Also, the risk of death and complication increases in older adults, while most of the infected children are asymptomatic. Some infected people may have mild or no symptoms but can still transmit the disease and spread it to others.
To diagnose COVID-19, serology tests, and level of ESR, CRP and other acute-phase reactants are helpful, whereas molecular tests, such as RT-PCR tests, that detect the virus’s genetic material are still the golden standard. Also, CT scan detects lung involvement; Ground-glass opacification, especially in lower lobes and subpleural region, is the most common CT characteristic, although it is not specific for COVID-19. Because the disease is difficult to diagnose, hard to prevent and challenging to treat, it has become a major concern for many countries. This review aims to gather existing information in the fields of virology, molecular pathogenesis, disease symptoms, epidemiology, clinical presentations, diagnosis, treatment, and the spread of the disease. This study also provides evidence-based prevention and treatment strategies for health policymakers, doctors, nurses, and practitioners in the field of public health, including researchers and students.

Fazael Fadaei, Zeinab Ardin, Sadegh Amani-Shalamzari , Hossein Shirvani,
Volume 79, Issue 3 (june 2021)

Background: The goal of the study was to investigate the effect of 5 weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on the levels of resistin and adiponectin and liver enzymes in Wistar rats with non-alcoholic fatty liver.
Methods: To do this basic research, 24 Wistar male rats were purchased and transferred to Baqiyatallah University then, they were allocated randomly into three groups: Control group (CG, n=8), induced fatty liver diseases group (FG, n=8), and induced fatty liver diseases+exercise group (FEG, n=10). The present study was conducted in July and August of 2019. To induce fatty liver disease, 140 mg per kg of bodyweight oral tetracycline drug was administered to rats by gavage for seven days. Fatty liver (steatosis) was confirmed by measuring liver enzymes. The training group performed HIIT for five weeks and five days per week. First, the maximum aerobic test (MAT) was performed, and based on data of this test; the HIIT protocol was conducted as 5×2 min-intervals with (50-120% Mat) and with 1 min recovery (30-50% MAT). Blood and tissue sampling were taken 48 hours after the last training session. Blood samples were centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 minutes, and serum samples were frozen at -20 degrees. One-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test were used to analyze data.
Results: Following performing HIIT, serum levels of adiponectin and resistin in the FEG compared to FG increased and decreased significantly, respectively (P=0.001). In addition, the FEG experienced a significant decrease in serum levels of AST and ALT enzymes. The aerobic capacity of the rats in the HIIT group increased significantly compared to the other two groups.
Conclusion: By modulating body fat levels and the secretion of adipokines such as adiponectin and resistin, HIIT was involved in improving the condition of rats with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Shirin Assar, Fatemeh Khademi, Hamid-Reza Mohammadi-Motlagh, Kamran Mansouri, Mehran Pournazari , Parviz Soufivand, Bahareh Kardideh,
Volume 79, Issue 10 (January 2022)

Background: Rheumatoid Arthritis patients are evaluated during treatment for various inflammatory factors such as C-reactive protein, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, and Disease Activity Score, and other immune system-related factors. In the follow-up of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, hematologic factors associated with the immune system especially Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio and Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio are important. In this study, platelet to lymphocyte ratio and Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio were compared in two groups of patients with and without ocular complications.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 246 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were referred to the rheumatology clinic of Kermanshah from December 2018 to May 2019. This study was carried out in accordance with the approval of the ethics committee (IR.KUMS.REC1397.311) at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Of these patients, 191 had no ocular complications and 55 patients had ocular complications and were matched for age and sex. The blood samples were taken from patients and blood cell count was measured by Sysmex KX-21 hematology analyzer. The Spearman correlation test was used to evaluate the relationship between platelet to lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in both groups of patients without ocular complications and with ocular complications. The Disease Activity Score was compared between the two groups using the Mann-Whitney test.
Results: The results of this study showed no significant difference between NLR and PLR levels in both groups of patients without ocular complications and with ocular complications. But the results showed that DAS-28 was significantly lower in the group with ocular complications (P<0.0001).
Conclusion: In general, the results of the present study showed that the evaluation of inflammatory factors such as platelet to lymphocyte ratio and neutrophil to lymphocyte alone could not be judged in predicting the presence or possibility of ocular involvement, and the level of these factors in patients with ocular complications was affected. Other factors, such as the number of blood cells and the condition of each patient, are included.

Reza Abbasi, Ahmad Mokhtari, Farnaz Sadat Javanmardi ,
Volume 80, Issue 11 (February 2023)

Background: Febrile seizures (FS) are the most common cause of seizure in children. In order to prevent FS and their recurrence, the recognition of the related factors to recurrence of FS is important. According to the high prevalence of FS and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in children and that IDA is a possible risk factor for FS, as well as controversies in previous studies in this field, in this study, the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and FS in children was investigated.
Methods: This is a case-control study that investigates the relationship between febrile seizures with anemia in 150 patients aged six months to five years with fever who were admitted to Imam Sajjad Yasouj Hospital, from April to August of 2014. In this study, 75 patients with febrile seizures (case group) and 75 febrile patients without seizures (control group) were compared. Cause of fever (urinary infection, gastrointestinal infections, upper respiratory infection, lower respiratory infection and other causes), Information about blood cell count (white blood cell (WBC) and red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (HB), mean red blood cell volume (MCV) and serum ferritin level in patients with hemoglobin below 11 were recorded.
Results: The mean age of the study population was 21.4 14 months. 34.7% of the study population were girls and 65.3% were boys. In this study, 10.7% of the cases and 8% of the controls had IDA. Although the prevalence of IDA was higher in the FS group, this difference was not significant (P=0.58). Also, HB and MCV were not significantly different in the two groups (P=0.49, P=0.69). In addition, the mean serum ferritin level in the FS group with anemia and the FS group with anemia did not show a statistically significant difference (P=0.94).
Conclusion: According to the result of this study, IDA is not a risk factor for seizures in febrile children.

Mohammad Hossein Kalami , Zeinab Borjian Boroujeni , Peghah Ardi, Ahmad Abolfathi, Mohsen Babaei, Ali Asadi, Mahdi Zareei,
Volume 81, Issue 1 (April 2023)

Background: Medical Laboratories have a great impact on patient safety and 80-90% of medical diagnoses are based on the results of laboratory tests. Medical procedures from the initial diagnostic steps such as a test or a simple injection to specialized treatment steps may be erroneous. The aim of this study was to determine the type and rate of human error, equipment, materials and procedures in all stages including before analysis, during analysis and after analysis to analyze the causes and find logical solutions to reduce of them.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in a medical center in Tehran, Iran during the years 1400-1401. Data collection was considered in accordance with the instructions of the Laboratory Affairs Department of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education regarding the type of errors in the field of job description in each of the technical and non-technical sections. Data was analyzed by IBM SPSS software, version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software.
Results: During the period of study, the number of  referred patients was about 45,000 and the number of tests 594,000. The total number of errors was 837. The ratio of errors to the patients was 1.9% and to the tests 0.15%. The 37 types of errors were identified and reported in this study. Of these, 11 types of errors were in the pre-analysis, 14 types during the analysis and 12 types of errors in the post-analysis stage. The frequency of errors in the three stages was 180(21.5%), 312(37.3%) and 345(41.2%), respectively that the errors rate did not have a normal distribution and a significant difference was observed (P<0.05, df=2).
Conclusion: Due to the variety of reported errors and the importance of their role in other stages of diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary that all human, equipment and process errors in all stages of laboratory analysis be carefully recorded and corrective and preventive measures be taken to minimize them.

Reza Abbasi, Ahmad Mokhtari, Farnaz Sadat Javanmardi ,
Volume 81, Issue 2 (May 2023)

Background: Febrile seizures are the most common cause of seizures in children under 5 years of age. Central nervous system infections are an important differential diagnosis of febrile seizures. Apart from infections, CSF characteristics are affected by many factors including the cause, type and duration of seizures. This study was designed to determine the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) indices, including white blood cells (WBC), polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) count, and levels of protein and glucose in the CSF of children with fever-induced seizures.
Methods: The present study is a descriptive study that evaluated the results of CSF analysis in 56 children with febrile seizures admitted to Imam Sajjad Hospital in Yasouj from March 2012 to 2013. In the present study, CSF analysis was performed in children with a diagnosis of febrile seizures. In order to collect information from a pre-designed form that includes demographic information (age and gender), degree of fever, and information related to CSF indices including WBC, PMN and levels of protein and glucose in CSF, which have been extracted and recorded, statistical methods are used in this study to express descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, number, percentage, etc.
Results: 56 children with a diagnosis of convulsive fever with a mean age of 21.4±14 months were evaluated. 37.5% (21 individuals) of the study population were females and 62.5% (53 individuals) were males. Among them, 33 individuals had low-grade fever and 23 individuals had high-grade fever. In 10.7%, the number of WBCs was more than 5. The amount of protein obtained was in the normal range, between 20 and 50 mg/dl, in 57.1% of cases. However, a significant percentage (39.3%) of CSF liquid protein was below 20 mg/dl. CSF fluid glucose levels were within the normal range at 91.1%.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, febrile seizures may be associated with low protein levels in the CSF. However, due to the limited sample size in our study, similar studies with higher sample sizes are recommended.

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